原帖由 Jester 於 2007-4-3 22:50 發表
Bro, 去拱北可能忡易穿煲, my working partner will check my receipt, 實報實銷的
Any similar inn with budgeted girls in Macau?
It's been 4 years my last visit to this inn. I am not sure if the price for 1 night staying behind the inn is ~200? How could you alter the receipt form Fu Shing? 1Q with Fu Shing's gals was $200 (I don't know if any prioce adjustment recently)
At that time, all the rooms of it were occupied by gals, no room could be booked by travellers. In other words, all rooms inside the inn were 炮房 in which traces resulting from vigourous battles were feasible to contact with over the bed, toilet and carpet

. If I were you, I wouldn;t take this benefit!