Would like to share this comprehensive and summarized field report by Prodiver.
Barber Poles to booths (Original post by Prodiver)
While I haven't tried every area in Seoul, I think I've tried each of the available (to unescorted foreigners) "types" at this point.
First, my personal opinion is that the breast implant is one of the worst things western civilization has done to Asia, and, I hate that the majority of providers I encounter are "enhanced". Size is not so important to me, but, I have a slight preference towards small-to-medium and little to no desire for enormous. However, I'll take any size natural over enhanced any day. OK. End of my rant, but, if you agree with this, I hope you'll start making that clear to the providers so hopefully we can start seeing more "natural" providers in the future.
Itaewon.- Avoid this place. The women are all "enhanced" and many of them are "conversions". Most of what is available there is "hostess bars" which are very overpriced and they have a variety of tactics for simply separating you from more and more of your money before you get anywhere good. The end result is very disappointing compared to the price which far exceeds any rational number (can be upwards of $700). Good English skills.
Barber Poles (double).- These are all over Seoul. Tried a couple. Basically $60 for a rub and tug. Didn't encounter any particularly attractive providers, but, OK experiences. Usually some English skills.
An Ma.- These are very similar to your basic AMP experience. I only tried the S An Ma since it was close to my hotel. Expensive (some discrepency in the pricing, but, in the end, paid $220). Very poor English skills, and the gal I got had "enhanced" tits. She wasn't to into things, but, otherwise gave good service. No deviations from her program and definitely no chance she was going to enjoy the experience. Very mechanical, but, enjoyable anyway. Attractive other than the enhancements. To find these places, you'll need to learn at least enough to read "An Ma" in Hangeul, which is pretty easy. I'd put the Hangeul here, but, for some reason this site has a bizarre rule against doing that. Basically, look for what looks like two letters (actually two syllables comprised of 3 letters and 2 letters, respectively). The first syllable will be comprised of a letter that looks like O in the top left (which is silent at the beginning of a syllable), the Korean letter for "ah" at the right which looks like a vertical line with a short stroke to the right in the middle. At the bottom will be the Korean letter for "N" which looks sort of like an English letter "L", except it is wider than it is tall. The syllable for Ma will consist of a square (Korean "M") and to the right of that will be another "ah" letter. I really hope this site will eventually come to its senses on allowing the publication of foreign scripts for the purposes of providing identification tips.
Glass Houses.- These are as described elsewhere. From the outside, it looks like you're walking through an abandoned section of town that was a bunch of little shops now closed. There are lots of "little" shops in Korea which are constructed of similar frontages, but, the interiors are small little cubbies with not much behind. These are very different. Each little booth opens into a vast labyrinth of facilities behind and up and down stairs.
Tried two of these in Miari. Getting there is as described. Take exit 10 from Gireum station. And go through almost any of the "sops" on the right. Once you're inside the "SOP" zone, just wander around, you'll see lots of old women and men sitting on the various benches around. Easiest way to identify a place that is "foreigner" friendly (for some definition of the term) is to wander until one trys to attract your attention. I found I got a better selection by refusing the first few and then making another pass (many more responded on the second pass) through a given area. Apparently not jumping at the first offer makes them think you know something.
Inside, you'll be shown the "selection" which is usually 2-3 girls. They're dressed in white gowns ("wedding gowns") and the rooms are lit mostly in black light, giving a pretty surreal glow to everything. As soon as you choose your girl, you're lead by the mamasan to another location where she extracts the money (about $70, 70, 000 Won), and you wait for the girl to come in. It varies from there, and, probably if I understood Korean better (I understand almost nothing), it would have made more sense.
Good news: Neither of the girls I encountered here was "enhanced", although one had rather large (by Asian standards) naturals. Both were attractive (7-8). The first one was on one of the rows perpendicular to the main road and wasn't really into it and clearly just wanted me to be done and gone. Virtually no English skills here. I made sure to take my time with her, hoping that she'd come around, but, no good. The second one, OTOH was vastly superior. Look for a green light in a diffusion globe outside the glass doors. It's near the farthest corner of the area from the metro station, back by the overhead freeway. Much nicer interior, limited, but, some English skills both from the mamasan and the girl. The girl was slightly less attractive, but, still very nice, and, the attitude was much more pleasant. Deviations were allowed, and, much more touching, kissing, fondling, etc. A good time was had by both of us.
Room Salons.- Didn't get any room salon opportunities. I don't think these are readily available to foreigners, and, the price tag and requirement for repeat visits before anything happens didn't seem appealing to me.
Conclusion.- I think the best value for the money here is the glass house approach. I need to learn more Korean to use these more effectively, and, I get the sense that repeat visits to the same provider will yield better results. Looking for providers that smiled and seemed welcoming definitely seems good advice, but, no guarantee. The An Ma experience is nice and involves much nicer facilities and a longer and very enjoyable process which includes shower (she washes you), table shower, table massage, table erotic massage, then off to bed for the real fun and another shower (she washes you) afterwards. However, at 3x (+/-) the cost of the glass houses, I'm not sure it's really worth it. For a longer visit, or, on repeat trips, I think I'd find a glass house or two with good service and start repeating in order to get "known" there as I think that's probably the best "bang for the buck".
The one final thing I'll say is that in Seoul, it's often much more efficient to get around using the subway system than taking cabs/whatever. It closes at one, so, after that, you'll need a cab, but, otherwise, it's much less expensive and usually faster. It's easy to navigate and there's a very helpful site available at
http://www.smrt. Co. Kr/english_smr...berstation. Jsp which allows you to click on your start and end points and provides fare, time, connection, and routing information.
Hope y'all find this helpful.