原帖由 蒲鬼 於 2007-9-10 05:32 發表
幾得喎! 等我去上海試試先。
原帖由 garylock 於 2007-9-10 15:09 發表
very good report and any similar service near PuDong area?? Thanks
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-11 12:22 發表
客服sms我, 話有新囡, 邊位巴打試過報報料哩?
原帖由 jzhang5595134 於 2007-9-11 14:34 發表
Will be in Shanghai on 9/14... will try?? Which one has new girl? The FS one or the HJ one?
原帖由 jzhang5595134 於 2007-9-11 14:34 發表
Will be in Shanghai on 9/14... will try?? Which one has new girl? The FS one or the HJ one?
原帖由 35e 於 2007-9-11 23:44 發表
$260/90 mins?? good.....do they usually called xx健康中心? then i know what to choose next time in BJ la...
原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-9-11 15:18 發表
As you had never tried before, anyone is "New" to you !![]()
原帖由 fairview 於 2007-9-12 07:16 發表
will try again. had one experience before. so so la
原帖由 hoi 於 2007-9-13 21:57 發表
is there any such service in SZ ?
原帖由 Doer 於 2007-9-13 13:03 發表
原帖由 qqqqq79 於 2007-9-13 19:25 發表
国庆在哪里玩都非常安全的啦; 就是国庆前2个礼拜GONG AN 查的多;
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-12 22:45 發表
try to get familiar with the customer service mm. they will arrange good bg
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-14 01:18 發表
shangrila後面間髮X藝熟左就可以叫技師上房 推油+HJ 150+100/2hrs
原帖由 Rayjeam 於 2007-9-14 12:53 發表
在上海FL hj 通常都要150左右...在桂林路真是多到不得了...但十一将近都是扎砲好过费事误中流弹....因为上海每逢十一時都会清洗-下....那管什么名牌sn-样 ...
原帖由 teihosing 於 2007-9-14 11:54 發表
good report and thanks for sharing.
I'll go to Chongqing next monday then to shanghai next next Monday. Definitely I'll call the first number you give us here to try massage and ...
原帖由 teihosing 於 2007-9-14 11:54 發表
good report and thanks for sharing.
I'll go to Chongqing next monday then to shanghai next next Monday. Definitely I'll call the first number you give us here to try massage and ...
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-15 00:28 發表
there are a lot to choose.
most "beauty parlor" in the hotel provide such service. some hj & some ml. but i doubt the techniq ...
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-15 00:10 發表
講緊SZ啊, C Hing!!
原帖由 teihosing 於 2007-9-17 11:44 發表
many thanks for your information. Most of the beauty parlor or they call Spa are very expensive in the hotel. Normal massage for 1 hour is Rmb460 if you go for HJ additional cost ...
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-14 01:18 發表
shangrila後面間髮X藝熟左就可以叫技師上房 推油+HJ 150+100/2hrs
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-18 00:25 發表
hj is definitely included. 小雪 is the custom service mm, not bg.
i'll tried called massage girls from hotel beauty parlor sooooo many times in sh & bj. regular massage is around 150~250, ...
原帖由 hoi 於 2007-9-13 21:57 發表
is there any such service in SZ ?
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-25 01:51 發表
上QQ406487同客服傾傾 呢度有好野
原帖由 Rayjeam 於 2007-9-25 09:44 發表
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-25 11:40 發表
呢個係健康中心既客服黎架, 佢介紹既技師我試過兩個, 都唔錯, 佢話公司黎左個好靚既新技師啦, 我未得閒去上海, 俾bro嚐新先之嘛
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-9-10 03:11 發表
yes, but not this centre. i've tried another which provide ML at ¥800 including full course massage like above. u can call 15*01*97703小夢 for this. hv fun, bro~
原帖由 Taxi_Driver 於 2007-10-1 12:22 發表
老江湖 hing
原帖由 a112233 於 2007-10-1 16:21 發表
260 in Shanghai is consider cheap. Price in Shanhgai cannot be compared with SZ
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-10-1 17:31 發表
上門價係咁行情, 千祈咪搞壞市呀!!! nc就貴, 各有各既偏好喇~
原帖由 hkmgt 於 2007-10-2 00:15 發表
For normal oil massage, it costs around RMB150 - 250 per hour
原帖由 hkmgt 於 2007-10-2 00:17 發表
Forget to say, my experience is usually no HJ provided in the shop
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-10-1 16:27 發表
and that is 45mins. the services i mentioned last for 90mins.
原帖由 teihosing 於 2007-10-4 15:59 發表
I will go to Shanghai next Wednesday. Any C-hing can give me update on massage room service. The problem is i still need to stay at "Paris Spring" 5-star Hotel as required by my boss.
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-10-4 16:11 發表
not a problem at all. try1%800%%3332, they provide services within the outer ring.
原帖由 teihosing 於 2007-10-4 16:16 發表
thank you very much. How much is it?
原帖由 jingya 於 2007-10-10 00:09 發表
I tried Yuen Yuen yesterday. Girl is soso, but for the price in SHanghai, it is money well pay. Full 90 mins with HJ at last. BG is pleasant. Worth to try if you have nothing to do at night in ...
原帖由 lundiu4 於 2007-10-28 03:12 發表
老江湖 hing , how about safety issue? Is that safe to call and have the bg to come over to your room?
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-11-6 04:32 發表
安安幫大家整左個技師表, 自己搵o岩口味既食囉喂~
技師 年齡 原籍 身高 漂亮度 區域 特徵
羅羅 19 安徽 160 ---- 閘北 小巧可愛活潑開朗
果果 24 廣東 167 8/10 普陀 時尚型態度素質佳
思 ...
原帖由 fatboyboy 於 2007-11-7 02:53 發表
Hi bro, I have tried Lolo last night, she is young but the service is just so so. And she left in 60 minutes. And during her service, she show that she is tired and do not massage weill at all. ...
原帖由 老江湖 於 2007-11-7 04:24 發表
小張, but she is on leave now. anan recommends 思琪 whom i hvn't tried. good luck, pal~
原帖由 fatboyboy 於 2007-11-8 07:35 發表
Dear Bro, I tried again last night and experienced another really very disppointed experience. I talked on the phone and described very clear with the agent ANAN on my request. This time she ar ...
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