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 32 12

Sinking and leaving the ship

Sinking and leaving the ship

Nowhere toshare, except here

I fell in love with a massage lady. She is pure. Not a gold digger.  And in fact, I don’t have a fortune. I am a silly old man, in my mid-50s, saving my pennies for my immediate retirement. Again,she is nice; mid 20s, married and divorced, with a 2 yr old son. She considers herself as a going-no-where ‘widow’.

Here I came into the scene. We met, we talked and we shared our lives. Then we kissed and we hugged, passionately, as if we were lovers; and in fact we were once. Then suddenly I came to the realization that we are 25 years apart. I am old. And my ‘little brother’ is not that reliable.

One month ago we fucked for the first time. She was on top of me, pussy in, and shaking so violently. She had not made love for a long long time. And, me, down there, seeing her cone-shaped boobs shaking hysterically, I was on, dick hardened, and we exploded to her satisfaction, as well as mine.

But that was once of a life's time. Then we were getting along, like everybody else. My poor dick has not been functioning well; my duck duck is not so prepared all the time. And I realize, I am an old man and she is a pretty teenage lady.After one dysfunctional fuck last month, I withdrew; I told her to go. To find a better youngster; forget me the poor old man; I am the kind of guy who can’t satisfy her unless I have taken a tiger pill; this I don’t want. Let s be gone the good old days of the youthful years, when I was full of energy. Let s accept the fate of an good old man, who can’t even fuck hard a wanting pussyunless he is taking Viagra.

I decided toleave her behind, saying farewell, giving her a goodbye faked diamond (which is in fact quite expensive, and she likes it). Ok, she likes the diamond (faked,but expensive), but she gone mad. She said she would chase me to the end of times, in Hong Kong, or beyond, if need be.

I was soft-hearted at the very beginning. But, as days are passing by, I come to the realization that for old men like me, love, the sensation, the urge, the overpowering lust, is here for the moment, and will disappear after a month or two. So sad,so cruel; love and passion are only for brief romantic moments. Then all the feelings would be gone, like a summer breeze, and you become the same nasty old man again.

Yes, that sme. I went to the same massage place today. Hiding away from my previous lover,a massage lady there, and I asked for someone else in random. The place is newly renovated. It is like a wedding bed, suggestive of true love and bloodysex. There I was, lying, and a new comer massage lady came; she has been very hard working, sitting there at 9:00 before everyone else, with the intention to fish the first customer. Oh she is good. She took off my short, and she was massaging me with her “heavy” hands. I was completely satisfied. More, I turned in front, facing upwards, without anything on; my little brother was exposed,under her inspection. She massaged me, didn’t mind accidentally touching my half erected brother. I took off her clothes and bra, nothing happened really, I just sucked her nipples until she screamed. I didn’t even come. She left. Satisfied,disorientated.

I called for another hand job lady, very pretty, 90% Maggie Q, but with very small boobs. Wesucked each other like hell. Didn’t fuck, but climaxed with each other by touching and kissing. Now the question: I am done with the sinking ship massage lady. The one I mentioned at the very beginning, the naive and pretty lady in her 20s.. It seems to me that I am fine without her. I have to bid farewell, but the fear is that she will explode and do sth silly. How to say goodbye? How to tell her that I am not a young man? She should be seeing someone else! And what I have learnt is that love is so temporary and never long lasting…………. Sad, but it is true;the lesson? Embrace love if u can!!

[ 本帖最後由 messykitkit 於 2013-5-9 03:32 編輯 ]
  • 斯坦利 金錢 +20 Thanks for the reports, excellent 2013-5-7 06:44
  • 斯坦利 威望 +20 Thanks for the reports, excellent 2013-5-7 06:44
  • 斯坦利 體力 +20 Thanks for the reports, excellent 2013-5-7 06:44


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2013-5-7 03:15 發表 Nowhere toshare, except hereI fell inlove with a massage lady. She is pure. Not a gold digger.  And in fact, I don’t have a fortune. I am asilly old man, in my mid-50s, saving my pennies for my ...
Great report with sensation good well written ENGLISH

Thanks chING.


It is not easy to have an END, if  the massage lady does not want to, no matter she is really or not really in love with you.


You must purposely let her sees that you are happily fucking other girls, make phone calls/sms to other girls in front of her. She will then be very jealous and upset and shall leave you in no time!


在我的愛情故事堙ASEX 只是佔很少的部分 ,感情的交流不是慾念的互相滿足

  • louhaha 體力 +20 can't agree more. 2013-5-11 17:51
  • louhaha 威望 +20 can't agree more. 2013-5-11 17:51
  • louhaha 金錢 +20 can't agree more. 2013-5-11 17:51


Hi Ching, good sharing and good written English. I am just curious of your situation, do you have a family, marriage or kids to feed? That's important questions. If you don't, may be you can choose to enjoy for the rest of your life. Even you are not a young man, and if you love, you can stay with her for a maximum of time, until either of you get bored of each another. Then you can search another lady.

That's somewhat all ching are looking for, play until you cant play anymore, no?


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原帖由 spinosaurs 於 2013-5-7 10:14 發表
Hi Ching, good sharing and good written English. I am just curious of your situation, do you have a family, marriage or kids to feed? That's important questions. If you don't, may be you can choose to ...
Our MessyKitKit CHing already got bored with the massage girl, thats why he is happily fucking other massage girls and wants to leave the massage girl no.1.




如果一對一那50歲我覺得問題不大吧,三妻四妾就難說 ,真係愛情那唔會太計 $


昨天在家喝酒喝多了。中文要手寫,勁煩。所以亂寫一通。師兄們,沈船事,哪裡說呢? 在此分享一下, me and u, 尋開心儱禰洠苤A this is the place to share, thanks for listening. life is short, enjoy your love ones, CP, or CA, or Shenzhen, or otherwise.... good life brothers!~


Be frank, what are you afraid of? Are you thinking that you cannot satisfy her in bed?

Clarify the relationship with her first before making any decision. She's with you becos of sex? Money? Or love? Ladies in China always misunderstand that guys from HK are simply for sex. Just like in our concept gals in mainland are simply for money (I did think I was wrong before..... after watching the movie "Mami" in PRC, I think 99.99% of gals are simply for money. For further discussion in the future.)

So clarify this first, and see if it matches your target / desire / vision. Tell her that you cannot handle her sex demand, and see what can come to conclusion.
  • louhaha 體力 +20 great reply 2013-5-11 17:52
  • louhaha 金錢 +20 great reply 2013-5-11 17:52
  • louhaha 威望 +20 great reply 2013-5-11 17:52


dear juan, thanks so much for listening and responding. it is romance for most of it and sex is just a small, but of coz a good part. most wonderful is that we kiss and the sensation of soft lips and wanting desire is very satisfying, without love, kisses are empty; but will love and care, kiss in itself is already quite sensational. i think, she is more for a caring partner, and a little bit of it has been that i always bring her small gifts. but she is not a money digger i am pretty sure. i will update u....


just enjoy the experience
sometime it is very difficult to meet a right person
心慾展翅 慾念成魔 百轉千回 南柯一夢


像白小姐與謝生, 有幾多人可以維持一段持久但甚少性的男女關係 ???

記住維持係要雙方面既, 單方面既祇係一廂情願!


nng   , quite a mirror of my personal exp

expat in shangai, mid 50, suffering fr heritaged high blood pressure under medication thus my sexual performance has not been satisfactory for last few yrs.

sunken w a massage gal who deliver service to my flat now she quit for this sector n receiving training to be a beautican.

our sexual life has been ok since we commit to each other, i offier my tongue n lip service and at the same time, i now taking natural/herbal supplement to take care of my prostate, the supplement seems working.

no plan to stay long w her, be honest as  i can be her father practically speaking


原帖由 kkwe 於 2013-5-10 12:36 發表
nng   , quite a mirror of my personal exp

expat in shangai, mid 50, suffering fr heritaged high blood pressure under medication thus my sexual performance has not been satisfactory for last few yrs ...
Exactly, we can dream a lot but in the end, we still have to face the reality!


hey kkwe, your words are so close. same here. a day is a day, for us, old but not so old guys who still want to have some fun


Ching, my experience is : do not conatct her and disappear.


sinking really?

Sorry guy, I think you have ask yourself if you like to have a long term relationship with this young chic or not, If you do well I would say good luck because as you realized yourself, physically you two are not compatible. You are in declind mood with erectile dyfunctional problem and she is in her peak season of young woman. Even if you two able to get along, it won't last. However if you are looking for companionship, then you are looking at short term romance, whatever it last no one know. My suggestion is that if you don't have family of yourself and would like to be around her and fully realize it will be a short term relationship, why not enjoy the moment and be prepare to lose her eventually. You only die once, so don't regret that you didn't try. Go for it man!


原帖由 血魔 於 2013-5-9 14:58 發表
just enjoy the experience
sometime it is very difficult to meet a right person


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2013-5-8 01:38 發表
昨天在家喝酒喝多了。中文要手寫,勁煩。所以亂寫一通。師兄們,沈船事,哪裡說呢? 在此分享一下, me and u, 尋開心儱禰洠苤A this is the place to share, thanks for listening. life is short, enjoy your love  ...


回復 22# 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 lomo 於 2013-5-15 23:32 編輯 ]


原帖由 lomo 於 2013-5-15 23:24 發表


原帖由 Haidada 於 2013-5-16 09:06 發表

LB不 陪你时的时V不多啊。。哈哈。。


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