原帖由 pollacksydney 於 2007-12-9 11:14 AM 發表
How about the Chinese run strip joint at Lanhurst & Eglinton (?) I may be wrong on the street name as I have not been in Toronto for over 2 years.
Here you can find a mixture of strippers - ...
原帖由 pollacksydney 於 2007-12-10 07:36 PM 發表
You are right - Fairbank Hotel at Dufferin and Eglington. How is it now?
Let's hope it will still be there next time I return to Toronto.
原帖由 紋次郎 於 2007-12-27 02:38 發表
House of Lancaster at Etobiclke is also a nice place. Hardware is a bit old (according to my past experience years ago). But they always invite some hot porn stars as feature showings. I have dozen ...
原帖由 MJ45 於 2007-12-27 06:40 發表
Sounds interesting, could you please give the location or detail address? Thanks.
原帖由 pollacksydney 於 2007-12-10 00:14 發表
...The friendly waitors (all Cantonese speaking) carry a photo album of the girls on duty and you make making by buying chips ...
原帖由 pollacksydney 於 2007-12-10 00:14 發表
How about the Chinese run strip joint at Lanhurst & Eglinton (?) I may be ...
原帖由 dai169 於 2008-1-1 15:13 發表
wanna check it out and visit the club tonight. overall the MM are good. check out lucy (hk mm). she looks like 張"park gi".
原帖由 yyhk141 於 2008-4-9 00:23 發表
How come no one talked about WHiskey?
原帖由 MSZ 於 2008-4-9 12:36 發表
Because whiskeyagogo is the most overrated strip club in the world?
原帖由 MSZ 於 2008-4-9 12:36 發表
Because whiskeyagogo is the most overrated strip club in the world?
原帖由 BystanderA 於 2008-4-9 23:57 發表
whiskey was a good place to have a party.. the girls used to be outstanding
Originally posted by 無名無性 at 2008-4-18 16:34
went to GoGoWhiskey 2 months ago, on a Thurs nite, it's dead and we leave after 20min (1 beer)
went to ProClub 2 weeks ago, also quite but ambiance is more inviting so we stay for a hour (2 beer ...
原帖由 TML888 於 2008-4-20 22:29 發表
Any nice Asian girls at Pro Club? or mostly white girls?
原帖由 KamenRiderV3 於 2008-4-18 09:09 發表
I am here in N. California and we have some very good strip clubs. Usually, you can find a good dance with happy ending for $100.
No intercourse, but maybe HJ and BJ or nude lap dance with happ ...
原帖由 smart_hoyin 於 2008-5-11 23:19 發表
who went to a stripclub near york university
i heard it is damn good
原帖由 MSZ 於 2008-5-12 11:37 發表
Did you mean Peek A Boo's?
原帖由 yyhk141 於 2008-5-27 23:09 發表
is peek a boo good?
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