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標題: which girl/MM would you recommend at 吉原会所 (1,2, or 3)? [打印本頁]

作者: smoothoperator    時間: 2008-4-2 16:07     標題: which girl/MM would you recommend at 吉原会所 (1,2, or 3)?

I plan to visit 吉原会所 next month, but can't find the latest report. Most of them are a year old. Which girl would you recommend at 吉原会所 (1,2, or 3)? Thanks bros!
作者: simonkok    時間: 2008-4-2 16:26

原帖由 smoothoperator 於 2008-4-2 16:07 發表
I plan to visit 吉原会所 next month, but can't find the latest report. Most of them are a year old. Which girl would you recommend at 吉原会所 (1,2, or 3)? Thanks bros!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-4-2 16:35

原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-4-2 16:26 發表

作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-4-2 16:44

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-2 16:35 發表

In addition, the beauty of 吉原会所 is the selection from the fish tank. Why would you give up this opportunity and rely on others' recommendations?

Besides, different men have different taste.   I would see recommendations will be useful for those saunas which "give" the girls to you (no selection). Then, it makes more sense to get some recommendations.  

So, my advice to you is that just go there, get your best pick, trust your luck and report..
作者: seahorse1994    時間: 2008-4-2 22:18


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