原帖由 Avater 於 2008-4-2 15:56 發表
不要, 我要大餐呀...
原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-2 15:22 發表
話說之前試初闖廣州天龍桑拿比預期中要失望, last month連接去廣州2天, 7:30早晨去傍晚回, 第一天忙著工作, 但是我和計程車老兄收廣州許多"有用的資料", 準備好第2天動身去看看! 打算今次有機會一劍掃羊 ...
原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-4-2 16:48 發表
GZ is not a place for full meal... I only tried delivery service but it is not possible for a short trip like yours.
The best way to make use of your trip is to go to CP when you take the ...
原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-2 17:17 發表
Denny ~~ You are right!
Your advise with 廣州計程車老兄意見一樣. 可是小弟大人很細心, 知道(check ticket)我一定 take 直航 train.![]()
原帖由 Avater 於 2008-4-3 09:12 發表
Me too... my tiger is also a very strong one... but you could see my little sharing on other post... or I could use the quot from Jurassic Park, "Life will find its way out"...
原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-2 15:22 發表
話說之前試初闖廣州天龍桑拿比預期中要失望, last month連接去廣州2天, 7:30早晨去傍晚回, 第一天忙著工作, 但是我和計程車老兄收廣州許多"有用的資料", 準備好第2天動身去看看! 打算今次有機會一劍掃羊 ...
原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-3 17:18 發表
家家有隻河東獅, 偷食真係好費精神/力. 某程度上妻管炎真係一種絕症,但是,它大體上是良性的. 假如有"妻"而她完全不管你,你做乜都懶得理你的話,那也不見得是福啊! But.....
不枉諸 ...
原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-4-2 17:17 發表
Denny ~~ You are right!
Your advise with 廣州計程車老兄意見一樣. 可是小弟大人很細心, 知道(check ticket)我一定 take 直航 train.![]()
原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-4-4 17:17 發表
as the other brother suggested, just buy an additional set of tickets... If you want to save money, you could ask the ticketing office to issue you a receipt (hand-written one), and then sell ...
原帖由 w9071212 於 2008-4-8 17:27 發表
I am a regular at 天河富豪, heard from the manager that they have full meal now, forgot how much, but at least 800 and up.
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