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標題: 點解要concrete suggestion? [打印本頁]

作者: SAS    時間: 2007-8-16 02:42     標題: 點解要concrete suggestion?

大版主明言只attack而無concrete suggestion, 即ban. 我唔明點解要concrete suggestion至可以批評, even係激烈措詞既批評.

當你批評邊個套戲拍得唔好前, 你有無需要話俾導演聽套戲要點拍先好?

當你批評醫生d藥食極都唔好前, 你有無需要建議醫生邊隻葯好d?

當你批評摩連奴教到車路士咁既樣前, 你有無需要教返佢點教波?

批評本身並無包含建議既責任. 點解? 因為我地係end users, 我地只能講出自己既感受. 等於餐廳經理問我d野0岩唔0岩食, 我只可以話好食定唔好食. 我話唔好食, 個經理斷估唔會寸返我話: 唔好食你自己煮啦! 你教我地大厨點煮好食d呀笨! 你d無建設性既食客以後唔好黎幫趁! Ban你!

點樣煮到合客人口味唔係我既專業, 亦唔係我既責任!同樣地, 我地只係一個會員, 一個蟻民, 無可能作出每一樣批評都要諗好一個方案點解決, 有方案係bonus, 無方案, 我大膽講句, 係應份. 點做得好d係管理層聽取左批評之後既責任, 唔應該推俾會員. 更唔應該成為批評既條件.

當然, 個forum係大版主所有, 大版主可以訂立任何規矩, even規定每個post要以”大版主萬歲萬歲萬萬歲”作為起首語都重得. 合則來, 不合則去. 但呢一個concrete suggestion before attack既requirement, 創宇宙之先河, 恕小弟不敢苟同.
作者: xocatII    時間: 2007-8-16 03:01

yes, you don't have responsiblities to give concrete suggestions.  But I do have responsiblities to make this forum wiser and more intelligent.

talking theories is hard.  I like to talk using examples:

1. 當你批評邊個套戲拍得唔好前, 你有無需要話俾導演聽套戲要點拍先好?
Lower intelligent organisms can only voice out their feelings of like or dislike.  But human beings, like me, will try to say my dislike first, then voice out how to make it better... then make a better movie.  Or as an end user, my concrete suggestion is I will remember who shoot that movie and not try to see that movie again.  That's the concrete suggestion.

當你批評醫生d藥食極都唔好前, 你有無需要建議醫生邊隻葯好d?
Then, I won't use any negative attitude to 單打 the doctor.  If you use such kind of emotion, then you're die hard.  Then I will talk about it to the doctor and suggest him if he has neglected any of my symptoms... if the doctor still can't solve my problem, I will surely try another doctor... Trying another doctor is the concrete suggestion.  Like trying other forum...

3. If I don't like the restaurant... lower level of thinking can only voice out like and dislike, 好食不好食, a higher level of thinking can voice out how bad it is and what bad it is inside.... a even more higher level of thinking can invent or decide how to make it better.   You have the right to remain silent on deciding what is better.  But pls don't stay at the restaurant and shout and shout... just because there are other people at this restaurant as well.  Their mood of enjoying food will be influeneced by you as well.  A food originally good will become worse because of what you said...  but you do have the right to use a polite way to let the manager know and the manager, in a 資本主義社會, will surely resopnd to you.  If you just said, I don't like this food, manager didn't know how to respond and you influence other people, but if you said, I want to hotter or cooler or sweeter or sourer, it is much better to the management level instead of shouting your negative emotions.  As it involves much more complicated brain/RAM/speed of your brain, it uses up your resources, so it highly depends on your ability.  I hope that our forum can retain high abilitiy people here...
作者: xocatII    時間: 2007-8-16 03:05

So, the reason why I ban loksiu is clear.  He shouted and shouted... he shouted at my restaurant that there is some bad smell in our restaurant (比喻)...  but he can't give any evidence bor... as I consider him influencing our restaurant and other members, I have to get him out of our restaurant and all his friends on the same table.  I can't decide who is the good or bad guy on that table at that momemnt.  But I have to consider the whole picture of my restaurant.
作者: xocatII    時間: 2007-8-16 03:35

and this is the rule of this restaurant... dress politely... if you wear bad like forget wearing a tie, then we're sorry that we can't let you in... we want to make this forum more formal, more well dressed and having a nice environment.  And we want this forum to discuss things wisely, intelligently.  You might argue with me about the validity of this rule.   You can argue that wearing tie is not good to your health... but pls don't shout or 單打 me... and if you don't like this rule, sorry, this forum is not your place.  You may want to go to a zoo instead...
作者: bgfantasy    時間: 2007-8-16 08:33

Well, seems it's a right way to communicate to members on your perspective.  

So please un-ban them immediately.  According to your argument, those who don't like it shall leave.  So, un-ban them now.  Let they have their own decision!
作者: xocatII    時間: 2007-8-16 17:44

原帖由 bgfantasy 於 2007-8-16 08:33 發表
Well, seems it's a right way to communicate to members on your perspective.  

So please un-ban them immediately.  According to your argument, those who don't like it shall leave.  So, un-ban the ...
Pls reread every one of my post and see the reasons behind... I have over 6 reasons behind... feel free to discuss with me point by point... not just short sentences... it doesn't sound right...

Also, I don't fee that they like this place... if they like it, I can surely feel it like I already resumed quite some members account already....

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