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Lutheran Church
The founder of the
Lutheran Church was the reformer,
Martin Luther (
1546 A.D.). According to one authority, Luther stated: "For my part, I am sure that the Day of Judgment is just around the corner. It doesn't matter that we don't know the precise day... perhaps someone else can figure it out. But it is certain that time is now at an end." (
Reformation Principles and Practice: Essays in Honor of Arthur Geoffrey Dickens, p 169). Some take the position that this would not be a failed prophesy, because on the larger scale of time, "near" can be centuries in God's eyes. The reason for Martin Luther to say that the time is near, is to urge all people to examine themselves and ask themselves if they are sure they would be saved if the World were to end at any moment. However, his words indicate that he believed the end was near based on human understanding. Another work says: "In all of his [Luther's] work there was a sense of urgency for the time was short... the world was heading for Armageddon in the war with the Turk." (
Luther's View of Church History, John M. Headley, Yale University Press,
1963, pp 13,14) Even after his death in 1546, Lutheran leaders kept up the claim of the nearness of the end. About the year
1584, A zealous Lutheran named
Adam Nachenmoser wrote a large volume entitled
Prognosticum Theologicum in which he predicted: "In
1590 the Gospel would be preached to all nations and a wonderful unity would be achieved. The last days would then be close at hand. Nachenmoser offered numerous conjectures about the date;
1635 seemed most likely." (
Prophecy and Gnosis¡XApocalypticism in the Wake of the Lutheran Reformation, Robin Bruce Barnes, p 64) Other date predictions followed but all failed.
Unfulfilled historical predictions by Christians - Wikipedia¡^
Baptist Church
Baptist Church also has a history of date and time predictions that have failed. In the early 1900s, the well-known Dr. Isaac M. Haldeman, pastor of the First Baptist Church in New York City, predicted that before the Jews returned to Palestine to establish a Jewish State--an event that happened in 1948--that the Antichrist would appear. Haldeman explained: 'The Scriptures teach that this man (the Antichrist) will be the prime factor in bringing the Jews back, as a body into their own land; that he will be the power that shall make Zionism a success; that through him the nationalism of the Jews shall be accomplished." There is still a group of believers that continue to believe that Haldeman was correct; and that in truth,
Adolf Hitler was the antichrist predicted in the Bible (or perhaps one antichrist of many). They offer as "proof" the fact that the end result of WWII and the holocaust drove many Jews out of Europe to their new Israel. The fact that Hitler's Holocaust killed millions of Jewish believers (called "saints" in many Old Testiment prophectic passages) would correlate positively with several Bible predictions that antichrist will seek to murder multitudes of "saints." (
The Signs of the Times, Isaac Massey Haldeman, pages 452, 453).
Unfulfilled historical predictions by Christians - Wikipedia¡^
Roman Catholic Church
The members of the
Roman Catholic Church also has a history of failed predictions about the "time of the end." For example,
Gregory I who was pope from
604 A.D predicted that the end of the world was near in a letter that he wrote to
Ethelbert, a
European monarch. He advised: "Further, we also wish Your Majesty to know, as we have learned from the words of Almighty God in Holy Scriptures, that the end of the present world is already near and that the unending Kingdom of the Saints is approaching. As this same end of the world is drawing nigh, many unusual things will happen¡Xclimatic changes, terrors from heaven... All these things are not to come in our own days, but they will follow upon our times." (
Visions of the End¡XApocalypticism in the Wake of the Lutheran Reformation, Bernard McGinn, p 64).
Cardinal Nicholas de Cusa (
1464 A.D.) was " a cardinal of great learning...At the age of 23 Nicholas became a doctor of law, but when he lost his first lawsuit he left the profession of law for the study of
theology. Possessing a thorough knowledge of the Greek, Latin and Hebrew languages, and a rare degree of eloquence, soon attracted attention... was made a cardinal (
1449 A.D.)" (
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature by McClintock and Strong, Volume II, p. 611). Cardinal de Cusa later held that the end of the world would come in the year
1700 A.D. Another Catholic scholar,
Arnald of Villanova predicted that the Antichrist would appear in
[color=blue1378 A.D. (
Visions of The End, McGinn, p. 147)
Unfulfilled historical predictions by Christians - Wikipedia¡^
¤G¤Q¥@¬ö 70 ¦~¥N¡A¬ü°ê¤H
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Edgar Whisenant µÛ "88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988"¡]¡m1988 ¦~³Q´£ªº 88 Ó²z¥Ñ¡n¡A«ö¡u³Q´£¡v¤D«ü·í¥@¬É¥½¤é¨ì¨Ó¡A¯«¼f§P¥@¤H®É¡A¡u«H¥D¡vªº·|³Q¯«±a¨ì¤Ñ°ê¥h¡^¤@®Ñ¡A¥Ñ World Bible Society µo¦æ¡AÁ`¾P¶q°_½X¼Æ¦Ê¸U¥»¡C
Christian Confusion On End-Times Nonsense
Library of Date setters for end of the world!
Armageddon and All That Jazz
Unfulfilled historical predictions by Christians
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End times