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標題: 上海髮廊 [打印本頁]

作者: jeff38383    時間: 2008-1-17 12:51     標題: 上海髮廊

I will goto 上海 this friday, any big brother can tell me where to go find 上海髮廊??  because I only hv 3-4 hours by myself, so I only can go one area to find girl,  pls suggest a place or a street with a lot of 上海髮廊 so I don't have to go other place.   one more thing, it will be good it locate in 上海 centre area,
作者: Doer    時間: 2008-1-17 14:07

原帖由 jeff38383 於 2008-1-17 04:51 發表
I will goto 上海 this friday, any big brother can tell me where to go find 上海髮廊??  because I only hv 3-4 hours by myself, so I only can go one area to find girl,  pls suggest a place or a stree ...

作者: jeff38383    時間: 2008-1-17 14:36

how much ? safe?
作者: Doer    時間: 2008-1-17 15:16

原帖由 jeff38383 於 2008-1-17 06:36 發表
how much ? safe?
usually 200-300 depends on what you want, this one is ok.
作者: qqqqq79    時間: 2008-1-17 15:44

作者: jeff38383    時間: 2008-1-17 16:23

how to go?? if I go by taxi from "wong po kong" , how much?  I just tell taxi driver 吴中路宋圆路 and he will know how to go?
作者: hkmgt    時間: 2008-1-17 22:01

Usually, the FL has pink light and the driver knows.  But the environemnt, hygiene is not good
作者: jzhang5595134    時間: 2008-1-18 02:17

well, the question is where you going to stay and how far can you go?

How is people going to help you without such details?
作者: SmallEagle    時間: 2008-1-18 11:52     標題: 回復 #8 jzhang5595134 的帖子

Thanks for the info sharing
作者: 342342342    時間: 2008-1-18 12:14

原帖由 Doer 於 2008-1-17 14:07 發表


重有架, 一個月前去過~ 地方係 航華新村/ 航華北路 日間係整車街, 夜晚就成條街都係 FL ~ 都係 $150 -200 質量都好好.

[ 本帖最後由 342342342 於 2008-1-18 12:21 編輯 ]
作者: qqqqq79    時間: 2008-1-18 13:11

taxi driver know the address, it is famous; the eviroment is ok after compared other FL;
作者: hkmgt    時間: 2008-1-19 00:05

Sometines, the gals will ask for RMB300 for ML if they know are not local.
作者: bitterboypeng    時間: 2008-1-19 01:34

作者: hkmgt    時間: 2008-1-19 07:50

原帖由 bitterboypeng 於 2008-1-19 01:34 發表
C Hing, where are you stay and others can help ? There must be one near one. The FL usually use the blue / pink lighting and you can see very easy
作者: NO.0001    時間: 2008-1-19 17:21

作者: hkmgt    時間: 2008-1-21 23:56

I was aksed to pay RMB300 since she knew I was from HK. She said RMB200 was only for local.  I turned around and left immedaitely.  Be honest, we play more gentle and respect than local but why charge us higher.
作者: hj5437    時間: 2008-1-26 23:04

我想問烏魯木齊路南京路交界和宋圆路的可否外賣呢?帶返hotel過夜how much. also any other 地方
作者: doubleOO    時間: 2008-1-27 14:13

why go to the saloon when the sauna is only $500-700 and usually you can find within the hotel or motel i.e motel 168. i found the hygiene in saloon is unacceptable. At least girls in sauna can wash after the fact and saloon can't.
作者: hkmgt    時間: 2008-1-27 20:27

Agreed.  Even you want to get gal in 发廊, try to negotuate a price to take her back to hotel.
作者: wasui    時間: 2008-1-28 16:22

FL太危險啦~ 什麼時候出問題你都不知道,
作者: MHS    時間: 2008-2-4 09:27

開到成行成市都有:航華新村/ 航華北路(離市區好鬼逺,除非你住虹橋機場附近)
作者: HUAXIA    時間: 2008-2-9 03:29     標題: [分享]


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