1000X over-subscription in day 2 is incredible. It may go up to 1500X or more in the last day.
Let says there will be 1500X over-subscription in the last day.
Then there will be around 750X after crawback, and your hitting rate will
be 1/750 = 0.13%.
If 1% hitting, then you need to have 10% gain in day 1 to break even by margin.
If there is only 0.13% hitting, then u need to have 77% gain in order to break even!
No meat to eat this time.
2007/02/09 17:10
<匯港通訊> 巿場傳出,踏入第二日招股的匯源果汁(1886)公開招股部份的超額認購已到達1000倍,凍結資金高達2402.4億元,認購情況之熱烈極為誇張。
[ 本帖最後由 b4321 於 2007-2-9 22:17 編輯 ]