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­ì©«¥Ñ temp123 ©ó 2007-4-6 05:25 µoªí
§A­nÂyÃT¬O¨S°ÝÃD¡A¦ý¤]¸Ó¥ý¬Ý²M¦Û¤vªº¤ç¨â¦A¨M©w¹À.......´N¹³ª±rpg level 1 ¥h¥´¤jÅ]¤ý¡A¦nÃø­ø¦º........

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´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ temp123 ©ó 2007-4-6 11:54 µoªí








­ì©«¥Ñ temp123 ©ó 2007-4-6 05:25 µoªí



³o¨à¤£¬O·R±¡«H ...
yes C HING that is correct! thanks for the tutoring
but I cannot see much difference between "normal" girls and these workers... maybe i haven't met or my C HINGS in real life haven't met any good girls yet.... it seems that 'normal' girls want $ and also your $..... at least for bookworms like me and my brothers,

i went to have fun yesterday, and before having fun, the normal foot massage girl asked me why I am so young and already come out to play? why no gf?

ai.... there are no man (i think) who would naturally like to come out to play girlgirl... at least for my friend groups, we all started as Good People (Denshi Otoko), but........... it just seems to me that there are almost no difference between 'normal' girls and workers, we are all human, all selfish....
sorry about throwing out words in here  
GB-78 ¥hºuGundam 训练«¬
¤J¥î¤é´Á 18Mar07; §@战:7; MS¾D¹J: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资·½: 2115


´N¬O­n·í壊¨k¤H C HING i want this book ar hahah
GB-78 ¥hºuGundam 训练«¬
¤J¥î¤é´Á 18Mar07; §@战:7; MS¾D¹J: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资·½: 2115


­ì©«¥Ñ dw78 ©ó 2007-4-6 11:37 µoªí


¤@¯ë¨Ó説¡A¹³ÃT³½ªº¤k©Ê¨ì©³ ¤£¦h¡C¥u¤£¹L¦b¼sªF³oºØ¬Û¹ï½ÆÂøªºªÀ·|¡A¤@­Ó°¦¨­¥X¨Ó±Ã¿ú¡A¤S¦b­·ªá³·¤ë¤§¦a¥X¥X¨Sªº¤k©Ê¡A§Y¨Ï¥»©Ê¤£¬OÃT³½ ...
even though i know everything is a fake§Y¨Ï¥»©Ê¤£¬OÃT³½, but i still want to use some $ to create and buy a dream, even though it is only a few hours that's why i felt a bit ¨I for that girl i was talking about
GB-78 ¥hºuGundam 训练«¬
¤J¥î¤é´Á 18Mar07; §@战:7; MS¾D¹J: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资·½: 2115




ªø©¤gor, totally agree with your point, sometimes when it happens it happens,you cant do anything with it....
GB-78 ¥hºuGundam 训练«¬
¤J¥î¤é´Á 18Mar07; §@战:7; MS¾D¹J: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资·½: 2115


­ì©«¥Ñ ®ö°ªªø©¤ ©ó 2007-4-6 19:24 µoªí

You are absolutely right.  It is always easier to say than to do.  



Taking a lesson from you, I would be more cautious in the future.


­ì©«¥Ñ ydortj ©ó 2007-4-6 13:22 µoªí
i still want to use some $ to create and buy a dream, even though it is only a few hours  
A lot of people think philosophically that "perception is reality".

In this context, even enjoying a short moment of a few hours can be perceived as a long lasting and joyful encounter.  

A lot of time, I am doing the same thing like you.  If that couple hours of good feeling is kind of virtual, then money is also virtual, so why bother?  As long as we enjoy those prescious moment, that is the key.

Rules are made to be broken.  Money are made to be spent.  If one can buy good feeling with a little bit of money, that is a good deal!

This is another school of thinking that I practice from time to time.


Waiting for ur report!!!!!!!!!!!


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


very nice relealistic experience, thanks for your sharings, my brother


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


¦^´_ #116 giovanni ªº©«¤l

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ giovanni ©ó 2007-4-8 07:40 µoªí

You'd rather say, "Heart is made to be broken and money is made to be dumped!"


¤H­Ì¤@ª½»~¸Ñ¨k¤H¬O«Ü°í强ªº°Êª«¡C¨ä¹ê¤£¬Oªº¡C¨º¤Ñ´_ ...
well we are not loser
we man are all sucker for love





¤À¤â«á,¦Û¤v²ßºD¤F¥h¤j³°«ö麽©Mª± (²{¦b¥u¥h¥¿°©),¦Ó§ÚªºªB¤Í«Ü¦h¤]¦b²`¦`,©Ò¥H¨C¬P´Á¤]·|¦³´X±ß©MªB¤Í¥h³Ü°s,¦Ó§Ú¨ä¤¤¤@¦ìªB¤Íªº¤k¤Í,¬O²`¦`ªº²Ä¤@¯Å¶ý«}(³o­Ó¬O§Ú¦Û¤vı±o¦Ó¥H,¦o¤£¥Î¸g±`¤W¯Z,¦o¤â¤U¦³¹L¦Ê±ø¤k,¥u­n«È¤H¤@¨ì,¦o´N¦³§U¤â±a¤k¤W¥h,¦Ó¦o¤]¦³©T©wªº«È·½,¦]¦o¥D­n°µ¤é¥»¥~°ê®È«Èµ¥)






­ì©«¥Ñ ®ö°ªªø©¤ ©ó 2007-4-8 16:16 µoªí
²Ä¤@¦¸¨£¦o,¬ï¥Õ¦â¸È¤l,¹³¤@­Ó¡³¢Ú,§Ú¬Ýúp¥X¨º¤è­±¹³¤p©j,¦Ó§Ú©M¦o¨£­±©M»{ÃѬO¦bª±§¹¥h­¹®ø©]®É,¦o¸òªB¤Í¥X¨Ó,¦Ó¦o»¡¥L¬O°µ¡³¢Úªº,¦Ó¦o¤½¥qªº¤u§@©Ê½è,©M§Ú¤u§@¬O®túp¦h,©Ò¥H§Ú­Ì½Í¤F¤@­Ó±ß¤W,¦Ó¥B¬ù¤F¦A¥X¨Ó­¹¶º ...
Brother, keep going on!!!
ªþ¥ó: ±z©Ò¦bªº¥Î¤á²ÕµLªk¤U¸ü©Î¬d¬Ýªþ¥ó, ½Ð¹Á¸Õ¦h¶K¤å³¹Àò¨ú¿n¤À¡A¿n¤À¶W¹L 120 ©Î¯S©w¥Î¤á²Õ¤è¥i¬d¬Ý.


ªø©¤ gor, hope you feel better now, ai.... sometimes i want to ask all C-Hing 1 thing, if you really meet someone who seriously love you and really care for you, will you guys still come out to have fun?
GB-78 ¥hºuGundam 训练«¬
¤J¥î¤é´Á 18Mar07; §@战:7; MS¾D¹J: Zeon 5 Zaku/ EFSF 1 GM; 资·½: 2115


´Á«Ý  c hing ªº ¨I²î²Ä¤Gªi¡I


­ì©«¥Ñ ¿P¤Q¤E ©ó 2007-4-8 12:59 µoªí
´Á«Ý  c hing ªº ¨I²î²Ä¤Gªi¡I




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