51. 他们气得拒不接受对方提出的妥善建议。
Out of pique they refused to accept the compromise offered.
52. 他发觉谁也没有听他讲话, 一气之下就走了。
When he realized nobody was listening to him, he left the room in a fit of pique.
53. 他辛勤努力值得赞扬。
He deserved a pat on the back for all the hard work he’s done.
54. 他们的婚姻正处于困难时期。
Their marriage has been going through a bad patch.
55. 他们解决了彼此的分歧。
They patched up their difference.
56. 通往成功的唯一途径就是努力奋斗。
The only passport to success is hard work.
57. 她争论时情绪很激动。
She argues with great passion.
58. 他脸上有一种漠然的表情。
He had a passive expression on his face.
59. 他想要什么就能得到什么,堪称一绝。
He is a past master at the art of getting what he wants.
60. 到学期末学生都已成双结对了。
The students had all paired off by the end of term.
61. 她的父母亲想让她和一个有钱的邻居结婚。
Her parents tried to pair her off with a rich neighbor.
62. 她遭受到无端恐惧的折磨。
She was prey to irrational fear.
63. 她担心其后果而忐忑不安。
Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind.
64. 以丧失独立来换取和平是极高的代价。
Loss of independence was a high price to pay for peace.
65. 鲜草莓已经上市---价钱很高。
Fresh strawberries are now available---at a price.