Sorry brothers, no chance to come due to work load....
To answer some questions, yes, this is 澳門"乙水"仔迷城, as other brothers already answered.
May be some brother misunderstood, all 4 pics are from the same hot girl.
Service: 85, shower with you (but no BJ in shower), BM, BJ again, Fuxk... the good thing is she gives nice attitude. For myself, sometimes I believe attitude is more important, except sometimes u will meet some "angle face".
Price: normal Macau price, 1K for 1Q.
Since I've be living in Macau for 5 years, this is only one of my experience and I still have a lot to share with u. I will open another topic to share my Macau & ZhuHai night life with all of you.
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