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標題: 70年代香港出品既牛仔褲---JEANS EAST [打印本頁]

作者: hkchai    時間: 2008-5-6 13:26     標題: 70年代香港出品既牛仔褲---JEANS EAST

唔知有冇人記得 JEANS EAST 哩個牛仔褲既牌子? 應該係70年代那時香港自家出品既品牌。如果有兄弟姊妹曾經幫櫬過既話,肯定係潮人一個(當時!)。
作者: hollywoodground    時間: 2008-5-7 17:56

當時 ( early 70s )中文名為 <真適意> 鋪在怡和街
作者: hkchai    時間: 2008-5-9 13:13

原帖由 hollywoodground 於 2008-5-7 17:56 發表
當時 ( early 70s )中文名為 <真適意> 鋪在怡和街
咦! 原來仲有人記得呢個品牌。這位大哥想必差不多50吧,哈!哈!講真,中文名我完全沒有印象。那時還在中學階段,沒太多零用錢,牛仔褲就買不起,只買了件長袖T恤,但當時已覺得很潮。
作者: miceho    時間: 2008-5-9 17:19

bangbang ?~~丹華?
作者: hollywoodground    時間: 2008-5-10 16:49

About Jeans East:
I found a 跑腿 job in summer holiday of 1973 and passed by this shop many times a day. Their logo (like a huge Stars & Stripes) was eye catching. However I have never bought anything over there. By the end of that summer, I acquired my 1st Levi's in my life.
作者: hkchai    時間: 2008-5-12 01:38

原帖由 hollywoodground 於 2008-5-10 16:49 發表
About Jeans East:
I found a 跑腿 job in summer holiday of 1973 and passed by this shop many times a day. Their logo (like a huge Stars & Stripes) was eye catching. H ...
唔知 hollywoodground 兄或其他版友有沒有當時 JEANS EAST 店舖的照片,好懷念。

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