原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-6 16:21 發表
Wa... you are a good time controller... haha...
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-6 08:02 發表
井底蛙于上月初遊 CP 后, 親身領畧到真正 DG ISO SN 的享受; 闊別香港十天后, 始終按捺不住這荒淫而刺激的引誘, 再來一次 “百里走單騎”, 孤身上路去完未圓之夢, 到訪 CP KY SN 對面的另一个天 ...
原帖由 jjchan218 於 2008-3-6 17:13 發表
今次開心旅程在HM SN消費多少?
原帖由 billchan 於 2008-3-6 17:28 發表
請問有無特別原因要獱兩程車咁煩呀? 鐵路直達都得喎!自己開車來回上水踫飱塞車時間咪失預算!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-6 16:02 發表
井底蛙于上月初遊 CP 后, 親身領畧到真正 DG ISO SN 的享受; 闊別香港十天后, 始終按捺不住這荒淫而刺激的引誘, 再來一次 “百里走單騎”, 孤身上路去完未圓之夢, 到訪 CP KY SN 對面的另一个天 ...
原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-3-6 19:10 發表
原帖由 197 於 2008-3-7 01:42 發表
原帖由 r0patpat2006 於 2008-3-6 22:49 發表
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-6 16:26 發表
師兄, 獨食難肥!! 似乎你興奮得滯打錯timing, 埋單應該係17:00呀嗎!!
話時話, 大家都好欣賞你嗰種較為感性嘅報告. 呢啲敘述式嘅報告下次等我黎吖!!
原帖由 sl886 於 2008-3-6 19:15 發表
自上次後, c hing似乎愛上cp了, 呵呵。
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-7 00:44 發表
and there are still a lot to explore in CP.............!![]()
原帖由 sl886 於 2008-3-7 10:44 發表
I don't know whether or not I am too conservative. If I find a shop that provides good products (no matter services or goods), I will stick to it until I find the quality of their products is ...
原帖由 sl886 於 2008-3-7 10:44 發表
I don't know whether or not I am too conservative. If I find a shop that ...
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-6 08:02 發表
井底蛙于上月初遊 CP 后, 親身領畧到真正 DG ISO SN 的享受; 闊別香港十天后, 始終按捺不住這荒淫而刺激的引誘, 再來一次 “百里走單騎”, 孤身上路去完未圓之夢, 到訪 CP KY SN 對面的另一个天 ...
原帖由 blackface 於 2008-3-7 10:03 AM 發表
First of all, I must tell you I don't doubt your report at all, but in case it might be misleading to some newbies to CP, I want to make some comments on the timing..
10:35 am - ...
原帖由 blackface 於 2008-3-8 01:03 發表
First of all, I must tell you I don't doubt your report at all, but in case it might be misleading to some newbies to CP, I want to make some comments on the timing..
10:35 am - ...
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-6 16:02 發表
井底蛙于上月初遊 CP 后, 親身領畧到真正 DG ISO SN 的享受; 闊別香港十天后, 始終按捺不住這荒淫而刺激的引誘, 再來一次 “百里走單騎”, 孤身上路去完未圓之夢, 到訪 CP KY SN 對面的另一个天 ...
原帖由 glucerna 於 2008-3-8 01:42 發表
如果知道火車班次,又唔係rush hour,就一定得,
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-10 12:12 發表
絕對同意, 上次同icheng兄同行時亦是如此行程. 11:20在深圳火車站集合, 回程16:30已到深圳. 過程完全一模一樣! 當然, 偷食要exactly17:00回到香港就可以預鬆一點. 一係早些出發, 一係唔好留連喺食飯或DVD ...
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-10 13:57 發表
And I plan to have a 3P game next time in CP to see if I still can manage to return to HK by 5 o'clock,
原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-3-10 22:13 發表
As others have commented, you are a good timekeeper and controller! 3P will cost you over $1000.![]()
原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-3-10 22:58 發表
If he takes 1 + 1 = +100 only !!!!![]()
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-11 08:29 發表
I might try 1 + 1 some time later.......... as the trainee is normally available in the night shift only. This time, my target is the TWINS!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-11 08:52 發表
哎呀! 咁下次要試3p咪要300+300, 即係600! 不過如果真係好嘅就冇問題啦!!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-11 09:29 發表
絕對明白及認同兄台對冶遊及金錢之價值觀! "只為尋開心, 何妨費千金" good!!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-11 10:12 發表
又可以稍為修飾: "但求尋開心, 無妨費千金"!!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-11 10:57 發表
咁你下次会唔会有意圖或企圖去幹一次 3P 呢?!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-11 11:10 發表
Why not? But of course, it depends on whether the other 2p can collaborate well with each other. Otherwise, it will not be any fun at all. Besides, if trainee is also available, then it will be ...
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-11 11:20 發表
I have never tried any "trainee" before, and I think it is also a good deal if available. Let's target on it!
原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-3-11 15:00 發表
No matter you want the TWINs or the 1 + 1, better book them early.![]()
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-11 15:35 發表
Totally agree... call the manager and ask them to reserve the twin to you... and btw... as i know... many of my friend wanna try this twin in ky alrready... gotta be quick... not because they will ...
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-11 16:13 發表
what i mean of a little boat in the ocean is... both MM will become too wide to be f after many ching tried... so got to be quick...
no la... i won't try this twin... may be next time...![]()
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-11 08:52 發表
哎呀! 咁下次要試3p咪要300+300, 即係600! 不過如果真係好嘅就冇問題啦!!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-11 16:16 發表
I mean take your time to try the TWINs before they become ocean wide and let little avater sail in them!
原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-3-11 19:41 發表
No room charge?![]()
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-11 15:35 發表
Totally agree... call the manager and ask them to reserve the twin to you... and btw... as i know... many of my friend wanna try this twin in ky alrready... gotta be quick... not because they will ...
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-12 19:08 發表
今日終於有幸親睹twins芳容, 個人認為容貌有80分以上, 彼此相似程度有95分, 主要分別為身栽! 至於功夫方面, 就要留待icheng兄嘅親身報告! 各位密切留意明天icheng兄嘅"我的初次cp twins雙飛 ...
原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-3-12 21:02 發表
Are they real twins or just look-alike?![]()
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-13 08:55 發表
I confirm they are real TWINs.................
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-13 16:44 發表
1000000000000% real twins!!!
半島兄, are you challenging my report of twins? hahahaa... just kiding...
原帖由 jjhhww1967 於 2008-3-13 15:50 發表
c-hing, need your help!!
if I work in Kowloon, take the direct train to CP for Hung Hom or as your suggestion, which way is better? the cost is HK$290 from hung hom to cp by direct train.
H ...
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-13 16:57 發表
I am just kidding...
If go to CP... I really suggest to take the train from SZ... as the time could be controlled by you... or even have a FF in LWEST if you are not full after the action in CP...
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-13 16:57 發表
I am just kidding...
If go to CP... I really suggest to take the train from SZ... as the time could be controlled by you... or even have a FF in LWEST if you are not full after the action in CP...
原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-3-27 23:56 發表
Next time, we should go together (with icheng also).![]()
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-28 12:21 發表
My next time will be tomorrow afternoon... arrive at 3pm...
原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-3-28 12:24 發表
But Saturday is always NG for me......... I prefer weekdays!
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-28 14:26 發表
haha... and I am free again on Next Monday afternoon...![]()
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-3-28 14:56 發表
I am so fxxking busy for the past 2 weeks... also including a bad family matter...
So, I try to squeeze my work and give me 2 afternoon free time... I will be in CP tomorrow afternoon... but no ...
原帖由 UrbanEagle 於 2008-3-28 15:55 發表
Suddently go time yesterday, so I went to CP. Thanks to all contribution of ideas on this thread, I had a number of choices, but as I got there too early, I went for a "real" foot massag ...
原帖由 aaboy 於 2008-3-30 14:00 發表
Pls advise if there would be too much people and not recommended to go on Sat?
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-3-29 15:22 發表
Hey ac388, I think you'd better send PM to icheng609 to further discuss. You're taking the risk of being accused for blowing horn, which is not allowed in this forum!!
原帖由 jesus888 於 2008-4-3 00:52 發表
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-4-3 09:09 發表
No... the question should be ... "Are you from Mars?".
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