科學是人類探索自然真理的活動,其根本目的當然不是衝著神學和上帝去的,但是科學的發現給基督教教義帶來的常常是毀滅性的衝擊。面對這種隨科學揭示真理而來的根本性打擊,教會自然不會聽之任之。所以歷史上和現實中就上演了一幕幕神學進攻科學的活劇。Andrew Dickson White 在他的 A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom 對此做了精彩的總結。Andrew 寫到:
We have already noted that there are generally three periods or phases in a theological attack upon any science. The first of these is marked by the general use of scriptural texts and statements against the new scientific doctrine; the third by attempts at compromise by means of far-fetched reconciliations of textual statements with ascertained fact; but the second or intermediate period between these two is frequently marked by the pitting against science of some great doctrine in theology.