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 35 12

Jaugar S-type

Jaugar S-type

·Q°Ýúï¦U¦ì¤j¨Ð¡A00-01 Jauger S-Type¡A¦h­ø¦hÃa¡A¶R¥ª·|­ø·|¾ã¨ìPK©O? ½Ðµ¹²Ó¨Ð¨Ç¤Ö·N¨£¡ATHzzz




­ì©«¥Ñ zhangxiaoshi ©ó 2007-3-16 23:44 µoªí


­ì©«¥Ñ ¼Ö´I¤jÄÐÀã ©ó 2007-3-16 11:17 PM µoªí
·Q°Ýúï¦U¦ì¤j¨Ð¡A00-01 Jauger S-Type¡A¦h­ø¦hÃa¡A¶R¥ª·|­ø·|¾ã¨ìPK©O? ½Ðµ¹²Ó¨Ð¨Ç¤Ö·N¨£¡ATHzzz
«Y«}¦n¥­¥ý, ¾ã¤Ö¤Ö³¥³£¦n¶Q¬[. §A¶R¥ª¥i¯à¥s¼Ö´I¤j³Û¤Q!


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-17 12:15 µoªí

«Y«}¦n¥­¥ý, ¾ã¤Ö¤Ö³¥³£¦n¶Q¬[. §A¶R¥ª¥i¯à¥s¼Ö´I¤j³Û¤Q!


­ì©«¥Ñ zhangxiaoshi ©ó 2007-3-16 23:44 µoªí


­ì©«¥Ñ ¼Ö´I¤jÄÐÀã ©ó 2007-3-17 09:15 PM µoªí

S-Type ¦n¦ü¦³ 3.0, 4.2.  
¤S¤À S-Type Classic, S-Type Sport, S-type S, S-Type SE  ¦P¦Ü«l¬J S-type R.
01¦~¤Q¤G¸U, ³£´X§C. ¦pªGªB¤Í¥Î¶}, ³£OK¼½!
À³¸ÓµL x-Type Ëݦh°ÝÃD.


­ì©«¥Ñ devilsadvocate ©ó 2007-3-19 13:19 µoªí
At the same price range, you should look for a Mercedes Benz E-class
»««Ë©Pµó³£«Y, Jag °÷ car«Ë¢Ò.


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-19 10:48 µoªí

S-Type ¦n¦ü¦³ 3.0, 4.2.  
¤S¤À S-Type Classic, S-Type Sport, S-type S, S-Type SE  ¦P¦Ü«l¬J S-type R.
01¦~¤Q¤G¸U, ³£´X§C. ¦pªGªB¤Í¥Î¶}, ³£OK¼½!
À³¸ÓµL x-Type Ëݦh°ÝÃD.
ic...but he is not my friend, he is my friend's friend, but a bit worry about the cost of maintance as u'd mentioned above.  I wanted to remind ¼Ö´I¤jÄÐÀã rather than ¼Ö´I¤j«w¤Q



There are 54 owner's comments on Jaguar S-TYPE
Don't look at them.
If you really like S-Type, you can check whether there is an extended warranty offer from Inchcape Motors.

Service Supervisor
Mr. William Leung
Telephone No: (852) 2755 2089
Service Advisor
Mr. David Sze
Telephone No: (852) 2552 4241


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-20 11:02 µoªí

There are 54 owner's comments on Jaguar S-TYPE
Don't look at them.
If you really like S-Type, you can check whether there is an extended warra ...
Volvo S80  ¥H ¬õ °÷ ¤j wok Ê\ ­« §Q ®`
¤£ ¹L ¨® ¦h ­ø ¦h ³¥ Ãa ¦³ ®É Ú» ¹B ®ð ¬J


­ì©«¥Ñ Jeff9394 ©ó 2007-3-20 12:12 PM µoªí

Volvo S80  ¥H ¬õ °÷ ¤j wok Ê\ ­« §Q ®`
¤£ ¹L ¨® ¦h ­ø ¦h ³¥ Ãa ¦³ ®É Ú» ¹B ®ð ¬J
§Ú´íd¨®¦n¤ÖÃa. ³Ì¦hÃa§N®ð©j.


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ ¼Ö´I¤jÄÐÀã ©ó 2007-3-16 11:17 PM µoªí
·Q°Ýúï¦U¦ì¤j¨Ð¡A00-01 Jauger S-Type¡A¦h­ø¦hÃa¡A¶R¥ª·|­ø·|¾ã¨ìPK©O? ½Ðµ¹²Ó¨Ð¨Ç¤Ö·N¨£¡ATHzzz
I bought a S-Type based on the recommendation from my friend.  He had owned one for over 2 years and there had not been even smalll problem, let alone big ones.  He said he had owned over 100 cars in his life, including Merc, BMW, Porsche,... and this was the best he ever had in terms of build quality and reliability.

I bought mine (2000) a year ago at $128,000.  Looked like brand new then.  Have had only few minor problems for the last 14 months.  I am totally happy with the car up to this moment.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ dejavu2003 ©ó 2007-3-23 09:27 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ dejavu2003 ©ó 2007-3-23 09:24 AM µoªí

I bought a S-Type based on the recommendation from my friend.  He had owned one for over 2 years and there had not been even smalll problem, let alone big ones.  He said he had owned over 100 ...
Thank you very much for your comment on S-type.
There are several questions:
1.  What are the minor problems with your S-type?
2.  How do you fix them?
3.  Do you have any reliable workshop recommended for Jaguar?
4.  Do you go back to Inchcape for annual inspection?
5.  Fuel consumption for 00 S-type?
6.  Current mileage?
7.  If you friend own over 100 private cars before, he should not able to drive each of those cars more than 50,000km. i.e. Some of his cars did not meet the maintenance schedule and sold. Right?


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-23 10:18 AM µoªí

Thank you very much for your comment on S-type.
There are several questions:
1.  What are the minor problems with your S-type?
2.  How do you fix them?
3.  Do you have any reliable workshop ...
4.  Do you go back to Inchcape for annual inspection?
5.  Fuel consumption for 00 S-type?
6.  Current mileage?
7.  If you friend own over 100 private cars before, he should not able to drive each of those cars more than 50,000km. i.e. Some of his cars did not meet the maintenance schedule and sold. Right?
1 & 2.  the coil.  I took it to my mechanic in Sai Kung to fix it.  He replaced one coil and the problem still existed.  Thought it was something else and took it to Jaguar for checkup.  Jaguar recommended replacement of 6 coils which my mechanic was reluctant to do, saying that it is unlikely that all six will break at the same time.  He tried one after another and finally replaced two.  If he had replaced all six as per recommendation by Jaguar, the probelm would have been fixed instantly.

3.  I think he won't cheat me, but I had some doubt on his ability because I had to take my car back a few times.  It recurred last week after the service, and it turned out that the fuel filter was very very dirty.  It was all my fault.  I very often refill petrol when it's down to the last drop.

4.  No.

5. According to the trip computer, it's around 15 litre per 100 km. city driving in normal traffic.  To Airport - 9 litres per 100 km.  But it's a different story at the pump.  I had been tracking consumption between the pump and my trip computer and I always got over-charged around 5% to 7% by Esso.  I tried so many different Esso gas stations and they're all the same.  I did this before the press reported it and I did complain to the stations and said I would report it to the consumer concil.  A month ago, at the station at Kai Tak (towards tunnel), the guy pulled the pump out but had trouble in opening up the fuel cap.  Before they put the pump in, I saw the metre was already at 60c.  I asked them why I have to pay for the 60c when nothing is put into my fuel tank.  The guy gave me the mumbo jumbo which of course does not have a leg to stand on.  The manager was really scared and offered to give me $10 to $20 extra petrol as compensation.

6.  I bought it when it was 31K and now it's 47K

7.  I didn't go into details of his ownership habits.  I think he keeps the cars for 3 years or less. He owned multiple cars and all were immaculately maintained.  I bought one from him 25 years ago - a 3 year old car but looked like new.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Driving


­ì©«¥Ñ devilsadvocate ©ó 2007-3-23 10:52 µoªí

¿n¬[XJS ©Î XJ6 ´N¸Ü¦³CLASS D ©j
S TYPE ³£¸Ü¦³ CLASS ´N¯º¦º¤H
¦L¶H¤¤, ¤j³¡¥÷­»´äS TYPE ¥Î®a«Y­^°ê¨Ð
how about XKR

http://www.28car.com/sell_dsp.ph ... _vw=1&h_f_mk=15


­ì©«¥Ñ ¦Ê°­©]¦æ ©ó 2007-3-23 11:14 µoªí

how about XKR

http://www.28car.com/sell_dsp.ph ... _vw=1&h_f_mk=15
um..... ­ø ª¾ §Ú «Î ¥ø ªþ ªñ ªG D ¨® ¥D «Y ­^ °ê µØ ¹´ ©w «Y ©ð BNO ¬[ ©O


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-20 12:20 µoªí

§Ú´íd¨®¦n¤ÖÃa. ³Ì¦hÃa§N®ð©j.
¤K ¨ö °Ý ¼Ë ³¥
§A ª¾ ­ø ª¾ XKR «Y ­» ´ä ¦³ ÉN ¤ô ³f ¥ó ©Î ¥~ °ê ¦³ ÉN ºô ¤W ¶l ÁÊ


­ì©«¥Ñ dejavu2003 ©ó 2007-3-23 10:40 AM µoªí

1 & 2.  the coil.  I took it to my mechanic in Sai Kung to fix it.  He replaced one coil and the problem still existed.  Thought it was something else and took it to Jaguar for checkup.  Ja ...
The Spark Coil is not difficult to indentify failure. He changed only one unit to save your money. They were all fine when you got back the car. But it is likely that the lifetime of the spark coil are same. So another one fail soon after the first one. And that also why Jaguar recommend you replacing 6 coils together.

As a 00 car with a mileage 47K, the spark coil failure came quite early. Finger crossed, it did not fail in any other electronics. As I know Jaguar and also other european cars require reprogramming the ECU sometimes. I wonder there is any workshop able to do that. My friend is fixing a Maserati too.

The fuel filter was dirty! It should not caused by your driving habit. Even if you did not drive till empty, the petrol is suck ing from the bottom of the fuel tank. If your mileage is ture, it should not be a crossboarder car. And it should not use any dirty petrol. Normally, the fuel filter should not need to change untill 100Km.

I also very curious which car is the longest period your friend own? And how long?

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-23 13:38 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Driving


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-23 01:10 PM µoªí

The Spark Coil is not difficult to indentify failure. He changed only one unit to save your money. They were all fine when you got back the car. But it is likely that the lifetime of the spark  ...
The spark coil in my BMW 318 failed after 3 years and 25K km.

When I drove out to lunch this afternoon, the car occasionally jerked when stationed, which is the similar symptom as before although not as serious.  I just wonder what it could be.  But my mechanic's and Jaguar's computer both only diagnosed the coil as the cause of the problem.  


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-23 01:10 PM µoªí

The Spark Coil is not difficult to indentify failure. He changed only one unit to save your money. They were all fine when you got back the car. But it is likely that the lifetime of the spark  ...
Another question is, should I use high octane petrol instead of the regular unleaded.  The mechanic said it has nothing to do with the mis-fire.  Some even said the high octane fuel is not good for the car.

My daugher who drives the BMW said the car runs much better using high octane.


­ì©«¥Ñ WURTH ©ó 2007-3-23 01:10 PM µoªí

The fuel filter was dirty! It should not caused by your driving habit. Even if you did not drive till empty, the petrol is suck ing from the bottom of the fuel tank. If your mileage is ture, it should not be a crossboarder car. And it should not use any dirty petrol. Normally, the fuel filter should not need to change untill 100Km.  
So, I don't have to refill petrol in a hurry.  My mechanic asked me to fill up when half full or at most 1/3rd full.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Driving


­ì©«¥Ñ dejavu2003 ©ó 2007-3-23 14:14 µoªí

So, I don't have to refill petrol in a hurry.  My mechanic asked me to fill up when half full or at most 1/3rd full.


One thing worry me about your dirty filter and your mechanic's words. Is there any contamination in your fuel tank. It is very less likely to happen in a relative new car. And even an old car but used frequently. It only happened to a rusted car. Like my friend's Maserati.
If so, it need to clean thoroughly. Otherwise replace fuel filter(S) and fuel pump(S).

Hong Kong fuel co are selling Octane 98 gasoline. Expensive and cheap are also 98. Ture!
The expensive gas can reach a higher mileage indeed. Some brand gas is added with protective additive.
There should be no different in term of maintenance of your cars.


 35 12


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