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¼ÐÃD: Shunzhen Le-Yan Bar Lounge ²`¦`乐®b°s§a [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-3-31 10:49     ¼ÐÃD: Shunzhen Le-Yan Bar Lounge ²`¦`乐®b°s§a

At the recommending of ericwong4362, we (5 people) visited Shuenzhen Le-Yan Bar Lounge.  It was a very enjoyable evening and very affordable too.  They charged RMB480 for a ªÛµØ¤h and RMB25 for a small bottle (330ml)  of GreenTea.  We started from 10:00pm till 1:00am and total about RMB900.

For a lounge standard, the bar is not too noisy and at times, we managed to just talk to each other.  Another surprising finding is the place is not misty since there are not a lot of people smoking.  There is some available spaces for dancing too.  On the flip side, maybe it's just early summer, the air-cond is not cool enough.  

There are life singers and most of the songs/music played are hip-hop.  The sound quality is quite good, loud but not distorted.

Thank you ericwong4362 for your wonderful choice.
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-3-31 22:42

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-3-31 10:49 µoªí
At the recommending of ericwong4362, we (5 people) visited Shuenzhen Le-Yan Bar Lounge.  It was a very enjoyable evening and very affordable too.  They charged RMB480 for a ªÛµØ¤h and RMB25 for a s ...
¨ä实¯u¨t¤Lok¬[¡ID营销³£­ø错¡Alive band³£¤@¯ë¡A当µM­ø够¥»¦â¦n¡I¤£过¨t¤Q¤G点¥´«á¡A¦³¥ó¶Â¤HDJ¥´ªººq´N¯u¨t¥¿¡I¥i¥H话ªñ来²`¦`¥[®I­»´ä¬J头号¤Hª«¡I¥h¨ìªG«×ª±¡A¤@¯ë¥D¥ô¦P³¡长³£无ÉAjetso¯q§A¡A©Ò¥H´N¤@©w­n­ÉD·N¥h识个¥ú头¨Ðª÷总¡A识¨ì¶Z´N¦hD¦n处¡I¨þ¨þ¡K
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-1 12:13

­É°ÝÁn Eric ¥S­«¦³µL¨ä¥LÃþ¦ü Le-Yan ½è¼Æªº Bar?  ¦p¸õ»R¤ñ Le-Yan ¼ö¾x¤@ÂI§ó¦n.  §A«ü"¥»¦â"¬O§_³o¤@¶¡


[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-1 12:16 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-1 23:55

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-1 12:13 µoªí
­É°ÝÁn Eric ¥S­«¦³µL¨ä¥LÃþ¦ü Le-Yan ½è¼Æªº Bar?  ¦p¸õ»R¤ñ Le-Yan ¼ö¾x¤@ÂI§ó¦n.  §A«ü"¥»¦â"¬O§_³o¤@¶¡

­ø¨t¡A¥»¦â¡Atrue color¡A¨t²`¦`¦³¦W¬J¥Õ领°s§a¡A¥Ñ¨ä«ü东园¸ôªG间¡C¤£过东门ªG间³£­ø错¡I§Ú«}§vªG¦³ªB¤Í话¦b¥»¦â¨½­±¼²«×D温­¹¬J¤k¡A¦]为ªG«×¤ñ较high class¡A²`¦`ªºOL¥H¥h¥»¦âª±为¼é¬y¡A¥t¤@间¦P样¨tOL®ú¬J¨tU bar¡A¨t¹Å宾¸ô¡C类¦ü乐®b¥Ì¬J¥t¤@间¨tY bar¡A¨t发®i¤¤¤ß¦a¤U¡A³£­ø错¡C¥ò¦³V bar¡A远D,¨tª÷«Â°à°sÉDªG条¸ô¡C¤£过讲¨ì沟¤k®e©ö¡A´N±ð¨t©]¦â°s§a°Õ¡A¤@¯ë³£¦³运¦æ¡I
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-2 11:11

½Ð°Ý Eric ¥S¹ï Blue Sky ¦³¤°»òµû»ù ?
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 10:09

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-2 11:11 µoªí
½Ð°Ý Eric ¥S¹ï Blue Sky ¦³¤°»òµû»ù ?
§@ªÌ: adidas_hands_up    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-5 16:29

ËݽаÝERIC¥S©]¦â°s§a¦b¨º­Ó¦a§}¨tÃä«×§r? §Ú¤U¦¸¹L²`¦`³£¦PªB¤Í¨«¥h¸I¤U¹B®ðªü¹À! ­ø¸Ó®Í¦¨
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-5 23:03

­ì©«¥Ñ adidas_hands_up ©ó 2008-4-5 16:29 µoªí
ËݽаÝERIC¥S©]¦â°s§a¦b¨º­Ó¦a§}¨tÃä«×§r? §Ú¤U¦¸¹L²`¦`³£¦PªB¤Í¨«¥h¸I¤U¹B®ðªü¹À! ­ø¸Ó®Í¦¨
笋岗¸ô¡AªñÊ^¨|场¡KªG«×ª±one night¥ø¡I©Ò¥H­ø¨Ï©È¤¡¬[¡I¨k¨k¤k¤k³£ª¾¹D发¥Í紧ÉA³¥¨Æ¡I
§@ªÌ: k100    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-5 23:13

§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-6 01:34

­ì©«¥Ñ k100 ©ó 2008-4-5 23:13 µoªí
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-7 11:55

I've also been to this Bar.  "Yes Bar" in English.  Very very crowded.  It's better to go there before 8:30pm or else, no table.  Charges is not expensive (cheaper than  Le-Yan).  There are quite a lot of "Hot" girls there.  I second Eric ¥S's opinion.  However, besides the language, you need to look smart also.  

Here's a link for your info.
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-7 12:41

Last Saturday, We (5 people) went to Shenzhen again trying out new bars.  After having a very good dinner at ¤ò®a饭©±¬K风©±, The one we choose is Face Bar.

Since we did not make any reservation, the good seats were all booked.  The wine is very affordable.  RMB398 for a Black Label (medium size) and was told it was promotional price.  We locate ourselves in a subsidiary extension (Ãä廰) further away from the main area because it is less noisy.  DJ shows up at about 9:30pm for the main area and 10:30pm for our area.  People are properly dressed and with good manners.  The atmosphere were very good.

We will visit again most probably.

We enjoy ourselves very much and wonder if there are good bars like these for Hong Kong.  Can any brothers/sisters here share their experience here.  Thanks.
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-7 23:53

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-7 12:41 µoªí
Last Saturday, We (5 people) went to Shenzhen again trying out new bars.  After having a very good dinner at ¤ò®a饭©±¬K风©±, The one we choose is Face Bar. ...
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-8 00:05

Face Bar¨ä实ª±ªk¦PYes Bar¤À别¦n¤j¡I­º¥ý¡AFace¬J¨k«È¥H´ä¤H为¦h数¡A¤k«È´N¥H内¦a°¾¤jº}«G¤k©Ê为¦h¡A¤Q¤C¤KªG¥u¦n¤Ö¡I¥i¥H话¤ñ较°ª质D¡A¦Ó¥B¦³D货¡A­ø¨t§c饮§c­¹ªG¥u¡C§Ú认为¦n¦h¨t瞒¦í¨k¤H¥X¾¤°½¸õ¡A¶Z¦a倾¦V©óɬ质¨k¤h¡AYesªG¥u´N倾¦V©ó靓¥J¡Kface无论­µ响¦PÉaª^³£¦n¦n¡A¯Ê点´N¨t¤Ó细¡A¦n¦ü§A¥Ì§¤°¾厅¤ñ较难识¤k¥J¡A³Ì¨Î¦ì¸m¨t»R¦À©P边¡K¦nhappy¬[¡I¤U¦¸记¦í¡I
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-8 10:13

¦n¦P·N Eric ¥Sªº¤ÀªR.  Face Bar ¬O¤ñ¸û "°ªÀÉ".  

«Ü©_©Ç³o¸Ì¨S¦³¤°»ò¦^À³.  ¦pªG¦³Ãö¥»¦a Bar ªº¸ÜÃD, ¬O¿Ô¸ß©Ê½èªº¤ñ¸û¦h.

¥i¯à¥h Bar ¤£¬O®É©|§a.

¦ý§Ú­Ó¤H»{¬°, ¥h²`¦`¦Y§¹¶º, ¦aÂI¦b "¤f¸Oºô" §ä©w¥Ø¼Ð¶º©±, ¦A¨ì §ä¤ß©yªº°s§a. ¦p¦³¿³½ì, ¦A¨ì Sauna ÃP¤@ÃP.  ³o¼Ë®ø¿i¤@­Ó¶g¥½³£´X nice.

·íµM¦³ ONS ´N§ó«l.
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-11 08:44

§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-11 09:55

µL°ÝÃD bor.  ¤£¹L§ÚÁ¿©ú§Ú¬O¦Ñ¤j°I¤@¦W, arm ­ø arm king sin?
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-11 20:30

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-11 09:55 µoªí
µL°ÝÃD bor.  ¤£¹L§ÚÁ¿©ú§Ú¬O¦Ñ¤j°I¤@¦W, arm ­ø arm king sin?
§@ªÌ: k100    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-12 00:41

­ì©«¥Ñ ericwong4362 ©ó 2008-4-11 20:30 µoªí

§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-12 00:57

­ì©«¥Ñ k100 ©ó 2008-4-12 00:41 µoªí

§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-14 12:43

Report?  ¦n­ø¦nª±?

¦pªG Eric ¥S demo «ç¼Ë¦b "©]¦â" §a ݯ­¹, §Ú¤@©w³ø¦W.  ¤£¹LÁ¿©ú, §Úo«Y®Ö¯S¦Ñ°A¤½, À°­ø¨ì¤âo®a

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-14 12:52 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-17 22:52

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-14 12:43 µoªí
Report?  ¦n­ø¦nª±?

¦pªG Eric ¥S demo «ç¼Ë¦b "©]¦â" §a ݯ­¹, §Ú¤@©w³ø¦W.  ¤£¹LÁ¿©ú, §Úo«Y®Ö¯S¦Ñ°A¤½, À°­ø¨ì¤âo®a
哗¡I¤j­ô¡A¥Î¨ìdemo¡A点¦n·N«ä§r¡H¤@齐¬ä½R¤U´N±ð无问题³â¡IYes Pub¨t§Ú¬JºÖ¦a¡A¥h¥|¦¸¡A¤T¦¸¦³运¦æ¡A°I过¤@¦¸´N¨t²Ä¤G´Â条¤k¥s§Ú买对ªi¾c°e¤ñ¶Z¡A¨Ï¥ª¤»旧¤ô¡K¦Ñ°A¤½¡H«¢«¢¡A¦³货¤S«ÕÀq«}±o罗¡A沟¤k¾a§âÉI¤§¹À¡I§Ú¤L时³£±o¬[¡Ipm§Ú°Õ¡I
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-18 09:21

¼M! ¾ÔÁZÅå¤H.  3¦¸foc, 1¦¸6ÂÂ.  ³o¦a¤è²ª½¬O"©Ê"¦a. ¦¬¨ì... ¦¬¨ì.
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-18 14:42

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-4-18 09:21 µoªí
¼M! ¾ÔÁZÅå¤H.  3¦¸foc, 1¦¸6ÂÂ.  ³o¦a¤è²ª½¬O"©Ê"¦a. ¦¬¨ì... ¦¬¨ì.
§@ªÌ: yuppy    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-19 11:08     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ #22 ericwong4362 ªº©«¤l

dont buy, just leave~~~
§@ªÌ: devilinside    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-30 10:48

§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-5 09:43

Just have a revisit to bars in Shenzhen last Friday.  They were very packed and brothers/sisters, if you wanna a great time there..... be EARLY.  I would say... something after Eight.

Best of luck.

§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-7 20:41

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-5-5 09:43 µoªí
Just have a revisit to bars in Shenzhen last Friday.  They were very packed and brothers/sisters, if you wanna a great time there..... be EARLY.  I would say... something after Eight.

Best of lu ...
If anyone want to join me to have a nice trip, pm me ! Any one will be welcome !
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-8 08:32

°× Eric ­ô¬O§_«Ü¾j?  
§@ªÌ: ericwong4362    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-11 23:04

­ì©«¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-5-8 08:32 µoªí
°× Eric ­ô¬O§_«Ü¾j?  
§@ªÌ: szechung19    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-12 18:10

i have gone there and it's a nice bar
§@ªÌ: joeckh    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-16 00:10

§Ú·Q°Ý¼Ö®b«Y«}«Yricky ªþªñªº ? ¦]¬Q±ß­è¦n¸g¹L¨£¨ì, ¦ý¥u¬Ý¨ì¼Ö®bbar ªºµP¦ý´N¬Ý¨ì¨ìªù¤f... ¤Ï¦Óricky ´N¦n©öݯ¨ì, ¦]¬°ùØ­±¦n¹Ë...
§Ú·Q°Ý©O­Ó³õÃþ¦ü¶Ü ? ¥ò¦³¦pªG§Ú¤@­Ó¤H¥h·|¦n©Ç¶Ü ? «Y«}­n´X­Ó¤HËݶ}±i枱¦nª±d ?
§Ú°Ý®Id ¥Õ·ö°ÝÃD­ø¦n¨£©Ç ~_~
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-16 16:23

I don't notice there is a Ricky Bar near Le-Yan.  Check this link:

I do not recommend you going there alone.  You looked wried and you will only attract nothing but promoters (®±¤â) working there.  If this is your purpose, that's okay.  This is my 2 cents worth of info.

Have fun anyways.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ leicalover ©ó 2008-5-16 16:42 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: joeckh    ®É¶¡: 2008-5-16 21:02

thanks for your information ~
§@ªÌ: J1561    ®É¶¡: 2008-6-11 16:56

SZ Le-Yan Bar was closed. There is a New Bar in the Same Location but I don't know the status of this new Bar.
§@ªÌ: leicalover    ®É¶¡: 2008-6-12 09:49

Gee.  Thanks.  That's another bar ---> Face Bar which is quite packed (too many tables being too close together) but worth paying a visit.  Life DJ and mostly young customers.

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