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標題: 54th Macau Grand Prix Questions. Please HELP!! [打印本頁]

作者: Ravedge    時間: 2007-8-11 19:46     標題: 54th Macau Grand Prix Questions. Please HELP!!

Hi guys, I'm planning to make a trip to Macau this November to catch the 54th Macau Grand Prix. I wanna shoot some pics of the race queens and I've got some questions about it:

1. How do I get tickets to shoot the race queens there? How much the ticket normally cost?

2. Will there be any race queens present during the practice and qualifying rounds? Or I need to wait until the final 2 days to see the race queens?

Please tell me. Thank you so much!
作者: Garfield    時間: 2007-8-13 14:23

原帖由 Ravedge 於 2007-8-11 19:46 發表
Hi guys, I'm planning to make a trip to Macau this November to catch the 54th Macau Grand Prix. I wanna shoot some pics of the race queens and I've got some questions about it:

1. How do I get t ...
提議你請教一下車版版友,或者車版版主 allure 會幫到你都未定
作者: allure    時間: 2007-8-26 18:53

原帖由 Garfield 於 2007-8-13 14:23 發表

提議你請教一下車版版友,或者車版版主 allure 會幫到你都未定
er.... 我9月轉工喇... 今年唔會好似上年咁可以拎到咁多pass架喇...
而且, 我有咁多車友... 多多pass都唔夠分喇... (舊年都唔夠分)
sorry... 真係幫唔到佢喇!

for those who are interested in shooting the racing girls:
係兩個地方可以見到racing girls... 一個係paddock, 另一個就係pit lane...
跑道起點(pit lane)管得嚴好多 & 果個證唔會比d同賽事無關既人...
我舊年都係有幾個 F3 tech crew帶住我行, 先可以搏到懵入到去咋...

而paddock就好似一個大後台...d racing girls會係paddock不斷行黎行去...
希望吸引d記者影佢地... 幫公司宣傳...
係果度可以慢慢影... 仲唔會miss任何一個racing girls...
賽事既工作人員, 車隊, 記者, 贊助商, 貴賓包廂客人等等... 都可以入到去paddock...

賽事既所有pass都係 "NOT FOR SALE"既... 如果你想近距離影racing girls...

如果你唔識上述人士... 咁仲有兩個用好多錢就可以解決既options..
1. 自己買一個包廂... 最平既好似係幾萬蚊.. 有十零張passes (唔係好記得).. 不過, 年年d包廂都比d大公司 & 賭場預先訂晒...
2. 即刻去各大賭場... 入會做高級大貴賓... 輸番咁上下... 而輸極都仲輸得起既...  你同會員部經理講要pass.. 佢一定死都死到個pass比你...

再唔係... 就要買起點區既飛... 係觀眾席用支tele影係pit lane車旁邊既racing girls喇...
但果度好混亂... 佢地通常都比d記者圍住晒... 未必真係影得到...

其實... 一句講晒... 識人就得.... 呢個就係澳門最typical既現象...

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