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¼ÐÃD: CP §gXSauna [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: sdo    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 11:25     ¼ÐÃD: CP §gXSauna

¨â®v¥S§Ì¡A¨â±ø¤Í¦­¦¬¤u¡A¤­ÂI´XµLºÝºÝ¥h咗±`¥J¡A¤²µó³£¯u«Y¦n»·¡A­ø¹L©]¦n®ö¶O¡A²`¼sÅK¸ô¦n§Ö¡A¦ýµ¥¨®­@¡I¬Ó±^¥]¨®ÁÙ§Ö¹LÊ\!¤@¨ì¨BÄÑ¥]¥J¨ì§gX¡A¤@¦­call咗¸g²z!´z¤k!¥Í·N¤Ó¦n¤F¡AÃz«{©Ð¡A¨â­Ó¤@¶¡©Ð´z¤k!¥­§¡mm quality ¤@¯ë!¦³®t¦³´¶³q¡A¥u«YµLÅå³ß¡IÚ»咗¦n¦h±ø¡A¨D¨ä´z­Óµo¬¶¡I¦]­n¥æ¤H¡I¹Lµ{ok¡A¦ýÉN·Q¹³¤¤¦n¡I¨â²ÉÄÁª±§¹!©Ð¯²¨â¦Ê´X¦nX¶Q!¤k¤S¤£¦h¡A¤S¤£¬Otop class¦nÃø¦A°µ§Ú¥Í·N¤F!¹Ä¡A¥¿¤kÃø¨D¡A¤S¥­¤Sè°¡A¦ó³B¦³??
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 11:45

Sometimes fast food is also very tasty......... it all depends on your luck!
§@ªÌ: zheat    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 13:34

yes, i totally agree.   Fast food, i rather to chose SZ or 141.  waste too much time on traveling and almost 500-600......... that's totally not worth LOL~   unless you chose overnight for more fun.. kakakaka
§@ªÌ: glucerna    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 15:22

fast food ´N¥hwarehouse揾°Õ,1¥ó150,双­¸300,¦~»´»ª¬ü,¤Ñ¤Ñ·s´Ú,¦ýÂI¸Ñd¤H¥ò¥hª±ªF²ð¦¡©O???
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 15:25

­Y¥u¦Y§Ö歺¡A ¥hªF²ð«K¦¨¥»É²¿ú¤Ó°ª¤F...............
§@ªÌ: BBQ_GUTS    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 16:39

C Hing.........Try Try CA Next Time
§@ªÌ: peninsula    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 21:26

­ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2007-12-27 15:22 µoªí
fast food ´N¥hwarehouse揾°Õ,1¥ó150,双­¸300,¦~»´»ª¬ü,¤Ñ¤Ñ·s´Ú,¦ýÂI¸Ñd¤H¥ò¥hª±ªF²ð¦¡©O???
Many people work there or need to go there frequently wor.
§@ªÌ: getalife    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-27 21:34     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ #1 sdo ªº©«¤l

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: bonebear    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-29 13:20

i do been there 2 months ago in the afternoon time, they had around 10 gals for me n my friend to choice in 4 rounds, nurse, OL, air crew and "beauty kicthen".
however, v can't pick 2 gal from there so v just away, during the selection, v keep can't select then the female manager said that if my service is not good, i can change another one to sever u guys, v said, it is not, v just can't pick. Finally v went "Hung C" and enjoy their service.
§@ªÌ: peninsula    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-29 14:24

­ì©«¥Ñ bonebear ©ó 2007-12-29 13:20 µoªí
i do been there 2 months ago in the afternoon time, they had around 10 gals ..
How was Hung C then?
§@ªÌ: wahahawy    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-29 21:36

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: 197    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-30 02:51

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2007-12-27 15:25 µoªí
­Y¥u¦Y§Ö歺¡A ¥hªF²ð«K¦¨¥»É²¿ú¤Ó°ª¤F...............
§@ªÌ: peninsula    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-30 14:28

­ì©«¥Ñ 197 ©ó 2007-12-30 02:51 µoªí
¨ä¹êçܲ`¤@¼h¥hªF²ð¯u«Y´X¶Q¬[!©Ð¶O¤G¦Ê´X,MM¤T¥|¦Ê(³Ì¤Ö),¥æ³q¶O¤S¨â¤T¦Ê,­«¦³嘥¤T¥|²ÉÄÁ¨Ó¦^,·d§¹¨¬¨¬­n¥Î¦¨¤­¤»­ÓÄÁ,©ñ°²¥»¨Ó«Y©ñÃP¦Û¤v,ÂIª¾­«¨¯­W¹Lªð¤u!¤H¥J¨Ì®a¤S¤É¨ìËÝ°ª,¨ä¹ê¯u«Y¦n­ø­È,¹sÄ@ ...
So better if you happen to need to work in DG/CP/ZMT/CA etc. rather than going just for 1Q.
§@ªÌ: ·t¶ÂÃM¤h    ®É¶¡: 2007-12-31 01:34

§@ªÌ: joejoe31    ®É¶¡: 2008-1-1 09:54

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª

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