原帖由 胡姬花花 於 2007-4-2 16:27 發表
You don't pay them anything and certainly they have no obligation to give you the right advice. The newspapers pay for their articles and they hare bound to say something appearing sensible. The best way of doing this is to look at the graphs and charts showing the past trends, and give some apparently academic comments and predictions. That is their job.
Just like those 馬評家, you don't expect them to give you the right advice in betting on horses. They just look at past records, the horses' seen form, and give their predictions. If you totally trust them, I am sure you will lose all your fortune.
My attitude towards those critics, as many have said, 可一笑置之, but Master Shum depicted himself as a very knowledgeble invester, always said he predicted rightly the stocks market, and teased many other stock critics being unintelligent. I remember he commented those smaller invester buying stocks at higher prices being sort of "unwise" (my interpretation).
From the point of superstition, I think he is being punished for his arrogance, and therefore he predicted wrongly all the times recently. I have no time to retrieve his articles from the newspapers, but if you do, you may affirm what I said.
I recall he said recently in the newspaper that HSBC would drop to a very low price (don't forget the exact amount). I think it is time buy 005 then.