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標題: [原創] 海南雞飯 [打印本頁]

作者: johnnie911    時間: 2007-6-27 12:22     標題: 海南雞飯

作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-6-27 17:09

原帖由 johnnie911 於 2007-6-27 04:22 發表
何文田勝利小廚, 聽講北角都開左間!
作者: 利記    時間: 2007-6-28 11:50

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-6-27 17:09 發表

何文田勝利小廚, 聽講北角都開左間!
作者: unix    時間: 2007-6-28 14:10

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-6-27 09:09 發表

何文田勝利小廚, 聽講北角都開左間!
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-6-28 19:03

原帖由 unix 於 2007-6-28 02:10 PM 發表

勝利小廚 - you can order with or without bone.
作者: brasco    時間: 2007-6-28 23:55

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作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-6-29 00:22

原帖由 利記 於 2007-6-28 03:50 發表

好時中心係邊? 尖東?
間野叫咩名? 多唔多人先?
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-6-29 00:23

原帖由 unix 於 2007-6-28 06:10 發表

作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-6-29 00:26

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-6-28 11:03 發表

勝利小廚 - you can order with or without bone.
係咩? 有得簡架?
好似冇骨易食的, 不過有骨有咬口, 多野食d...
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-6-29 00:27

原帖由 brasco 於 2007-6-28 15:55 發表

....香港就係衰在5多選擇, 佢先做得咁起市.....
我情願去九龍城, 一間泰國菜館食....
九龍城我都經常去, 你講邊間先?
作者: brasco    時間: 2007-6-29 00:49

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作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-6-29 14:33

原帖由 brasco 於 2007-6-28 11:55 PM 發表

....香港就係衰在5多選擇, 佢先做得咁起市.....
You are absolutely right.  I don't go there any more.

There are so many other choices, although at different price level.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-6-29 14:36

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-6-29 12:22 AM 發表

好時中心係邊? 尖東?
間野叫咩名? 多唔多人先?
Don't go there.  The place is flithy, smelly, ...  You get what you pay for and it's not wroth wasting one meal there.
作者: 利記    時間: 2007-6-29 15:31

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-6-29 14:36 發表

Don't go there.  The place is flithy, smelly, ...  You get what you pay for and it's not wroth wasting one meal there.

作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-6-29 15:51

原帖由 利記 於 2007-6-29 03:31 PM 發表


I don't know, but I just don't like the smell which you often find from a curry shop.  They probably inherited that smell from the old Satay House.  I used to work in Houston Centre 25 years ago and the smell has been there since.

Do they give you the disposal chopsticks?
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-6-30 02:18

原帖由 利記 於 2007-6-29 07:31 發表


係米叫好時沙x?? 聽講好多人喎...
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-6-30 02:20

原帖由 brasco 於 2007-6-28 16:49 發表

乜有印度餐廳咩?? 你講個間係米我個間???
作者: 無神論狂徒    時間: 2007-7-1 10:11

作者: jimmy_lee    時間: 2007-7-1 16:47

以前我覺得呢間最好 (佢地d雞有分有骨同冇骨), 但近期水準稍跌.

我覺得呢間都唔錯, 但一定會問佢攞專為新加坡人而設果隻黑醬油, 可惜每次問佢, 個老細都好似有少少唔想比, 搞到我唔係好想再去. 一般香港食客個老細都會比另外一隻冇咁甜的黑醬油, 但我覺得味道不及新加坡人果隻. 另外, 我已年多冇去, 唔排除水準會跌.

[ 本帖最後由 jimmy_lee 於 2007-7-1 16:52 編輯 ]
作者: jimmy_lee    時間: 2007-7-1 16:49

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-6-27 17:09 發表

何文田勝利小廚, 聽講北角都開左間!
勝利小廚...... 咁我寧願揀泰妃雞.

[ 本帖最後由 jimmy_lee 於 2007-7-1 16:50 編輯 ]
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-2 17:54

原帖由 jimmy_lee 於 2007-7-1 08:49 發表

勝利小廚...... 咁我寧願揀泰妃雞.
你講呢間都好食, 我食開灣仔個間, 不過地方太細, 坐得唔係好舒服, 食完就走...
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-2 17:55

原帖由 jimmy_lee 於 2007-7-1 08:49 發表

勝利小廚...... 咁我寧願揀泰妃雞.
旺角個間未去過, 係米一樣架?
作者: 利記    時間: 2007-7-3 12:52

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-6-30 02:18 發表

係米叫好時沙x?? 聽講好多人喎...
作者: 利記    時間: 2007-7-3 12:54

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-2 17:55 發表

旺角個間未去過, 係米一樣架?
作者: brasco    時間: 2007-7-3 20:28

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作者: moxfactor    時間: 2007-7-3 23:30

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-2 17:54 發表

你講呢間都好食, 我食開灣仔個間, 不過地方太細, 坐得唔係好舒服, 食完就走...
我都係... 都係因為座位太少所以打包...
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-4 00:45

原帖由 利記 於 2007-7-3 04:52 發表

作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-4 00:47

原帖由 brasco 於 2007-7-3 12:28 發表

作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-4 00:50

原帖由 moxfactor 於 2007-7-3 15:30 發表

我都係... 都係因為座位太少所以打包...
我都見有人食咖喱, 好似好好味...你有冇食過?
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-4 00:50

原帖由 利記 於 2007-7-3 04:54 發表

作者: brasco    時間: 2007-7-4 02:09

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 利記    時間: 2007-7-4 11:21

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-4 00:45 發表







作者: moxfactor    時間: 2007-7-4 17:30

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-4 00:50 發表

我都見有人食咖喱, 好似好好味...你有冇食過?
冇喎...  我凈係買完雞就走人.  通常都係行完188唔知食乜先去.  克街付近真係冇乜野食...
作者: jimmy_lee    時間: 2007-7-5 22:28

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-2 17:55 發表

旺角個間未去過, 係米一樣架?
係一樣架, 都係坐得唔舒服.
作者: jimmy_lee    時間: 2007-7-5 22:45

原帖由 brasco 於 2007-7-4 02:09 發表

作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-6 00:45

原帖由 moxfactor 於 2007-7-4 09:30 發表

冇喎...  我凈係買完雞就走人.  通常都係行完188唔知食乜先去.  克街付近真係冇乜野食...
附近有間台灣面, 我見都有幾多人食, 你有冇試過?
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2007-7-6 11:18

灣仔一帶試咗唔少間店, 得間雞好d, 一係要上都合和Fat Angelos, 一係到修頓後面一間上樓咖哩店, 再唔係過大街到shk3樓既viceroy...又係食咖哩, 或grand hyatt既lunch buffet....  其外未試到好既.

人多唔一定好架, 唔好亂跟...  有好多人為求只係食飽, 平就=好食.  所以人多唔可以係好既指標.

後加: 早幾年前lockhart賓賓酒吧區有間"蓮", 佢地泰國野唔錯.  同美心訓練所旁邊(三角教堂對面)有間飯堂d 碟頭飯超好食, 但係近幾年都冇去過唔知仲係唔係度...  lockhart鵝頸橋依家circle k個位以前係間叫"新景"既越南店, 佢地既牛油雞翼同順化湯濛係香港冇第二間咁好...  又係唔見咗.

[ 本帖最後由 moxfactor 於 2007-7-6 11:28 編輯 ]
作者: 道明寺    時間: 2007-7-8 02:59     標題: 回復 #2 alphagirl@ 的帖子

不過成日都好多人!! 不過真係幾好食!
作者: jimmyboy2102    時間: 2007-7-8 03:05

原帖由 道明寺 於 2007-7-8 02:59 發表
不過成日都好多人!! 不過真係幾好食!
作者: 道明寺    時間: 2007-7-8 03:08     標題: 回復 #39 jimmyboy2102 的帖子

你好呀! 重記得我嗎?
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-8 22:09

原帖由 道明寺 於 2007-7-7 18:59 發表
不過成日都好多人!! 不過真係幾好食!
作者: jimmyboy2102    時間: 2007-7-8 22:31

原帖由 道明寺 於 2007-7-8 03:08 發表
你好呀! 重記得我嗎?
作者: heeeeh    時間: 2007-7-12 11:06

作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-13 01:17

原帖由 moxfactor 於 2007-7-6 03:18 發表
灣仔一帶試咗唔少間店, 得間雞好d, 一係要上都合和Fat Angelos, 一係到修頓後面一間上樓咖哩店, 再唔係過大街到shk3樓既viceroy...又係食咖哩, 或grand hyatt既lunch buffet....  其外未試到好既.

人多唔 ...
今晚過左灣仔, 諗住食呢間, 十點幾左右, 點知入到去個姐姐話收鋪, 買外賣好唔好? 咁我冇理由買左係街度食...卒之走左去第二度...

見到對面街有間叫荗吉既日本餐廰. 入左去試下, 開頭得三台客, 一路食都有3台入黎幫襯(都成十點幾), 咁我食左:
1. 原隻馬糞海膽, 跟青瓜絲, 紫菜及飯 $88@, 第二隻起$58@
(海膽好鮮甜, 入口即溶, 食完仲感覺到鮮味留係口裡面!)
2. 牡丹蝦, 一般, 不過個蝦頭可炸或煮面士湯, 我簡左湯, 清甜多料...
3. 鵝干海曼卷 - 外層炸左, 唔油膩, 幾香口.
4. 其他野一般...  
兩個人食左$450, 都幾貴.

[ 本帖最後由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-12 17:19 編輯 ]
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-14 17:12

原帖由 johnnie911 於 2007-6-27 12:22 PM 發表
One should try Pestigio (or something like that) for the 無骨海南雞飯 on 普通道 at 西貢 immediately before 滿記 from Kowloon.

But my favoite there is the 龍躉魚頭湯米 and Laksa。
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-14 17:35

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-14 17:12 發表
One should try Pestigio (or something like that) for the 無骨海南雞飯 on 普通道 at 西貢 immediately before 滿記 from Kowloon.
But my favoite there is the 龍躉魚頭湯米 and Laksa。
It's hard to find genuine laksa in HK. But Sai Kung is a bit far for me ...
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-14 17:45

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-14 05:35 PM 發表

It's hard to find genuine laksa in HK. But Sai Kung is a bit far for me ...
How come?  How big is HK?
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-14 18:03

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-14 17:45 發表
How come?  How big is HK?
Not big but without a car, I would not want to go to Sai Kung.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-14 18:24

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-14 06:03 PM 發表

Not big but without a car, I would not want to go to Sai Kung.
May be I am a special breed.  That's why the owner Cat really appreciates I come a long way for lunch.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-14 18:25

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-14 18:24 發表
May be I am a special breed.  That's why the owner Cat really appreciates I come a long way for lunch.
Without a car is OK during winter but at this heat, I rather eat near my home.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-14 22:39

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-14 09:12 發表

One should try Pestigio (or something like that) for the 無骨海南雞飯 on 普通道 at 西貢 immediately before 滿記 from Kowloon.

But my favoite there is the 龍躉魚頭湯米 and Laksa。
Haha..thanks for the suggestion.
I will go Sai Kung swim tomorrow. So I may take a look at this one.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-14 22:59

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-14 10:39 PM 發表

Haha..thanks for the suggestion.
I will go Sai Kung swim tomorrow. So I may take a look at this one.
Mind you this place is not cheap on Sat. & Sun.  But I think it's worth it.  You pay a little more but it's in a nice & quiet environment.

Hehe.  I might run into you tomorrow.  If you see an old man dining alone, that's probably me ah.

This place might be difficult to find.  It's on Moon Kee's side, about 20 yards towards Kowloon.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-14 23:01 編輯 ]
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-15 01:04

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-14 14:59 發表

Mind you this place is not cheap on Sat. & Sun.  But I think it's worth it.  You pay a little more but it's in a nice & quiet environment.

Hehe.  I might run into you tomorrow.  If y ...
Ha..ok. I bring my dog w/ me (see pic on left).
Good luck!
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-16 23:06

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-14 14:59 發表

Mind you this place is not cheap on Sat. & Sun.  But I think it's worth it.  You pay a little more but it's in a nice & quiet environment.

Hehe.  I might run into you tomorrow.  If y ...
I went there yesterday afternoon. I was so tired after swam & played w/ my dog.
This place provided a quite, pleasant and warm feeling. The woman is friendly.
About the food. The chicken rice is fresh & delicious. To my surprise, the chicken soup w/ an abalone is fantastic!

I think it worth the price for both rice & soup, around $140.

Besides, I ordered a fresh fruit salad consisted of fresh green apple, lychee, mango, cherries & shrimp. Not big dish that i found not enough after i finished it. All fresh ingredients and the woman would asked your favor before making it. This is around $100 something.

In short, this is quite a relaxing place for coffee & cake. You would find it comfortable sitting in there listening to music...but the price is comparable to hotel, not cheap!
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-16 23:39

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-16 11:06 PM 發表

I went there yesterday afternoon. I was so tired after swam & played w/ my dog.
This place provided a quite, pleasant and warm feeling. The woman is friendly.
About the food. The  ...
I went there at 1:30 pm yesterday.  You probably came after I left.

I tossed around the idea of having my favorite 龍躉魚頭湯米 but since I responded to the Hainan Chicken Rice topic here, I thought I should do some due diligence.   At $128, it's not cheap, but some hotel charges $165 (Sheraton), Mandarin probably well closer to $200, and without the abalone.  In fact, Kat once showed me a big abalone that they use as soup base on top of the small abalone that comes with the soup.

I usually come on weekdays during which the Hainan Chicken Rice is around $68 or something (without the abalone of course) and the 龍躉魚頭湯米 is $78.

As expensive as it may sound in terms of %, in absolute $ terms, it's only some $50 - $70 bucks more and you get good food, friendly service and nice enviornment in return.  By comparison, their chicken portion is probably 50% more than that in 勝利小廚。
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-16 23:48

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-16 11:06 PM 發表

I went there yesterday afternoon. I was so tired after swam & played w/ my dog.
This place provided a quite, pleasant and warm feeling. The woman is friendly.
About the food. The  ...
Did you leave the dog outside?  I think this place is good for dog owners during autumn when you can dine outdoor.

By the way, I very seldom tried the dessert as I think they are too expensive ($40).
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-17 12:51

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-16 23:39 發表
I went there at 1:30 pm yesterday.  You probably came after I left.
I tossed around the idea of having my favorite 龍躉魚頭湯米 but since I responded to the Hainan Chicken Rice topic here, I ...
Good. I may venture out one day when I can get a lift, or wait till spring time.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-18 01:22

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-16 15:39 發表

I went there at 1:30 pm yesterday.  You probably came after I left.

I tossed around the idea of having my favorite 龍躉魚頭湯米 but since I responded to the Hainan Chicken Rice topic here, I ...
Thanks for suggesting this place. I do agree that the chicken rice + soup is worth trying. Can tell the woman did put a lot of effort in it, you may see from the plate, rice bucket, the spoon & soup bowl.... Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of it. Maybe next time.

For the rice noodle, is there a 龍躉魚頭 in it?
I dont mind the fish soup, but i hate seeing the head in my bowl!! So ugly and disgusting...
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-18 01:26

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-16 15:48 發表

Did you leave the dog outside?  I think this place is good for dog owners during autumn when you can dine outdoor.

By the way, I very seldom tried the dessert as I think they are too expensi ...
I intened to take away the rice because sitting outside is hot. I cant even eat there. I asked the woman whether or not I could bring along my dog in the restaurant. She said OK. So we sat and dine in.

I like dessert very much. So I may try sometime. willing to pay $130 for rice but not $40 for a dessert.
I think there should be some good things if they charge you for that $$.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-18 01:27

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-17 04:51 發表

Good. I may venture out one day when I can get a lift, or wait till spring time. can take a van from the MTR station, not far...
But the vans are fast like car racing, so...u decide la.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-18 07:45

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-18 01:22 AM 發表

Thanks for suggesting this place. I do agree that the chicken rice + soup is worth trying. Can tell the woman did put a lot of effort in it, you may see from the plate, rice bucket, the spoon & ...
Hey, don't be ridiculous.  For $78 (I only ate this dish during weekday), you won't get a 龍躉 head.  If you are lucky, you just get a little bones here and there.  I guarantee you won't see it in your bowl.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-18 07:49

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-18 01:26 AM 發表

I intened to take away the rice because sitting outside is hot. I cant even eat there. I asked the woman whether or not I could bring along my dog in the restaurant. She said OK. So we sat and  ...
Yeah, you are right.  $40 for a nice dessert is reasonable, relative to a $27 dessert I had at Moon Kee afterwards.  After all, I spent an hour on traffic, $22 on parking, and a long walk from the car park, sweating like hell.

I definitely will have a full meal next time.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-18 17:25

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-18 01:27 發表 can take a van from the MTR station, not far...
But the vans are fast like car racing, so...u decide la.
I know. Thanks for suggestion AND warning.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-18 17:26

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-18 07:49 發表
After all, I spent an hour on traffic, $22 on parking, and a long walk from the car park, sweating like hell.
So driving was no fun either!
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-18 23:52

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-17 23:45 發表

Hey, don't be ridiculous.  For $78 (I only ate this dish during weekday), you won't get a 龍躉 head.  If you are lucky, you just get a little bones here and there.  I guarantee you won't see  ...
Haha..okay. If you say it so good, I may try next time I visited Sai Kung.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-18 23:54

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-17 23:49 發表

Yeah, you are right.  $40 for a nice dessert is reasonable, relative to a $27 dessert I had at Moon Kee afterwards.  After all, I spent an hour on traffic, $22 on parking, and a long walk fro ...
You should park in the public carpark close to the restaurant. You go up the slope and will soon find it. Not far, but not many spaces. If you are lucky, you will find one. Try next time...
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-19 00:26

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-18 11:54 PM 發表

You should park in the public carpark close to the restaurant. You go up the slope and will soon find it. Not far, but not many spaces. If you are lucky, you will find one. Try next time...
That car park will be full on a Sunday.   Even on weekdays, I have to be there before 12:30 to find a space.  Very often, I need to park at the Lorry car space.  To play safe, I parked at 翠塘花園。

I am going there tomorrow for lunch, and I will order one without fish bones/head.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-20 00:28

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-18 16:26 發表

That car park will be full on a Sunday.   Even on weekdays, I have to be there before 12:30 to find a space.  Very often, I need to park at the Lorry car space.  To play safe, I parked at 翠塘花 ...
It should not be long from that garden. But rather hot walking from there. I am lucky sometime that could park in the carpark up the slope.
If not, I will go direct to the goverment complex. You know that place? There is a library...and the carpark is opened to public (not sure if on weekdays, you need to check). Mind you, the parking space is dame can hardly park if your car is big.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-20 00:29

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-18 16:26 發表

That car park will be full on a Sunday.   Even on weekdays, I have to be there before 12:30 to find a space.  Very often, I need to park at the Lorry car space.  To play safe, I parked at 翠塘花 ...
Hey, hows your lunch today?
Is it good?
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-20 00:46

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-20 12:28 AM 發表

It should not be long from that garden. But rather hot walking from there. I am lucky sometime that could park in the carpark up the slope.
If not, I will go direct to the goverme ...
Are you talking about the one where the entrance is next to the Indian restaurant?  I parked there several times but the space is just too small to my liking.  Distance wise, it's not closer to Prestigio than 翠塘花園 where I can go via a shortcut.  The space up the slope is perfect but there's little chance on Sunday.

We changed our mind for today's lunch.  We went to Lardo's at Hang Hau.  This place is the best kept secret ar.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-20 09:18

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-20 00:46 發表
Lardo's at Hang Hau....
What food and what's so good? Also, how to get there? Thanks.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-20 18:46

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-20 09:18 AM 發表

What food and what's so good? Also, how to get there? Thanks.
The Hang Hau mini bus (from Choi Hung) terminus is right in front of the restaurant.

What's so good?  I guess it's the ingredients and in fact they also owns a deli at the back of the restaurants, selling high quality deli at reasonable (but not cheap) prices and they are supplier to many 5-star hotels.

I frist walked past this small restaurant 5 years ago and looked at the menu outside.  Oh my God!!  Their prices were expensive considering the decor (I would call them barely comfortable), the neighbourhood....  Not until my friends referred them to me, and I found it very delicious.  And this place is always full, especially during weekends.  Even today when I called at 12:20 for lunch and they said they were full.  My friend this year tried to book a table for NY Eve dinner and they said they had a fixed menu including drinks, and it cost $998.  And it didn't matter, because they were fully booked.  Would you believe a humble restaurant in Hang Hau charges that kind of money and it could be fully booked?

Set lunch Mon - Fri is $65, otherwise, a la carte menu.  Starter around $98 and main $120 - $200 or thereabout.  I might be wrong.  Some people might find it not worth it if you take into account the decor and the location.

The owner is Danish and he won some medals or something.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-20 22:25

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-20 18:46 發表
The Hang Hau mini bus (from Choi Hung) terminus is right in front of the restaurant.
What's so good?  I guess it's the ingredients and in fact they also owns a deli at the back of the rest ...
Thanks for info. Maybe good to check out its lunch during weekday.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-20 22:28

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-20 10:25 PM 發表

Thanks for info. Maybe good to check out its lunch during weekday.
I walked past this place tonight @ 8:30 pm.  The place is fulll except one table by the door and I won'tbe surprised if it was reserved.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-20 22:35

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-20 22:28 發表
I walked past this place tonight @ 8:30 pm.  The place is fulll except one table by the door and I won'tbe surprised if it was reserved.
Excuse me but is Hang Hau = Tsang Kwan O?
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-20 23:38

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-20 10:35 PM 發表

Excuse me but is Hang Hau = Tsang Kwan O?

作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-24 01:06

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-20 10:46 發表

The Hang Hau mini bus (from Choi Hung) terminus is right in front of the restaurant.

What's so good?  I guess it's the ingredients and in fact they also owns a deli at the back of the rest ...
Wei, how can i go there if i drive?
Where park?

I am going to Sai Kung this Sat. May visit this place after swim.
Is it proper if I go in vest & sandle?
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-24 01:09

I like foie gras, do they serve good ones?
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-24 16:59

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-24 01:06 發表
I am going to Sai Kung this Sat. May visit this place after swim.
Is it proper if I go in vest & sandle?
I don't see why not. Not many places will disallow sandles etc. except for the few 6 stars hotels.

作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-24 17:01

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-24 01:09 發表
I like foie gras, do they serve good ones?
For this dish alone, Ces't Bon serve a huge thick piece cooked to perfection. For @$260 (can't remember exactly but the price has been reduced from $300) for the 9 course signature menu, it is excellent value.
作者: lafite2004    時間: 2007-7-24 18:52

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-24 09:01 發表

For this dish alone, Ces't Bon serve a huge thick piece cooked to perfection...
Ha,  Where is it.            
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-7-24 21:03

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-24 01:06 AM 發表

Wei, how can i go there if i drive?
Where park?

I am going to Sai Kung this Sat. May visit this place after swim.
Is it proper if I go in vest & sandle?
If you go from Sai Kung, you go along CWB Rd till you hit the roundabout.  Turn right and go to the second left 影業路 where the sign says 寶琳。 (the first left is the one to TKO Hospital).  Go down the slope and turn left at the bottom of the hill where you see a lot of 村屋。 Turn left into the car park.  There are so many meter parking there and you will get a space any time up to 7 pm on weekdays and up to 5 or 6 pm on weekends.  Otherwise, park along the roads at the 村屋.  

I am sure vest and sandals are OK but you can check when you make thereservation (2719-8168).  And don't forget to visit their deli one block away from the back of their restaurant.  What you can get from there is probably what you eat at the Intercon.  My favorite there is the chicken pie although some may find it pricey @ $18.

Foie Gras - I think they should have it, although they mainly import from Australia.  They have a container import twice a week.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2007-7-24 21:04 編輯 ]
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-24 22:03

原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-24 18:52 發表
Ha,  Where is it.            
Tsing Yi City and Telford Garden Phase 2.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-25 01:09

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-24 09:01 發表

For this dish alone, Ces't Bon serve a huge thick piece cooked to perfection. For @$260 (can't remember exactly but the price has been reduced from $300) for the 9 course signature menu, it is ex ...
I know this restaurant from openrice. Comments so far are not bad.
Indeed I forgot this restaurant as I never thought of anything nice in Marinetime Sqaure. Maybe I should try once and see....

The 9 courses dinner seems too many for me. Do they offer selection with fewer courses?

I may visit this place tomorrow. When will they close?
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-25 01:13

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-24 09:01 發表

For this dish alone, Ces't Bon serve a huge thick piece cooked to perfection. For @$260 (can't remember exactly but the price has been reduced from $300) for the 9 course signature menu, it is ex ...
Ha...ok, thanks for letting me know.
I think I need to play more badminton after the thick piece!!
作者: lafite2004    時間: 2007-7-25 11:18

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-24 01:06 AM 發表

{{I may visit this place tomorrow. When will they close? }}

Can you give me your comment after you visit that place. I am thinking   ................too.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-25 17:42

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-25 01:09 發表
I know this restaurant from openrice. Comments so far are not bad.
Indeed I forgot this restaurant as I never thought of anything nice in Marinetime Sqaure. Maybe I should try once and see... ...
They closed late (same as other restaurants at the mall). The portions are not big so you should be able to finish the 9 course. However, the dish you like is very filling and as I said, the portion of that particular dish is big.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-25 17:44

原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-25 11:18 發表
原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-24 01:06 AM 發表
{{I may visit this place tomorrow. When will they close? }}
Can you give me your comment after you visit that place. I am thinking   ....... ...
I have been to this place (the Telford Garden store) 3 times. Most dishes were good to above average. The only disappointment is the soup (lobster bisque or seafood tomato).
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-26 00:30

原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-25 03:18 發表
原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-24 01:06 AM 發表

{{I may visit this place tomorrow. When will they close? }}

Can you give me your comment after you visit that place. I am thinking   ....... ...
Sure. I didn't go today as I worked late. Need arrange another time next week.

I thought I ate something not clean tonight...feeling bad now.
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-26 00:32

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-7-25 09:42 發表

They closed late (same as other restaurants at the mall). The portions are not big so you should be able to finish the 9 course. However, the dish you like is very filling and as I said, the port ...
I called them tonight. They closed at 12, but last call is 10.
I remember they have an area outside so chatting and drinking could be nice.
作者: lafite2004    時間: 2007-7-26 10:27

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-25 16:30 發表

Sure. I didn't go today as I worked late. Need arrange another time next week.
I thought I ate something not clean tonight...feeling bad now.

How are you ?  Take care of yourself.   
I suggest you don't go there even next week, as foie gas is ..........

Go there, when you fully recover.  I don't mind to wait ........
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-7-27 00:45

原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-26 02:27 發表

How are you ?  Take care of yourself.   
I suggest you don't go there even next week, as foie gas is ..........

Go there, when you fully recover.  I don't mind to wait ........:lo ...
But......I can't wait!!
作者: peninsula    時間: 2007-7-27 12:25

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-26 00:32 發表
I called them tonight. They closed at 12, but last call is 10.
I remember they have an area outside so chatting and drinking could be nice.
Let me know your thoughts after trying out this place.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2007-8-3 21:27

原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-7-18 11:52 PM 發表

Haha..okay. If you say it so good, I may try next time I visited Sai Kung.
I checked out with Kat today.  You can, by special request, ask for one with only fish meat without the bones.
作者: agogock2118    時間: 2007-8-4 00:03

除左曼谷水門, 我一定揀勝利小廚
作者: goldenbaby    時間: 2007-8-4 00:17

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作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-8-4 22:46

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-3 13:27 發表

I checked out with Kat today.  You can, by special request, ask for one with only fish meat without the bones.
Ha..ok, thanks for letting me know!
I may not visit there in short period of time. But if i could, i will try try...
作者: alphagirl@    時間: 2007-8-4 22:47

原帖由 goldenbaby 於 2007-8-3 16:17 發表
中港城海南村唔錯    .
呢間我都有聽聞過, 唔知價錢如何?
作者: moxfactor    時間: 2007-8-5 03:30

原帖由 agogock2118 於 2007-8-4 00:03 發表
除左曼谷水門, 我一定揀勝利小廚
灣仔克街 勝利小廚?

前幾手果時有入過去食野, 後來見佢年年變新店就唔敢入嚕....對面間日本野又係...  克街d店唔知乜事, 成日都做唔好.  英皇另一面街有間阿二, d小菜唔錯, 仲好過早幾年前灣仔街市樓上既水準(同級算非常好).
作者: goldenbaby    時間: 2007-8-7 01:10

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