Just came back from BJ for business trip/leisure. Thanks to Doer, I got the contact of the agent as well, but first of all, let me detail an interesting "airport" experience.
When I arrived in BJ, I felt very tired so I thought before I tried the BJ agent, I needed to relax. I searched in the internet and found this 怡欣男子養生館 (
www.yixin68.com) in which they describe very comprehensively about health care and spa for men, and it is not that expensive. I thought, not bad. It sounds very straight forward and nothing kinky, however, one thing did catch my eyes, that they describe they staff as beautiful and some are very beautiful.
I called and booked the one described as "very beasutiful". Went there and it was inside a residential building. It looked very legitimate inside and seems to be a pure health care sspa. I was led to a room and then the manager told me that that one staff I booked was out for lunch and could not come back in time. She said I could wait for another and she would be ready in ten minutes. In the meantime, she could fill the bath tub with water and asked me what kind of medicine I want. At this point, I still thought it was very legit. Ten minutes later, a lady came in. She wore mini-skirt and a see-through tub-top. She must be at least 30, though face not bad and should have been a good-looking girl when she was younger. She put a large tower on the bed and ask me to undress and follow her to the spa room. She stood there while I undressed, and we went to the room next door. It is basically a conversion from an enclosed balcony. She then asked me to jump into the bath tub, and started to bathe me. Basically she touched everywhere and smiled and chatted with me all the time. I had no idea at this point whether it was still a legit or "Sheep-head-dog-meat" kind of operation. About ten minutes later, she asked me to get out and lie on a massage bed next to the tub and rub me with some oil and a large sponge, and followed by some bath salt. Yes, salt indeed but feels quite good, even she applied a bit on your little brother ! She started to flirt with me and I began to get the picture. In any case, the rubbing is nice and comfortable.
We then went back to the room and she performed a very good massage. After 30 minutes, she went out and came back with a needle ! that needle was filled with some brown liquid and I stopped her from approaching and asked what is going on. She said it came with the health care pacakge and it was supposed to make me "strong" down there ! I said NO THANK YOU. She said no problem.
During the whole time, she did not take off the clothes, but the gesture was very suggestive. She was very close to me and allowed me to touch her as well, with clothes on. She then said, she could take off the clothes and ML, but needed 500. I said no as I was really tired. At the end, she performed a HJ. The whole package was 300 only, very reasonable in terms of value (foir a whole two-hour session) and a very interesting experience. If you look for a good massage and even spa, this is quite a good place. In fact, when I left, I saw some really beautiful and young staff walking around. Overall, very interesting "airport" experience by accident, except for the needle part !!