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§@ªÌ: fatboyboy    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 01:22     ¼ÐÃD: §Úªº¥_¨Ê满·N¤§¦æX2


²Ä¤@®a¡A§Ú试¤FDoer¤]§ä过ªº¨º¤@®aSUNNY MASSAGE¡I¤£过¡A当¤¤¤]¦³¤@¨Ç¤p风ªi¡C´N¬O°s©±¤£许¨º¤k¥Í¤W©Ð¡A§Ú·P觉¥i¯à¬O¥_¨Ê±µªñ奥运关¨t¡A¦ý这对§Ú¤Ï¦Ó带来¦n运¡A¦]为¬Ý见¨º¤k¥Í蛮¦n¬Ýªº¡A结ªG决©w©M¥L¦^¥Lªº©±¡A¤]¤j¤jªº´£°ª¤F这¦¸«ö¼¯ªº¤ô¥­¡I


²Ä¤G®a¡A¬O¦b«Ø¥~SOHO¨º边ªº¤@®a©±¡A¤£过¡A§Ú试ªº¤£¬O¤°¤\¯S别ªA务¡A¦Ó¬O«Ü¥¿ªºSPA«ö¼¯¡A©Ò¥H¥i¥H开¦W¡A这©±¦W¬O银§ö¡A¦bSOHOªº3号楼¡A¦³¤@个±À广¡A50% off, RMB244¦³2个¤p时ªºªA务¡A¥]¬A¤W­±©Ò¦³¡A¥u¬O没¦³¨þ¨þ¼K¼K¨º¤@³¡¤À¡A¥i¬O«ö±o«Ü¦n¡A¦b¥_¨Ê来说«D±`©èªº¤@个package¡C¤]¬OªÖ©w会¦A¥hªº¤@个¥¿©±¡I
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 01:25     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ #1 fatboyboy ªº©«¤l

¥_¨Ê, ¹ï¤p§Ì¨Ó»¡.....¤Ó»»»·¤F!! ¥u¦n¸r¼}¤@¤U§a!!
§@ªÌ: ³°¤p»ñ6688    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 01:26

­ì©«¥Ñ fatboyboy ©ó 2008-4-3 01:22 µoªí
¤p§Ì刚刚¥h¤F¥_¨Ê4¤Ñ¡A‰ë¦Ò¤F¥»ª©¦Ñ¤j­ôDoerªº‰r验¡A¤j•eªº试¤F°s©±内‹ö‹ïªºÆΧiªA‰U¡A试¤F2®a¤£¦Pªº«ö¼¯©±¡A结ªG¡A«D±`¦¨ ...
§@ªÌ: jzhang5595134    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 01:49


Better stay away this whole year lo
§@ªÌ: Doer    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 07:17

­ì©«¥Ñ fatboyboy ©ó 2008-4-2 17:22 µoªí
¤p§Ì刚刚¥h¤F¥_¨Ê4¤Ñ¡A参¦Ò¤F¥»ª©¦Ñ¤j­ôDoerªº经验¡A¤j胆ªº试¤F°s©±内黄页ªº广§iªA务¡A试¤F2®a¤£¦Pªº«ö¼¯©±¡A结ªG¡A«D±`¦¨ ...
thank you for the report. §Ú¹ï§A©Ò»¡¨º¶¡»È§ö³£¦³¿³½ì¡I
§@ªÌ: Avater    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 08:51

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: whyslow    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 10:23

thank you for Peking report !!!
§@ªÌ: camoutiger    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 10:30

fatboyboy, ¦hÁ§Aªº³ø§i. §Ú·|¤U¬P´Á¨ì¥_¨Ê.¥i§_ send Sunny ªº¹q¸Ü¨ì§Úªº ¦hÁ¦hÁÂ. ¦A¥_¨Ê¹ê¦bÃø§ä¦n³¥. ¦A¦¸ÁÂÁÂ.
§@ªÌ: camoutiger    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 10:46

fatfatboy, sorry, §Ú¦bDoer¥S¤§«epost«×§ä¨ì¹q¸Ü. ¦ý·Q½T©w¤@¼Ë³¥. §Aªº600¨þ¨þ¼K¼K¬O§_¬ODoer¥S»¡´£ªºhj? ©Î¬O all the way ?
§@ªÌ: cwbong    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-3 17:07

§@ªÌ: LYC668    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-4 00:01

I will go there very soon!
§@ªÌ: fatboyboy    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-4 02:15

­ì©«¥Ñ camoutiger ©ó 2008-4-3 10:46 µoªí
fatfatboy, sorry, §Ú¦bDoer¥S¤§«epost«×§ä¨ì¹q¸Ü. ¦ý·Q½T©w¤@¼Ë³¥. §Aªº600¨þ¨þ¼K¼K¬O§_¬ODoer¥S»¡´£ªºhj? ©Î¬O all the way ?
§@ªÌ: fatboyboy    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-4 02:20

­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2008-4-3 07:17 µoªí

thank you for the report. §Ú¹ï§A©Ò»¡¨º¶¡»È§ö³£¦³¿³½ì¡I

§@ªÌ: usamobydick    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-4 02:34

Sunny only provided HJ !? Wow, it's expensive!  I think I will try »È§ö..if they still have promotion^^
§@ªÌ: Doer    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-13 19:00

­ì©«¥Ñ usamobydick ©ó 2008-4-3 18:34 µoªí
Sunny only provided HJ !? Wow, it's expensive!  I think I will try »È§ö..if they still have promotion^^
I am flying to Beijing tomorrow and I will definitely try this sunny massage again. Sometimes, ML or not is not the point, if the service is good, HJ can be very very good experience to. Of course, personal opinion only.

The hotel I have stayed before, all allowed girls to enter, haha, may the one fatboy stayed is really high class 5 star? I wil stay at Howard Johnsons Paragon Hotel, opposite to Beijing train station.
§@ªÌ: fatboyboy    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-13 20:31

­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2008-4-13 19:00 µoªí

I am flying to Beijing tomorrow and I will definitely try this sunny massage again. Sometimes, ML or not is not the point, if the service is good, HJ can be very very good experience to. Of cou ...
Ha ha, I am going to BJ tomorrow as well! See if we will meet by chance over there!

Btw, any other good suggestions? Like formal big sauna in BJ?
§@ªÌ: Doer    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-13 20:45

­ì©«¥Ñ fatboyboy ©ó 2008-4-13 12:31 µoªí

Ha ha, I am going to BJ tomorrow as well! See if we will meet by chance over there!

Btw, any other good suggestions? Like formal big sauna in BJ?
§@ªÌ: fatboyboy    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-13 21:34

­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2008-4-13 20:45 µoªí

There is a No. 1 Club, tried once but too expensive
about 600 per hour
§@ªÌ: catsleung    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-20 17:02

§@ªÌ: Doer    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-20 17:53

­ì©«¥Ñ fatboyboy ©ó 2008-4-13 13:34 µoªí

There is a No. 1 Club, tried once but too expensive
about 600 per hour
Where is it? I would really like to visit a place like that!!
§@ªÌ: fatboyboy    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-22 00:48

­ì©«¥Ñ Doer ©ó 2008-4-20 17:53 µoªí

Where is it? I would really like to visit a place like that!!
That No 1 Club is located just opposite to «Ø¥~SOHO¡A´Â阳区¡C

And a quick report from last visit in BJ last week, I called the gal I booked last time and this time she can come to my hotel (I booked another one). Enjoy a very good 2 hrs, with everything off, and bathing together! Yummy!
§@ªÌ: fairview    ®É¶¡: 2008-4-22 06:46

could you pm me the gal contact an charges? I'm going to BJ next month

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