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【 阿標 睇 電視 】

原帖由 billchan 於 2007-12-25 01:40 發表

   Jenny's Bakery的 8-Mix 曲奇!

  正! 你卒之買左鮍!有無鳳梨酥呀?    

  嘻嘻,你一罐 8-Mix 夠挨幾多日呀?



原帖由 super720a 於 2007-12-25 02:06 發表


  有無買過 德成號 的蛋卷成罐捧住,係睇波時食呀? 一樣好考定力謘I  

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


【 靚太唔易做 】27.12.07

關於新一季的【  靚太唔易做  】,阿標早前這樣說過:

      一集看下來,唉!阿標且不論劇情粗疏,有不知從何入手收拾舊山河的毛病,單是從劇名「靚太」一詞茞插A已有「靚」從何來的喟嘆!    好一群熟女,三兩季間,風韻盡失,艷光無存,不許螢光見白頭!    
【  靚太唔易做  】既不賞心,亦欠悅目,阿標睇得好辛苦呀!

  這季到現在播了十集八集,阿標觀點無變,女主角「蘇珊」個苦瓜乾表情的整容樣愈睇愈令阿標不忍卒睹!    不過,今晚( 27.12.07 )果集 妒婦超級市場持械擊夫疵糷H質大龍鳳又攪得幾熱鬧,爽爽快快,主角受傷,配角都死兩個,令幾條故事線都有了小總結,甚至在第一季未開場已死掉的第一身旁白聲女主角「瑪莉」亦在此集首尾再出場呼應一次,劇情擺脫了悶悶蛋蛋的「蘇珊與米高」故事線,算係今季開播以來第一個小高潮!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


尋日看了AXN的【 MAN VS BEAST 】,節目創意不錯,但缺乏一個評審準則,令節目質素大打折扣


p.s. 曲奇剩4...


原帖由 super720a 於 2007-12-28 02:57 發表
尋日看了AXN的【 MAN VS BEAST 】,節目創意不錯,但缺乏一個評審準則,令節目質素大打折扣


p ...
昨天的【 MAN VS BEAST 】我沒有看,因為之前看預告片時,覺得熟口熟臉,有 d 畫面好像三幾年前已在電視上看過的,不夠吸引,而且,其中有個侏儒與動物競跑的短短兩秒片段,看得我頗為反感,甚至覺得屬於 bad taste 一類,不過,沒看過全個節目前,阿標不敢武斷發言!

  你仲有 4 塊 cookie ......  都幾忍得口喎!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


Bill 兄,唔知你屋企收唔收到數碼廣播呢?

Lost】and【Heroes】   will be broadcasting in HD format

全部由Season 1開始
Lost S1由26/1開始

Heroes S1由27/1開始

反而Prison Break就無消息


原帖由 super720a 於 2008-1-9 17:05 發表
Bill 兄,唔知你屋企收唔收到數碼廣播呢?

Lost】and【Heroes】   will be broadcasting in HD format

全部由Season 1開始
Lost S1由26/1開始

Heroes S1由27/1開始 ...

對我來說重看【Lost】and【Heroes】的興趣已不大了!我屋企而家雖然係收到數碼廣播訊號,不過我仍未投資器材入市,嘻嘻!   遲 d 有左器材後,說不定會放棄一些明珠台或 AXN台劇集的首播,等有高清時才看,睇翵鴟犰陷X心急先睹為快而貝w!

相關搜索目錄: 投資

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


  明珠台的【 Heroes 】第一季播完了,壞蛋未誅,伏筆多多,衹要美國的收視率維持,有排玩!

心急跟劇情而又肯付錢的觀眾,立即可以在 Now TV 緊接茯搚臚G季了!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 billchan 於 2008-1-11 21:55 發表
  明珠台的【 Heroes 】第一季播完了,壞蛋未誅,伏筆多多,衹要美國的收視率維持,有排玩!

心急跟劇情而又肯付錢的觀眾,立即可以在 Now TV 緊接覑看第二季了!


超級期待 【CSI】Season 8的來臨

相關搜索目錄: 電腦


原帖由 super720a 於 2008-1-12 16:54 發表

....... 今個星期AXN又有新野—【Damages】,唔知呢套野up乜呢?
   此劇某掛頭牌的女主角個樣我好怕望到!     所以我考慮緊唔睇!  

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


原帖由 billchan 於 2007-12-7 22:56 發表

   阿標最近睇左一樣洁A唔係電視!係阿標另外一樣好大興趣既洁A好想口痕講番兩句,但上次睇完【  V V 物語  】 (The Vagina Monologue) ,試過係呢度提一提,但全無反應,結果阿標識趣地自動收嗲, 唔講了!

今次 阿標 睇的是【 萬千師奶賀台慶 】喎!詹瑞文與林奕華喎,講 TVB 洁A有人扮「智能大師」,在文化中心場場滿座,場場掌聲雷動謘I  
  剛剛又去睇驉i  東宮西宮   第六回  七彩包青天  】,局長曾德成也在座,演出「包公夜審當奴」一幕時,阿標側頭望住佢,睇佢 d 表情反應好睇過台上演出!

講返台上的整體演出,今次阿標可以毫不猶疑地說: 差到極,內容薄弱,不成戲!  胡恩威可以休矣!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


   上星期日明珠台的【 America's Next Top Model 】,最後四L由 上海 飛到 北京 進行最後階段比賽!

    哈哈 ..... 節目中有一環節介紹 中國古代四大美人:「 貂蟬 、 西施、楊貴妃、王昭君 」時,晝面上有美人的姓名原裝英譯字幕。

依阿標所見,「貂蟬」的英文名字叫  DiaoChan, 鵅I 姓 Chan! 跟阿標姓!  


[ 本帖最後由 billchan 於 2008-1-17 12:08 編輯 ]

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


    中國古代四大美人的英文名字,according to 【 America's Next Top Model 】( Pearl 13.1.2008):

貂蟬      diaochan
西施      xi shi
楊貴妃   yang guifei
王昭君   wang zhaojun

    貂蟬  diaochan 是神來之筆!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


Monk 23.1.2008

本周三明珠台 10:35 pm 播出的【 Monk 】原來是今季最後一集,下周相同時段播映【 Without a Trace 】!

  一般劇集在每季的最後一集,通常會落多灡ヾA加鹽加醋,甚至加少少懸疑情節,待下季揭曉!不過今次【 Monk 】無咁做,呢集醫院醫生殺人戲連外景與大場面都缺少,情節平平無奇,劇本不見奇妙,屬行貨之流!


**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **




  過了一個悠悠閒閒的 開年日,補看了一套去年未看的港產片【 跟蹤 】,日本大製作電視劇【 華麗一族 】,還看了維港煙花!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **






原帖由 super720a 於 2008-2-14 01:22 發表



華麗一族 】是近排 製作,我都有睇,唔會錯過! 然而 ....... 好失望....   

   ..... 此劇正正衰在一個「」字!   

戲劇要細嚼,講究戲味,故事劇本人物要引人入勝,但【 華麗一族 】三四集播下來,集集由頭到尾都係係度晒大場面、晒景、晒卡士、晒臨記人數、晒排場、晒服裝、晒道具、晒片場街道景過場空鏡等等,內容卻老套夾公式化,一切發展在意料之內,各主角生生硬硬的,人人都掛一個樣板表情做戲,阿標愈看愈不是味兒!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **



提一提個名先:【 第二把交椅之瘋癲戲子 】,詳情細節唔講住,淨係再提一個香港電視觀眾或會記得的名字:何偉龍!

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


   何偉龍!  多數香港電視觀眾照識他,是因為他曾演出的電視角式「蘇忠」!   阿標認識他,卻是在再之前他在香港話劇團的舞臺劇演出! 他是林尚武等那一代,唉 ~ 當年每年的舞臺劇公演遠比現在少,當年的「馬」、「莫札特傳」....等等,好看煞人!      
  • ZeroSix 體力 +10 我很贊同 2008-2-27 14:39
  • ZeroSix 威望 +10 我很贊同 2008-2-27 14:39

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


新一輯CSI (Las Vegas)將於3月5日晚於AXN播出

其實Las Vegas版CSI仲可以拍多幾多個season?
D故事集集都差唔多咁,係上個season加個miniature killer做主story line,先令到個故事有追看性。



【 OC 】 第四季 明珠台在播出中

原帖由 super720a 於 2008-2-26 19:32 發表
  新一輯CSI (Las Vegas)將於3月5日晚於AXN播出......   
      呢一兩個星期各英文台有頗多連續劇作季度性完結,舊去新來,又可以 擇「好」而看了!  

明珠台今晚 28.2.08 (星期四) 11:45 pm 晚間新聞後,在凌晨播出【 OC 】第四季的首集,這是第四季的首播,阿標之前看齊了三季,但今次事前竟看不到 TVB 宣傳,更料不到 TVB 竟把以前編排於晚上早段時間的劇集放在凌晨播影,差點走了雞! TVB 真抵打!

    第三季季尾最後一集靚女 Marissa 死在 Ryan 懷抱中,今季不再出場,預料或會令劇集失色,TVB 亦可能因此而輕視此劇,才有置之凌晨時段的安排,也罷! 鑑於可能有追看了三季的觀眾,未知新季已出,阿標於此提一提!

阿標順手找來 第三季最後一集 劇情概要,或有助那些想重鄐@下才續看的觀眾:

Sandy finds Kirsten in the bedroom as Seth finds Ryan in the pool room. Seth admits to Ryan that he started the fire, but it was an accident. Sandy laments that he thinks Seth is hiding something, but after their fight earlier, now isn’t the time to doubt his honesty. Seth wants to get his iPod from the car so he can listen to some mopey music, and Ryan remembers he left it parked outside of Volchok’s target. Ryan heads out to get the car and that’s when Volchok rushes up to him. He ditched the car and ran. He tells Ryan he needs to get out of town, but he needs some money. And if he goes down, Ryan goes with him. Who knew a few punches could get a guy so deep?
Summer, Marissa and Taylor decorate the bleachers for the graduation ceremony. Julie finds her daughter and hands her a graduation gift from Jimmy. A letter. Dawn arrives at the Cohen home for the graduation. Ryan happily hugs his mom. And Caitlin arrives home, her new home, also for the ceremony. Julie suspects Caitlin has more in mind that a simply sisterly gesture.
Seth finds his father upstairs and confesses that he burned down the Newport Group with a wayward roach. Although disappointed, Sandy understands. He’s good that way. At Harbor, Marissa tells Summer what the letter was about. Jimmy is working on boats sailing to the Greek Islands and has invited her to join him for a year. She’ll be doing hard work, peeling potatoes and pitting olives and such, but she thinks it’ll be a good break from the hullabaloo of Newport. Thing is, she has to fly out tomorrow night to catch up with the boat in Hawaii. Summer makes her promise that she’ll sail to Rhode Island one day.
Volchok hides in a van, waiting for a friend to bring him some clothes from the loft. The girl wonders why Volchok hasn’t just left yet, then realizes he wants to see Marissa one last time.
It’s graduation time. Before the ceremony, Marissa pulls Ryan aside and tells him about her plan. He thinks it sounds great. Just great. As long he can drive her to the airport and be the last person to say goodbye. The ceremony finally arrives and the Class of ’06 is handed their diplomas.
That night, the Cohens, Robertses, Coopers and Atwoods gather for a celebratory dinner at The Yacht Club. After the meal, Marissa pulls Julie aside and mentions Jimmy’s letter to her. But Julie already knew, as Jimmy called her last week for he thoughts on sailing before sending the letter. And Julie thinks that if this is something Marissa wants to do, she’s happy to let her go. Julie then gives Marissa her graduation gift, a pearl necklace.
Out in the parking lot, Dawn is giving Ryan his own graduation gift. An old Toyota Land Cruiser. She’s been saving up for a little while and her boyfriend Ron knows a guy who restores cars. Ryan is astounded by the gesture. Then Marissa gets a call from Volchok. He tells her that if he can’t see her one last time, he’s going to make life rough for Ryan. If she doesn’t believe, ask Ryan about the car they stole. So she does. Ryan says he needs money to help Volchok get out of town, so Marissa gives him the necklace, figuring they’re in this together.
The next morning, Ryan picks up Marissa for one last drop off with Volchok. After a pit stop at the pawn shop, of course. Marissa asks if she can come along, and Ryan resists. But he relents after saying she has to stay in the car the whole time. Elsewhere, Sandy drops by the DA’s office. And at home, Kirsten hands Seth an envelope from RISD.
Ryan exits the pawn shop and finds Volchok waiting for him. The money exchange is civilized, if chilly. Then Volchok sees Marissa behind the wheel of Ryan’s car. He slams on the window and begs to talk to her, but she simply drives off. Volchok screams in a rage.
Later, at home, Julie comes in as Marissa is packing to leave. On the verge of tears, Julie apologizes to her daughter for sleeping with one of her ex-boyfriends, and framing another for attempted homicide. Despite the colorful and non-traditional offenses, Marissa forgives her mother.
That night, the gang of four gets ready to say goodbye to Marissa. But before they do, Marissa has one last place for the group to visit. Sandy catches up with Kirsten and tells her that he talked to the DA, and since The Newport Group won’t presses charges against Seth, the whole thing is over.
In two cars, the group pulls up to the model home that Ryan and Luke accidentally burned down three years ago. The one that was completely renovated and Marissa passed out in a few months ago. And she still wants to go back inside. The kids hop the fence and go for a swim in the pool. After some cannonballs and some laughs and some tears, Ryan and Marissa head for the airport. Volchok and his friend, sitting in his van, watch them go. Volchok takes a swig from his flask and hits the gas.
Seth takes Summer into his bedroom and shows her his mail. Although his application arrived too late for the fall semester, RISD has accepted him for the spring. He starts in January. He apologizes to Summer for screwing everything up with Brown.
As Ryan drives, Volchok rams his car from behind. He then pulls alongside and tries to run Ryan off the road. And he succeeds. Ryan barrels through a curve and over an embankment. The car rolls end over end down the hill, finally crashing on another road below. Coming back to his senses, Ryan crawls out of the car. Noticing gas pouring from the tank and a small fire, he grabs an unconscious Marissa and carries her free of the wreckage in a mirror from the time he found her in Tijuana. The car explodes and Ryan lays Marissa down on the pavement and rouses her. He tells her he’s going to get help, but she begs him to stay. And then she dies.

[ 本帖最後由 billchan 於 2008-2-29 02:00 編輯 ]

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **




   早兩晚看了 TVB 的【 太極 】十分鐘,劇情及人物不大了了,衹見攝影頗用心,攪得不錯!  

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **


   日本大製作電視劇【 華麗一族 】,本周六(23.3.08 )大結局

  溫馨提示 : 加長版,播映時間跟平日不同,敬請留意!

【  阿標按:此劇徒具明星卡士和一個華麗而空洞的殼,不好看!    不過睇開睇埋佢! 】


[ 本帖最後由 billchan 於 2008-3-22 01:04 編輯 ]

**  日 日 坐 收 五 斗     懶 與 培 塿 競 折 腰  **

** We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. **




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