原帖由 2018gint 於 2007-7-10 21:10 發表
我有時考唔係QP d exam. 考PBE ar. 大學d exam .係呀 . why they want you to pass?what is the reason???i want to know too~~~~~
大哥,什麼是PBE ar?我二十幾年前考的試。不知 PBE 是什麼,請指教!
(1) 大學裡, Professors also have to be measured by value. The method to value their performance is to see the passing rate of their student. The more passing rate, the better is their performance. (But they have to keep up with the standard of their student, as they are also monitored by external examiners)
(2) For professional bodies, they have to produce so many graduates each year to satisfy the market needs. Especially, the competition between CA and ACCA in UK in the last 2-3 decades. The larger population of their own professional members, the larger say their body in the market.
(3) there are political reasons for the above.
In China, as it is still a Planned economy, there are quotas for CPA in the market, especially, the CPA market is still a market for a handfull of people. They control the supply of CPA, hence they enjoy very high social status and income.