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標題: [原創] 容龍別墅﹐雍雅山房﹐華爾登酒店﹐沙田酒店﹐龍華酒店﹐ 青山酒店﹐西林寺 [打印本頁]

作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-5 12:02     標題: 容龍別墅﹐雍雅山房﹐華爾登酒店﹐沙田酒店﹐龍華酒店﹐ 青山酒店﹐西林寺

請問各位有無新舊 容龍別墅﹐雍雅山房﹐華爾登酒店﹐沙田酒店﹐龍華酒店﹐ 青山酒店﹐西林寺 的照片分享﹖

[ 本帖最後由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-5 04:49 編輯 ]
作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-5 12:47

Let me start posting some irst...

青山酒店  1960s

雍雅山房 1960s

容龍別墅 1950s

[ 本帖最後由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-5 23:57 編輯 ]
作者: billy_1    時間: 2007-12-5 20:23     標題: very good ...................

very good ...................
作者: dorothytiffany    時間: 2007-12-5 23:27

作者: dorothytiffany    時間: 2007-12-5 23:29

作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-6 16:57

Very nice photos! The photos for 西林寺 seem to be the hardest to find as it was not much attraction for foreign tourists.  Most of the old photos found on the Net are from the tourists as cameras were more commonly used by the tourists in the 60s.

[ 本帖最後由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-6 14:16 編輯 ]
作者: dorothytiffany    時間: 2007-12-6 22:05

西林寺 - Just found one photo in my collection - the deserted Sai Lam Temple. I'm looking for more sharing as well!
作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-6 22:19

原帖由 dorothytiffany 於 2007-12-6 14:05 發表
西林寺 - Just found one photo in my collection - the deserted Sai Lam Temple. I'm looking for more sharing as well!
Great photo, any idea when it was taken?  I still remember when I went to 西林寺 last, some jukebox was playing the Cantonese version of 'I saw her standing there' - 阿珍嫁左人! It's should be late 60s.

[ 本帖最後由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-6 14:47 編輯 ]
作者: dorothytiffany    時間: 2007-12-6 22:24

原帖由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-6 22:19 發表

Great photo, any idea when it was taken?  I still remember when I went to 西林寺 last, some jukebox was playing the Cantonese version of 'Cant buy me Love' - 阿珍嫁左人! It's should be late 60s.
I belive that the photo was taken after the mid-70s and probably into the early eighties. I did take quite a few photos in the late 60s and early 70s and I'm trying to locate them. I will share them with you guys.

Yes, I had faded memories of a judebox being placed there! Thanks for triggering my memories!
作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-6 23:12

Here is a photo of the current Dragon Inn.  It is now only a seafood restaurant and no longer an inn; I took this photo about 4 years ago.

作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-6 23:16

Dragon Inn in late 70's.  This photo was displayed inside the current Dragon Inn Restaurant and I took it with my digital camera 4 years ago.

[ 本帖最後由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-6 15:26 編輯 ]
作者: mandy    時間: 2007-12-7 19:05

作者: mandy    時間: 2007-12-7 19:45

作者: mandy    時間: 2007-12-7 19:54

作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-7 22:14

To Mandy,

Thanks for the photos.  Do you know when these photos were taken?  The ones for Shatin Heights Hotel seem to be from the 60's (based on the vehicle).  The ones for Yucca de Lac seem very recent.  And the ones for Lung Wah are hard to tell, but my guess they are from late 70s or early 80s.
作者: dorothytiffany    時間: 2007-12-7 23:52

Mandy - Great photo. Heartfelt appreciation for the sharing!
作者: mandy    時間: 2007-12-8 00:07

原帖由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-7 22:14 發表
To Mandy,

Thanks for the photos.  Do you know when these photos were taken?  The ones for Shatin Heights Hotel seem to be from the 60's (based on the vehicle).  The ones for Yucca de Lac seem ve ...
作者: dorothytiffany    時間: 2007-12-8 00:23

作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-8 00:27

There used to be a Shatin Inn 沙田茵 near Shatin Heights Hotel.  I have never been there and it seemed to be a road side cafe. Does it still exist today?
作者: mandy    時間: 2007-12-8 00:51

作者: princess_f    時間: 2007-12-8 02:04

Everything is so interesting to me.
作者: lakemanchan    時間: 2007-12-8 22:44

Shatin Inn 沙田茵 is still there but it is now surrounded by flyover-in-construction.  No longer like the old time.  By the way,
the food there is expensive.
作者: princess_f    時間: 2007-12-8 22:58

原帖由 lakemanchan 於 2007-12-8 10:44 PM 發表
Shatin Inn 沙田茵 is still there but it is now surrounded by flyover-in-construction.  No longer like the old time.  By the way,
the food there is expensive.
But is it still good?
作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-9 09:19

原帖由 lakemanchan 於 2007-12-8 14:44 發表
Shatin Inn 沙田茵 is still there but it is now surrounded by flyover-in-construction.  No longer like the old time.  By the way,
the food there is expensive.
Everything has a nostalgia value can charge premium, the food was quite expensive at Yucca de Lac before it was closed down.  I remember they charged about $100 for 干抄牛河 about 3 years ago.
作者: 大隻西    時間: 2007-12-9 15:21

雍雅山房十年前吃過一次晚飯 晚飯好似冇乜人冷清清!
作者: pashwawa    時間: 2007-12-11 15:03

龍華酒店﹐最出名的當然就是燒乳鴿﹐六十年代都要五元一隻(差不多是普通工人半日的薪水)。不過比現在流行的BB鴿大。龍華的停車場有一附設花園及動物園﹐養有孔雀﹐猴子﹐好像還有鸚鵡。 確是小孩喜歡的地方。 不知那動物園還在不在﹖


作者: billy_1    時間: 2007-12-21 22:49     標題: very good.............

very    good.............
作者: glock17    時間: 2007-12-26 09:09

Me and my family were living in Casle Peak Villa in late  70's to early 80's.  It was  Castle Peak Hotel
I left HK in 1992 and I would like someone to tell me about that place.  Thanks.
作者: allied    時間: 2008-1-3 23:54

precious pictures , i have to most of the places , it reminds me the old days , time really goes fast ,lets care more abount others who are less fortune than us, take care all.
作者: 36D    時間: 2008-1-5 11:01

作者: peninsula    時間: 2008-1-5 20:06

原帖由 pashwawa 於 2007-12-5 12:47 發表
Let me start posting some irst...
青山酒店  1960s.
This one is great!

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