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[原創] 1/10黃金

It is not just global economic/financial stability is under stress, Geopolitical situation might get much worse too...

do we suppose to believe that some speedboats from Iran could harrass the destroyer, cruiser, and frigate of the US? and Iran has just released its own version of the event, and claiming that the US doctored the video... believe what you will...

There is a possibility (maybe 50/50?) of US attacking Iran, to do that they need some phony pretext (like Iraq's WMD)... So the US need to manufacture 'crisis', this kind of event serve to set up Iran as the provoker, and legitimize any future US aggressions as some sort of retaliation or punishment for Iran's provocation...

This war against Iran has long been planned by neocon years ago... they are just bidding their time for the right circumstances before acting..  This war is now more desirable partly because of the need to divert the public's attention from the collapse of the US economy, so they need some monster (or scapegoat) for the drama in the name of justice/democracy/freedom or whatever label you like... also partly because of the US military-industrial complex (they are listed company too), where their business is killing people for profit... their business model is based on endless wars, because war need lots of expensive ammunition and associated logistics and services, etc... and ammunition is a hugely profitable consumables... and of course, also because of the OIL obviously, so you dont see US bother with North Korea, cos they dont have Oil..

what are the implication of all these??

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