±À¤¶:| ­^»y½Òµ{ | Causeway Bay order food | ¾·~­^»y | ¤Æ§©½Òµ{ | Wedding Photography | ¤Ñµ¡¨÷¥¬§ó´«ºû­× |





´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


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´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


Æ[ÂI¤£¦P....½Ä¬ðÃø§K !!!

§A¥H¬°¾ú¥v¥i«Hma ? ¥u¬O³Ó§QªÌ»¡ªº....
©Ò¥H¤£­n°Ê«ã ma....



­ì©«¥Ñ Anti-air-gunner ©ó 2007-5-16 21:20 µoªí


§A¤£»{ÃѧڡA§Ú«Y¦b Go ...

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ johncage ©ó 2007-5-16 21:49 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ Anti-air-gunner ©ó 2007-5-16 21:21 µoªí



­ì©«¥Ñ Anti-air-gunner ©ó 2007-5-16 21:27 µoªí


1. ¸ê·½¯Ê¥F¡AµLªk¦Ûµ¹¦Û¨¬¡C
°ê»Úªo»ù¥Ñ´X¦~«e US$10 ¼É¤É¦Ü US$80 ¤@±í¡A´N«Y¦]¬°¤¤°ê«æ»Ý¥Ûªo¡A±q¥Ûªo¥X¤f°ê¤@ÅܦӦ¨¶i¤f°ê©Ò­P¡C
ȃȝ ...


¥Ò­¹¶}¤T¸J¶º;¤A¥»¨ÓµL¶º­¹,¤A²{¦b¤@À\­¹¤Q¸J¶º¡C¬°¤°»ò¥Ò­n¸Ü¤A¹¡¦º¡H¥i¯à¤A¥i¥H¦Y±o¤U¤G¤Q¸J©O! we shouldnt use the same standard on everything. diff ppl hv diff standard.¤¤°ê¤Hロ¡B¦a°ì¥þ³£¦n¥¨«¬,®e±o¤U¦n¦ho³¥o¬J¡Cclosely observing´N¦n¤F¡C¤j®a³£¦b¸Õ¨ì©³¦³´X«l¡C
open discussion broadly around the society is v.gd already. we are all caring about our country as long as we r punctual ourselves, not consuming madly, it shouldnt b too difficult for the gov to control.


[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ twlau ©ó 2007-5-16 23:50 ½s¿è ]


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


¦^´_ #235 Anti-air-gunner ªº©«¤l



«Ywor §Ú説±o¦³ÂI©_©Ç hahahahaha

y always think it must collapse ne...i dun wanna it to collapse a...ups and downs are natural but not necessarily to blow up a...

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ twlau ©ó 2007-5-16 23:59 ½s¿è ]


¦^´_ #237 twlau ªº©«¤l






­ì©«¥Ñ twlau ©ó 2007-5-17 09:29 µoªí



¦^´_ #233 johncage ªº©«¤l



¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: §ë¸ê


¦^´_ #241 wwm ªº©«¤l



[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ johncage ©ó 2007-5-17 19:39 ½s¿è ]



[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ cy418721 ©ó 2007-5-17 20:30 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ cy418721 ©ó 2007-5-17 20:07 µoªí


­ì©«¥Ñ cy418721 ©ó 2007-5-17 20:07 µoªí



1. ¸ê·½¯Ê¥F¡AµLªk¦Ûµ¹¦Û¨¬¡C
¤¤°ê¯Ê¥F¡G¥Ûªo¡B»É¡B­¹¤ô¡B¥i¯Ñ¦a¡C china also a land whicn outport rice....
°ê»Úªo»ù¥Ñ´X¦~«e US$10 ¼É¤É¦Ü US$80 ¤@±í¡A´N«Y¦]¬°¤¤°ê«æ»Ý¥Ûªo¡A±q¥Ûªo¥X¤f°ê¤@ÅܦӦ¨¶i¤f°ê©Ò­P¡C
ªo»ùincrease since also Oil buy and sell also use US$ for making the final price
recent US ¶×»ù decrease, so the Oil is rising up to meet their equilibrium price...
OIL remain is dereased, and «æ»Ý¥Ûªo ...so OIL arise.... but all we know ªü©Ô´µ¥[also contain oil ....but develop it cost high ....so «æ»Ý¥Ûªo i think is depend on $$$

2. ¤º³¡»Ý¨D¤£¨¬¡C
actually ®ø¶O°ê Also from US ....since europe and other countries consumers also store the $ for future .....
then need to compete with others  to enter to US ²£«~³£­n¦V¥~·G»ù¶É¾P....
all developing countries face this problem .....u have solution to solve it ma ?
i know ppl also alert it .....to suggest ban world trade....

3. ¹L©ó¨Ì¿à¹ï¥~¶T©ö¡A»P¬ü¤¸±¾¤Ä¡C
À£§C¤H¥Á¹ô¶×»ù? u know the real price ? i do know yen from 1 to 300 ....turn to 1 to 80 ....so japan so many industries collasp.. and economis recession....
i know ¶×»ù is need to rise ...but control in a reasonable level... and cant agree with US pressure to up rising.....
u know what is ³g±oµL¹½?  and all the world countries also use methods to control it ....so large change ¶×»ù also let
other countries ¶×»ù change immediately

i agree with ³h´I¤£§¡ is big probelm in world ! ... all countries also need to face of it
but reaction is weak.... they also cant to solve it ...
but... at least the can let a large range of ppl can satisfy the willing of EATING
IF NOT ....°Ê¶Ã may occur..................................................................




´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


       ¦ý«Y¦Ó®a¤j³° D ©Ò¿× ªÑ¥Á¡A¦n¦h®Ú¥»­ø©ú¡I


¥i¯à¬Ýªk©M§A¦³ d ¤£¦P...
ªo»ù¤W¤É¥O²£ªo°ê¬ü¤¸¦¬¤J¤j¼W¡A¾É­P¬ü¤¸ªxÀÝ ³y¦¨¬ü¤¸¶×»ù¤U¶^ªº¨â¤j­ì¦]¤§¤@¡]¥t¤@­ì¦]«Y¬ü¤¸§Q®§§C¡^¡C
§Úı±o¥u¬O¬Û¹ï...¤é¤¸§Q®§§C ....¦ý¦]¥i®MÝu...¥ç¦³Âà±j¤§®É...(because low interest rate for least yen ....it is good to do the ®MÝu, demand increase then ...the ¶×»ù increase....)
simple demand and supply theory

¬ü¤¸ªxÀݬO­ì¦]¤§¤@ ...¦P·N ....¦]¥X¶W¼F®`...¯²¸î ¬ü¶Å¦h.... ¦ýÉNª÷¥»½Ã¨î...¤H¬Û«Hªº¥u¬O¤s©i¨û¨û«H¹w...
¾á¤ß¥[¦L $ ¨Ó give others ...©Ò¥H¥L°ê¤~´î¤Ö¬ü¶Å so ¶×»ù¤U¶^ , ¦ý¦]¦p¤é¥»¤â¤W¦³us$ ¦h...¬G¤U­°¼F®`·|¤z¹w....

but under world trade ...also developing cuntries also increase sale for foreign..
if u need to count... may be after civil war ...china enter to trade with others...
then u know ¥@¬É¶T©ö¤¤©Ò¦û¤ñ¨Òöt¤É.... let we see ...also the "sale volume" also increase in every years From each countries ... only 100% ...if one who never enter into it ....after competing with others.... the percentage of each countries also derease....(Comparative advantage and absolutely advantage)
just like securities market .....USA also the largest in the world but the percentage it capture in the world are also derease

but c + i + G + X - M = GDP  ¼W¥[¤º³¡®ø¶O =C increase ...if investment decrease is larger than C ...GDP ALSO decrease lor
besides, ¼W¥[¤º³¡®ø¶O  not totally represent increasing living standard ...¼W¥[¤º³¡®ø¶O½Í¦ó®e©ö? u say ¤j³°¯Ê¥FÂåÀø¡B±Ð¨|¡K¡Kµ¥ºÖ§Q ....if u are investor, u can invest in it ga ...not only have chance to earn $ , but also solve problem

¤¤°ê³f¦V¥~·G»ù¶É¾P¥þ¥@¬É... also others  same as us ...·G»ù¶É¾P is because china also invest less on hi-tech ...odm etc
all things we do are easy to copy and need high manpower .... but salary compare with US are low ...
so it can ·G»ù¶É¾P ...but recent china ppl salary increase immediately ....so i AFRAID ·G»ù¶É¾P HARD TO USE Later
but CHINA have nothing to increase the instinisc value of our product.... HOW TO COMPETE WITH OTHERS ?

i agree ³f¹ô¶×»ù¨ä¹ê¨ÃµL©Ò¿×¦X²z¤ô¥­ (reasonable level)¡Abut ¥@¬É¤W©Ò¦³¥D­n³f¹ô³£¤£·|¥Ñ¬F©²±±¨î i dont thinnk so
buy US Loan can support US... also b4 1980s ¬F©² also have ±±¨î ¨Ñ¨D ....but soros defeat bristish once ...
¬F©²¥[®§´î®§«Y¹ï³f¹ô¥«³õªº¦^À³ ...i think it is one kind of ¤â¬q to control lor ...too many method govt can use ...
just like govt have some chirman to say the price is reasonable... the ¼Ó«ö is no problem ... call ppl who have power to infect the ³f¹ô¶×»ù to stop talking... alert ppl to buy share like 911 ....etc

i say the control is this .... may be i write b4 is not clear
but ¤¤°ê¬F©²´¡¤â±±¨î¶×»ù only make it flexibility increase 5 to 10 % but if agree with US ...i dont know the ¤É³l¦h¤Ö
COMSUMPTION ...INVESTMENT ...ETC AFFECT ¦h¤Ö...µL¤@­Ó¬F©²´±»´²v¸Õ LOR ....¤£´¡¤â±±¨î¶×»ù ...ªü®Ú§ÊĬÁp b4
listen Monetary say to change their system ....the effect .....many years ppl live in ¨aÃø


§Ú¥u¬Oı±o¥@¤W©Ò¥H¨Æ¬O¬Û¹ïªº ¤£¦ü¸gÀٮѬO¤@´N¤@²³æ....remember other thing being constant , vice versa, ceteris paribus........... it is difficult to make all thing  in constant

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ redback ©ó 2007-5-19 20:44 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Investment




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