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 27 12

¥´¥h»È¬u®á®³°Ý 660¤¸³s¥N¤ä

¥´¥h»È¬u®á®³°Ý 660¤¸³s¥N¤ä



­ì©«¥Ñ LeeMing ©ó 2015-8-17 13:02 µoªí
God's mill grinds slow but sure.










¤W¦¸¥h¤F ¥s¤p¤p   30¦h«ö¤]¤£¿ù   12ÂI¥b«e¥­¦h80¤¸


­ì©«¥Ñ ken-man ©ó 2015-8-19 03:47 AM µoªí




¤å­nÚ»¡A©«­n¦^ ¦hÁ¼ӥD¤À¨É


¦^´_ 9# ªº©«¤l

If there is discount below $600, I think it is good with this place is a typical big SN. However, if it is $660 for plane service, and believe it will be just "end of the bed plane" no taking off uniform, it is not worth. Because the competition between SN is high, many SN has Open big service around $680 to 780. Of course, it also depends on what service Brothers would like.
I love HK


Brother, Please let me know what is SN ?


­ì©«¥Ñ supernew ©ó 2015-11-18 15:43 µoªí
Brother, Please let me know what is SN ?
I love HK


¨ä¹ê¦Ó®a¤Ö¥ª¤H¥hSAUNA,«á¥Í¥J³£¥_¤Wª±,¥[¤W¼Ó¤W°©ªºÄvª§, ¤j³õ¤w­·¥ú¤£¦A¤F¡C
¦Ó®a´î»ù³£¥ò¥i¥H³»±o¨â吓, ¿ðD´N......


­ì©«¥Ñ HK_Paul ©ó 2015-11-26 10:08 µoªí
¨ä¹ê¦Ó®a¤Ö¥ª¤H¥hSAUNA,«á¥Í¥J³£¥_¤Wª±,¥[¤W¼Ó¤W°©ªºÄvª§, ¤j³õ¤w­·¥ú¤£¦A¤F¡C
¦Ó®a´î»ù³£¥ò¥i¥H³»±o¨âúï, ¿ðD´N......
I don't very much agree. Going north is not cheap anymore, and if for those like FULL service, it is very dangerous in SZ, I don't think there are still lots of brothers keen to SZ. And as in this forum, many brothers complained about the price (tips) and service provided by USB is not in direct proportion, which means money not worth to spend. SN in HK is still my first choice nowadays.
I love HK


³Ìªñ¥h¹L, ¤@°ê¨â¨î,660¥þ¥].... ¥ò¥­¹L¥H«e. ¨ä¹ê¯u«Y´X¥­,¦³³¥­¹,¦³±ohea,´¶¹M°©§Þok,¥­¹L¼Ó¤W°©.


­ì©«¥Ñ °ª®g¬¶ ©ó 2015-11-27 05:15 µoªí
³Ìªñ¥h¹L, ¤@°ê¨â¨î,660¥þ¥].... ¥ò¥­¹L¥H«e. ¨ä¹ê¯u«Y´X¥­,¦³³¥­¹,¦³±ohea,´¶¹M°©§Þok,¥­¹L¼Ó¤W°©.


­ì©«¥Ñ °ª®g¬¶ ©ó 2015-11-27 13:15 µoªí
³Ìªñ¥h¹L, ¤@°ê¨â¨î,660¥þ¥].... ¥ò¥­¹L¥H«e. ¨ä¹ê¯u«Y´X¥­,¦³³¥­¹,¦³±ohea,´¶¹M°©§Þok,¥­¹L¼Ó¤W°©.
I fully agree. It is worth a try.   I tried a few days ago . It is worth $660.- No hidden charges except for the locker boy. Go to SZ will be cheaper. But when you take into account of the time cost and the MTR fare. It is your choice .


°O±o¦h¦~«e¸g±`©M¤@¯ZGROUP¤Í(³s®Iª©¥D)¥X¨Ó, ¦Y¶º¦@±Ô¤§«á´N¥h»ÈX©Îªþªñªº¤j³õª±¡C

¦³®É¶¡§Ú³£·|¦A¥hª±, ¼g¼g"¥]賿"

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ HK_Paul ©ó 2015-12-12 15:19 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ merlot ©ó 2015-11-27 02:07 AM µoªí

I don't very much agree. Going north is not cheap anymore, and if for those like FULL service, it is very dangerous in SZ, I don't think there are still lots of brothers keen to SZ. And as in this f ...
Merlot C-hing¤£­n»~·|, §Ú­ø«Y¸Ü»ÈX­ø¦n, ¨ä¹ê³o­Ó»ù¿úµ´¹ï©è,¬Û¤ñ¨ä¥L¤¤¡B¤j³õ¨Ó»¡¤w«D±`OK¡C
¤p§Ì¥u«Yı±o²{®É­»´äªº¤j³õ«È¤á¤À¤À¬y¥¢, ¤£¬O¥h¤F"¤j³°"«K¬O"¨¬¥J"¦³ÂIÑ©µê¡C
¨ä¹ê¤j³õ¬O¦³±o°µ,¥u­nBGªA°È¦n, Àô¹Ò/©Û©I¦n¤Î¦¬¶O°Ó©y, ¦n¦h¤H(¥]¬A§Ú)³£·|¨ì¤j³õ¡C

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ HK_Paul ©ó 2015-12-12 07:51 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ HK_Paul ©ó 2015-12-12 15:21 µoªí
°O±o¦h¦~«e¸g±`©M¤@¯ZGROUP¤Í(³s®Iª©¥D)¥X¨Ó, ¦Y¶º¦@±Ô¤§«á´N¥h»ÈX©Îªþªñªº¤j³õª±¡C
:loveey ...
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


­ì©«¥Ñ HK_Paul ©ó 2015-12-12 15:47 µoªí

Merlot C-hing¤£­n»~·|, §Ú­ø«Y¸Ü»ÈX­ø¦n, ¨ä¹ê³o­Ó»ù¿úµ´¹ï©è,¬Û¤ñ¨ä¥L¤¤¡B¤j³õ¨Ó»¡¤w«D±`OK¡C
¤p§Ì¥u«Yı±o²{®É­»´äªº¤j³õ«È¤á¤À¤À¬y¥¢, ¤£¬O¥h¤F"¤j³°"«K¬O"¨¬¥J"¦³ÂIÑ©µê¡C
¨ä¹ê¤j³õ¬O¦³±o°µ,¥u­n ...
Hi Brother Paul, I don't mean Silver Spring is very good. What I think nowadays, going north is not a first choice, unless you are working and living in SZ or GZ. Because the charges in those SN places are high and when you add the tips, it may already more than HK SN. Also considering the travelling time and cost, I won't choose to go to China.
I love HK




havent been there such a long timeany new bone girls ?


­ì©«¥Ñ merlot ©ó 2015-12-14 08:09 µoªí

Hi Brother Paul, I don't mean Silver Spring is very good. What I think nowadays, going north is not a first choice, unless you are working and living in SZ or GZ. Because the charges in those SN pla ...
It is difficult to say this way and it is difficult to compare both in this way. In my opionion , taking into account of tangible and intangible cost and what you get , it is still difficult to say.  In Silver Spring , you know what you pay and what you get. But in SZ,  difficult to say, with this amount of money , you may open big.  But you never know, that is why there is so still so many people go to SZ.  If you know one particular SN , and you visit offen , it is ok and you have the feeling of adventure, haha. Whether you go to SZ or stay in Hong Kong, luck is the most important ,  Secondly , have extra money ready and spend your money wise and use it in the right place and moment, you will be very happy thereafter.


»È¬u°ò¥»¤W¥i¥H´£¨Ñ¦X²zªº«ö¼¯§Þ³N¡C¦Ü©ó vas ´N¯u«YÚ»¦³µL¹B¡C³q±`³£­ø·|¤Ó®t¡C


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