原帖由 william1 於 2007-12-1 14:40 發表
it takes much timt to ds
原帖由 william1 於 2007-12-1 14:42 發表
girls standard not high
DG is better
原帖由 pkhkg 於 2007-12-2 12:26 發表
两種唔同玩法,DG d囡囡玩服務但有時覺得太假,
DS d囡囡玩feel, 各有各好玩。
原帖由 MJ45 於 2007-12-2 08:34 發表
Hi bro, could you explain the meaning of those terms: double act, DG and DS? Thanks
原帖由 peterwongxxx 於 2007-12-2 16:12 發表
西湖 =sai wu 雙飛=double act ony 2+2=4 百
原帖由 peterwongxxx 於 2007-12-1 20:30 發表
Inexpensive ktv at DS. Only 200 for small room and PR 125 . Place is Sai Wu Hotel. Girls is very avg . Last time, only can choose one in 20. But good place for double act
原帖由 Kingcwk 於 2007-12-3 16:26 發表
咁小費係2-3-6 家 2-5-8 ?
pr=dj 小費$125??
原帖由 hkdoctor 於 2007-12-3 09:12 發表
最近剛去過一間平 ktv,好似行1/2/6,酒水260包十支大青....
我那麼 ...
原帖由 peterwongxxx 於 2007-12-4 11:58 發表
Sai Wu Hotel ; you can just walk in and ask for mami; go there at about 7:30 and get a small room for 260 ( afternoon danace is 200)
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