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All of a sudden atmosphere in China and US changed bad.  land auction today also a short term discouragement.  HK market are digesting these bad news.  Once interest rate increasing for China is confirmed (or confirmed no increase), HK market in particular H shares will go up again.

Still think buying in every adjustments is the stragety. There may be at least one final shooting in this year. 2823, 753, 941, 2628 my hopes.

I admire brothers" handsom return in the small shares. But I have no guts to touch them.


原帖由 ytt 於 2007-6-12 15:31 發表
All of a sudden atmosphere in China and US changed bad.  land auction today  ...
But for small stocks, easy come easy go. Can lose quickly too!

Yes, I am buying H shares on weakness.


This month will have big adjustment....dont tell anyone.....kekeke

Wait for another adjustment and get into market again~

From now on..just sit back and relax...keke


原帖由 vodkaboy 於 2007-6-12 16:09 發表
This month will have big adjustment....dont tell anyone.....kekeke
Are you sure? Why?


原帖由 ytt 於 2007-6-12 07:31 發表
All of a sudden atmosphere in China and US changed bad.  land auction today also a short term discouragement.  HK market are digesting these bad news.  Once interest rate increasing for China is co ...

I can't accept a stock that can drop more than 10-15% in one day because sometimes I am too busy to even check stock price just once,,,


睇個勢, 今日起碼都跌二百點, 唔知應該入市定係睇戲好 @_@


原帖由 小花至愛 於 2007-6-12 21:14 發表
I can't accept a stock that can drop more than 10-15% in one day because sometimes I am too busy to even check stock price just once,,,
There are many that rise over 50% and fall over 20% in 1 day ...


二萬一都幾難破, 破左就海闊天空, 唔係就好難講咯


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-6-15 11:35 發表
二萬一都幾難破, 破左就海闊天空, 唔係就好難講咯
But short-term pressure on H stocks. I am taking profit today.


今日病到五顏六色, 訓醒見佢破左二萬一, 不過我個 portfolio 就無乜著數, 皆因都係 small cap 多, 今日反而回返少少


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-6-15 20:55 發表
今日病到五顏六色, 訓醒見佢破左二萬一, 不過我個 portfolio 就無乜著數, 皆因都係 small cap 多, 今日反而回返少少
Most small caps decline today. They may need more time before rise!


The big caps, H shares are in play.  Small caps and micro caps will lag behind a bit for now...


The world is turning round and round
for the past 6 months CN financial stocks had been stagnant while others all rise
financial stocks thus become relatively cheap
so they are in play as main actors again


Luckily, I've some CN financial stocks, too...


原帖由 小花至愛 於 2007-6-4 03:08 發表

yes, now already back to 10MA,,, it will test historical high within a couple of days and will stay in higher trading range in mid-June,,,, probably around 21000-22000,,,

tomorrow HSI will breakthrough 21100, resistance will become support,,,

HSBC and 941 will push up 100-200 index point,,, Chinese banking stocks keep rallying,,, internal consumption and property stocks are redy to move again,,,

Trading range will get higher,,, 21000-22000,,,

And reaching +22500 in the third quarter I will start to take profit, for the time being,,, HOLD good stocks to let profit RUN wild,,,,


My expectation posted previously in another website,,,

發表於 2007-6-6 10:52 AM 資料 短消息  
This time going up to 21000 HSI won't fall down, because

1. We only need HSBC to stay at +146 and 941 at +74 to reach 21000,,, both stocks have been consolidating at the current level for 1-2 month and reaching a high trading range is just a matter of time....

2. 6 Chinese banking stocks have been dropping 3-10% from recent high,,, back to mid-May's level would be enough to push up another +200

3. Local interest rate would probably remain stable despite rumour about possible raise,,, property stocks still have room for 5% increase,,,

4. Many industrial stocks have decent p/e and performance, utility stocks are also consolidating for numerous months...

5. Retailing stocks and "internal consumption need" is another area for possible rocketing

My expected mid-June trading range to be 21000-22000....  

http://www11.discuss.com.hk/view ... page%3D1&page=3


Brother small flower : Yes I read your column earlier. Your prediction is so accurate

but why 3rd quarter to take profit and not 4th quarter or early 2008 ?

I am taking H shares as the major and aim at Chinese New Year 2008 or H index 15000 which ever is the earlier to leave the venue. I'll then empty my porfolio to observe for 2-3 months

agree monday will shoot up because China had no new controlling measures introduced


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-6-16 10:08 發表
Luckily, I've some CN financial stocks, too...
Me too but some are still "crab" ...


原帖由 小花至愛 於 2007-6-16 10:50 發表
tomorrow HSI will breakthrough 21100, resistance will become support,,,
HSBC and 941 will push up 100-200 index point,,, Chinese banking stocks keep rallying,,, internal consumption and prop ...
When will there be a reversal so that I can jump into "UT"?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-6-16 07:31 發表

When will there be a reversal so that I can jump into "UT"?
if there are clear signals for correction and also evidence of big hongs' nasty distribution on good news, then it is possible to put (personally I seldom put or short index,,, and my record was mediocre, 2 win and 1 lose) putting and shorting is a harder game to play than longing and calling for sure....

Putting should not be attempted in June, because a big upward wave is coming, and HK is lagging 5-10% of other market (comparing to Feb. level before the 777 drop), and it is very likely for us to go up 5% (1000) within a week or two...  

[ 本帖最後由 小花至愛 於 2007-6-16 17:06 編輯 ]


原帖由 ytt 於 2007-6-16 05:35 發表
Brother small flower : Yes I read your column earlier. Your prediction is so accurate

but why 3rd quarter to take profit and not 4th quarter or early 2008 ?

I am taking H shares as the major  ...
thank you,,, I also bought substantial 3988 at 3.8x, 3.9x and 3.7x...

Why not at 4th quarter, just my guess, because I expect late June's index to be around 21500, and +23000 could have a correction from 186xx upward, so more likely to be around the 3rd quarter than in the fourth quarter,,,


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-6-16 07:30 發表

Me too but some are still "crab" ...
I bought 3988 at 3.7x.... so no crab


原帖由 mmr.ren 於 2007-6-17 11:54 發表
I bought 3988 at 3.7x.... so no crab
You did better than me on #3988.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-6-17 12:21 發表

You did better than me on #3988.
when it goes to +4.8 by the end of this year, the difference doesn't really matter


承你貴言! 大家賺多 D!!!




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