was there on last wednesday, big boss. didn't know anything, planned to do plain massage with a sweet girl, then some SN actions...
i called, the girl told me, everything shut down, no massage, only foot massage, doors have to be opened.
damned, i had been so busy for months, that was my only day off in CP.....
ended up i asked the girl to do massage in my room, of coz a bit naughty...
after dinner, i asked another very pretty 正規 massage lady in my room... after the massage, we talked and had some red wine
she told me there had been a lot of gossips these day, a girl was hit by a motor cycle, hand bag robbed, died on spot
there were a few girls from 煩耳菜 killed by clients, someone local, powerful, who loved to fuck and kill
相關搜索目錄: Wine