This is commodity, but each commodity is unique. So u buy a box of wine in 1990 will be much diff fm another box of wine in 1991 in the same winery.
I think we can buy "future", named as "wine flower". So u may order a box of wine to be produced in 2010 fm a top winery. If at the time when the 2010 wine is highly graded 3 years later, u will earn double or triple.
Since each commodity is so different and has different growth potential, u have to study the winery history individually.
And it seems not good to invest wines fm the New World like fm Australia nor USA.
At the end if u loss, u can order to ship back the real box of wine for self-use.
Do it or not need to see the average return. If it is only 10% per year, then not worth as I can find similar investment but with less risk. If having 20% return on average, then need to study deeply.
原帖由 於 2007-3-21 15:05 發表
期貨定係點? 點玩法? 好似基金咁定係自己續隻研究?
本帖最後由 b4321 於 2007-3-21 15:39 編輯 ]