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標題: [疑難] 有一個有趣而又好認真既問題(認真問的) [打印本頁]

作者: ~阿麟~    時間: 2008-4-12 02:38     標題: 有一個有趣而又好認真既問題(認真問的)


如果同個女朋友上去 ,自己知道果個場有大餐既
咁有咩方法可以同gf walk in ,而自己又可以偷偷地咁........偷食下呢

個問題好似玩野 ,but...........我認真問的
作者: 老江湖    時間: 2008-4-12 02:46

說服gf去美容部做facial, 話自己想番落男浴池濕蒸同埋擦背ㄚ嘛~
我就係北京試過, 同條QQ女見過幾次之後一齊去SN, 偷食完之後再會合, 同房過夜, 搞掂埋~  
作者: Rambo4    時間: 2008-4-12 02:47

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作者: Doer    時間: 2008-4-12 07:25

原帖由 Rambo4 於 2008-4-11 18:47 發表


最緊要比CASH个技師, 同埋埋單時不耍穿崩
作者: Rambo4    時間: 2008-4-12 09:50

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作者: Retav    時間: 2008-4-12 09:57

I have tried this in Macau... in Emperor Hotel (Mr Animal Yeung's hotel)

There is SN in 4/F, and there is SPA in 15/F, I tell my tiger I am so willing to make her happy and beauty that I am willing sponsor her 100% to have a 4 hours treatment in SPA... And I will just stay in the Hotel and not go outside...

My tiger happily and quickly agree with my kindless... then I jump to the 4/F SN after my tiger start her enjoyment...

I have my enjoyment too... and of course, i didn't leave the hotel at all...
作者: 陸小鳳6688    時間: 2008-4-12 10:06

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-12 09:57 發表
I have tried this in Macau... in Emperor Hotel (Mr Animal Yeung's hotel)

There is SN in 4/F, and there is SPA in 15/F, I tell my tiger I am so willing to make her happy and beauty that I am will ...

good experience, thanks

作者: peter530    時間: 2008-4-13 02:35

gd question....
just do it!!
作者: whyslow    時間: 2008-4-13 10:40

唔好試, 太危險啦!!
作者: xchinaman    時間: 2008-4-14 10:46

I agree, no need to take any risk, not worth. You could go seperately.  Safe and comfortable.
作者: Vince仔    時間: 2008-4-14 13:11

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-12 09:57 發表
I have tried this in Macau... in Emperor Hotel (Mr Animal Yeung's hotel)

There is SN in 4/F, and there is SPA in 15/F, I tell my tiger I am so willing to make her happy and beauty that I am will ...
作者: 求其    時間: 2008-4-14 21:22

原帖由 ~阿麟~ 於 2008-4-12 02:38 發表

如果同個女朋友上去 ,自己知道果個場有大餐既
咁有咩方法可以同gf walk in ,而自己又可以偷偷地咁........偷食下呢

個問題好似玩野 ,but...........我認真問的
借問聲, 咁樣做會過瘾d咩?
作者: onetwothree123    時間: 2008-4-15 08:36

妻不如妾, 妾不如婢, 婢不如偷.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-4-15 08:52

That's the point... haha
作者: cenazhang    時間: 2008-4-15 09:16

作者: getalife    時間: 2008-4-15 09:19

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作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-4-15 09:25

原帖由 onetwothree123 於 2008-4-15 08:36 發表
妻不如妾, 妾不如婢, 婢不如偷.
偷不如搶, 咁, 同強姦有何分別
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-4-15 11:46

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-4-15 09:25 發表

偷不如搶, 咁, 同強姦有何分別
一個要坐監, 另一個唔洗.
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-4-15 12:04

原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-4-15 11:46 發表

一個要坐監, 另一個唔洗.
強姦果個要坐監, 俾人強姦果個唔洗

其實自從大清律法廢除後, 除咗妻外, 其他所有都係犯法, 都係要浸豬籠

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