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標題: any good brothel in melbourne with good asian girls? (studio466)?? [打印本頁]

作者: D30417995    時間: 2008-4-27 21:09     標題: any good brothel in melbourne with good asian girls? (studio466)??

I tried studio466 before; it was just so so; the only better girl is a Thai girl, but still quite average with fake boobs.

Any brother knows of brothels with high quality japanese chicks?
作者: D30417995    時間: 2008-4-27 21:11

one white girl at studio466 can speak cantonese; i think her name is Kate? forgotten
作者: docomohk2003    時間: 2008-4-28 00:55

ha... so many Korean gals working nearby.................... pickup one of the local free chinese newspaper la.
作者: D30417995    時間: 2008-4-28 09:23

but any good recommendations? i know there're lots of korean girls working but any pretty ones?  i have only tried 466; not really recommended, just one korean girl there and not good looking....
作者: docomohk2003    時間: 2008-4-28 22:54

i know there are few near park st... with HK gals working there... they said they're using holiday visa and work there... young and fresh

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