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[原創] Toronto 私營 Café

Toronto 私營 Café

有間私營 Café, 在Midland / Sheppard 住宅區.
XX漆 易狗生 靈法烙法
3 service providers and their ads are follow:
Yuna 來自青島 今年 25歲. 身材豐滿, 高167, 重110, 34D-24-35, 超S型身材
Chrystal來自香港l 今年26歲. 模特身材, 高165, 36C真波.
JJ 來自杭州 今年25歲. 身材熟於嬌小型, 高160, 重95, 34C真波.

Everyone’s menu are : SF2, BBBJ, DATY, MPOS, DFK, LFK, GFE
服務時間中午12至晚間12  120/HH, 另有outcall服務

茶名: JJ
茶齢: 廿尾
茶杯: 34 B to C
茶錢: 120
茶樣: 7.5/10,
茶孔: 8/10
服務: 8/10
回沖率: 10% (好少返食)

環境很乾淨, 人也算健談, 有DFK, BBBJ,
一句 - 好爽呀,小大力D, = 就知佢廣東話十分流利
任務完成後, 佢話你咁辛苦, 瞓底揼吓骨

P.S. don't ask me how the other 2 look like.  Cauase I did not saw them.
JJ told me she worked at 3000 Vic Park before.

  • MSZ 體力 +50 精品文章 2012-10-16 08:16
  • MSZ 威望 +50 精品文章 2012-10-16 08:16
  • MSZ 金錢 +50 精品文章 2012-10-16 08:16


Thanks for your report.  I called once at JJ but she was busy and she was the only one at that time 3 weeks ago.
Then next day, got a text message to my cell phone 'in English describing the new mm with 36D' when I was working.  Shoot, I was afraid my peers see this behind my back.  Scarly.   Reply to the sender not to send any message to me.  
I don't mind received 'new tea' message but a fully described message is no good at all.

[ 本帖最後由 ah_chin 於 2012-10-15 06:01 編輯 ]


原帖由 ah_chin 於 2012-10-14 16:53 發表
Thanks for your report.  I called once at JJ but she was busy and she was the only one at that time 3 weeks ago.
Then next day, got a text message to my cell phone 'in Engl ...
Yes, the keeper of moon waiting did the same to me years ago.
Too scary if my wife find out.


而家2012年尾收得$120就肯定唔止廿八九豲. 如果三條女都係35左近儭傽N費事去.


原帖由 MSZ 於 2012-10-15 19:16 發表
而家2012年尾收得$120就肯定唔止廿八九豲. 如果三條女都係35左近儭傽N費事去.
當然冇 MW d 女咁後生啦, 不過自己生意, 服務幾好,環境乾淨.
For me, I prefer to pay $20 more and go to MW for Kim Chi, especially I will be in HK next month.

I write this report which happened 3 weeks ago.  Somehow ah_chin兄 find out I have been there and ask me to post a report for his reference.


回復 5# 的帖子

Thanks for sharing....


very good report
more plz


回復 5# 的帖子

My friend went to visit JJ garage last night. He saw all three of them. He described all of them were porkchop. but finally picked this JJ because she was the best looking.
After finished the deed, he regretted that he did not go to Becky's garage which is close by.


原帖由 rtsang88 於 2012-10-16 09:06 發表

當然冇 MW d 女咁後生啦, 不過自己生意, 服務幾好,環境乾淨.
For me, I prefer to pay $20 more and go to MW for Kim Chi, especially I will be in HK next month.

I write this report which happened  ...
Hei, You are married ?   don't be panic, read in washroom  when you get these kind of message and then delete  la.  Don't read in front of others as the sound of receivig message is different. Don't open the message . Just pretend you do not hear the sound.




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