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Super Sneaky Spy Guy 8

Super Sneaky Spy Guy 8

無hints根本玩唔到 有都玩o左好耐


1 - Go to the hostess and talk to her to get you hotel reservation code
2 - On the stairs, look for the wallet you accidentally dropped, your visa's inside
3 - Grab your red and black bag from bottom left corner of the screen, and a roll of cash from the bottom right
4 - Go to the air-train gate, click on the screen (looks like an ATM machine) and insert the pin code (it's under the drag'n'droppable visa loco on your credit card
5 - Get into the train and head out of the arrival station.
6 - Get into the taxi cab and tell him to bring you to the hotel (just type the hotel name, it' in your registration card)
7 - Once at the hotel, talk to the receptionist and give him your code
8 - Now you've got your key card, go upstairs, down the corridor, into your room.
9 - Take the note from the left bed and a puzzle from the little table (bottom right corner) then go to sleep (click right bed)
10 - When you awake, turn right, enter the bathroom, and click on the code on the mirror
11 - Get back to room, and out to the hallway
12 - Click on the concierge/waiter/waiter/whatever guy, then step forward
13 - At the buffet, drag the painting on the opposite wall to reveal a blue ticket. Take it.
14 - Head out, get the taxi. You're going to the address found in the note (the one on the bed. it' in your inventory now. beware of case sensitivity, tho)
15 - Enter the office typing the code read on your bathroom mirror
16 - Get NY map from the copying machine
17 - Click on the PC screen, and input the code from the puzzle found in hotel (count the number of each figure sides, then write 'em in order 1st 2Nd 3rd).
18 - OK, OK, it's 768, just type 768. Now read

OK, now you're done with the prologue. Yeah, right, this was just the prologue. Let's get moving

1 - Go right to exit the office. Once In front of the building, go right then up, to the newsstand and pick up the green ticket to Carnegie Hall
2 - Go right twice, into Carnegie Hall, and grab the subway ticket part that's on the door (far right corner of the room)
3 - Up twice then left, to the Rockefeller center. Read the inscription and write down the name of the author.
4 - Go left and get the fishing pole
5 - In Chinatown, enter Mr Liu's (last square on right) and get the fish.
6 - Go back to the street and up until you reach central park.
7 - Step right twice, then down, and answer the question about the painting. Retrieve second subway ticket part
8 - Move up, use fishing rod and fish, drag the combined item on the lake to retrieve telescope
9 - Keep going left until you're at the screen with the golf flag, and use telescope on the castle. Write down codes (lots things to write down, in this episode!)
10 - Go right then up and, to the bridge screen. There is a rock along the river that can be moved to reveal a Gem of Nebka.
11 - Go to the statue of Hans Christian Anderson and move the piece of the bench near the duckling to reveal a cell phone.
12 - Return to the street and go to the Metropolitan Museum (light green squares on the map)
13 - Inside the Metropolitan Museum (first of its screen) a caption gives you a hint about high ceilings... Click up on the navigation buttons to find a piece of subway ticket.
14 - Look for white statue of woman and write down what she says.
15 - When at the knight statue, pick up a quarter from his horse head
16 - Go to Empire state building (refer to map for its location, dark grey squares)
17 - Click on the N letter on the plate (right of the building). Subway ticket part
18 - Use the coin on the "binocular". Write down color order and time you see on the statue through the "binocular".
19 - Go to grand central station, and on second screen write down the destination of the train leaving at the time you just found on the statue.
20 - On third screen, write that destination into the box (case sensitive, remember capital letter)
21 - Access the Chrysler building, and on second screen, click on the door on the left side on the desk. Input the code you saw on the castle. Be smart
22 - OK, easier. First 3 digits, on the left of the castle, were just to suggest you where to go typing the other four. Notice that 135 is the number on the Chrysler building entrance
23 - Now you have the second Gem of Nebka
24 - Financial district, second screen on the right, when facing the bull click forward as to move into another screen.
25 - In this hidden screen, you'll see the pulley under the bull. Take it away.
26 - Head down the main street and enter the subway. When in the subway car, click on the ads on the top and get a flier for helicopter rides.
27 - Go down and then left. Click the eagle and give the answer the woman statue gave in the museum. Get ferry ticket.
28 - Go right and drag the can into the trash bin, so you can get a cable.
29 - Go right and click on the white square on statue. Read and take the note.
30 - Go right and board onto the ferry.

Now, the final part
1 - Get into the Statue of Liberty
2 - When it says "Solve the puzzle" notice that are 5 clickable tiles/planks, each one hides a word: Say, See, You, Oh, Can. Rearrange them into a sentence (clicking tiles in the right order)
3 - It's: "Oh Say Can You See"
4 - Open your inventory and take out the 4 coloured tickets (just by clicking on them)
5 - Match each ticket with same colored glass, then exit the statue.
6 - When outsside, take cellphone from inventory and type the helicopter number as written in the ad you found (include the - , like 555-...)
7 - From the helicopter, take the last gem hidden in the torch, and the pilot will fly you to the Metropolitan museum
8 - Combine cable with pulley to be lowered into the museum, then reach the Temple of Nebka
9 - Place gems into slots, retrieve car key
10 - Go to Rockfelle center, last of its screen, and enter the red car
11 - You've forgotten your bag!
12 - Enjoy your well deserved vacation, hero.

相關搜索目錄: Credit card Golf


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原帖由 Big Rock 於 2007-3-5 05:18 發表
點知搵粒gem, 搵黎搵去都唔到, 先要睇


原帖由 芝華士女朋友kay 於 2007-3-5 10:05 發表

點知搵粒gem, 搵黎搵去都唔到, 先要睇
頂!~~原來唔出矛招(睇攻略)根本就大海撈針!....恕我要 D 時間睇晒先


唔巧意思,我想問個credit card pin# 係咩

我試左好多次都唔得,打哂全部no. ? 要唔要space ?

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


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原帖由 Big Rock 於 2007-3-5 13:50 發表

好刁鑽,妳要click張credit card出薄A然後drag開右下角vista(扮visa)個logo就會見到個PIN#,我開頭都好似妳入錯鱄翃ard number,佢話錯之後又以為入漏或者入錯,搞完一輪先醒覺個提示話PIN#.............


原帖由 屈臣氏 於 2007-3-5 12:43 發表

頂!~~原來唔出矛招(睇攻略)根本就大海撈針!....恕我要 D 時間睇晒先
呢個好q難玩, 成日都會miss 左野, 張車飛我搵到發脾四先搵到


我想問係 Grand Central Station 打果個 Destination 係咩,點解試左 "BRIDGEPORT" / "BRIDBEPORT" 好多次都唔岩


原帖由 芝華士女朋友kay 於 2007-3-5 16:27 發表

呢個好q難玩, 成日都會miss 左野, 張車飛我搵到發脾四先搵到


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原帖由 kitty 於 2007-3-5 17:18 發表
我想問係 Grand Central Station 打果個 Destination 係咩,點解試左 "BRIDGEPORT" / "BRIDBEPORT" 好多次都唔岩
係Bridgeport我都打o左成個cap letter


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