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any one tried tis chick in sydney australia?!?!?!?!

any one tried tis chick in sydney australia?!?!?!?!

i dun wanna wrirte an ad, but i fucked this chick n want to share my experiece

the chicks a past dj for a hk radio station in sydney called "ar wing". she worked as a private call-girl n deal wif mainly caucasian blokes, but will make excption for asians if the $ is right.

she is not too good looking, but her service is fucking superb and shes young (24). when shes in the mood, her oral makes me cum 3 times. shes been fucking since 18 and cos she chooses clients, shes fucked only bout 20 dudes in total .

she loves money, and if u want a god-daughter type, shes ur chick. shes looking for a sugardaddy now.

last time we fucked, she was so fucking wet the beds wet throgh to the mattrss she gets wet easy but dont cum often wif clients, so she sumtimes ONS. i m her fnd so we dun fuck for $, but she charges $200 p/h normally

if u hav done her befor, share ur experinece. i dun noe if i can can post pics up, so maybe l8rs
  • rtsang88 體力 +50 精品文章 2008-5-23 09:58
  • rtsang88 威望 +50 精品文章 2008-5-23 09:58


我路過架咋, 不過都忍唔住要講兩句...

DJ都出黎做part time? 係真唔撚係呀, 澳洲真係咁正?


no point lying 2 u man. djs dun always make $. Shes a student in syd and needs to pay uni fees and rent.

u in syd? i can give u her contacts


原帖由 Drew 於 2008-5-21 08:13 發表
u in syd? i can give u her contacts
唔駛喇, 都話左係路過咯. 小弟身在加國.


Student/ DJ : What a combination !!!


no suprise! some students doing short courses in sydney could go to bed with $


原帖由 fairview 於 2008-5-22 11:10 發表
no suprise! some students doing short courses in sydney could go to bed with $
Well, many many(I mean MANY)visa students who are doing short courses in Toronto could go to bed with $ as well, but that wasn't the point of this discussion. What made me interested is the DJ part...I would like to see a SP in Toronto who worked as a DJ before in a local Chinese radio station.


were tryng to find her a sugardady cos she need $. If ne one know someone in Sydney who want to 包 a chick, tell me n ill send u her contact


WoW! Sound real great! This is very interesting for me! But I gone back to HK for a very long time... so poor!

This post make my good memories came back.... sexy singapore girls.... they are Hot! Miss them for a long time, may be some of them became someone's wife already.. good luck!

Sorry, there is nothing to do with your post.


原帖由 Drew 於 2008-5-20 22:46 發表
i dun wanna wrirte an ad, but i fucked this chick n want to share my experiece..
So exciting! Good story.


very good imformation, i am now is SYD,can you give her contacts ? thx


Reply #8 Drew's post

Please send me contact


原帖由 wujx 於 2008-6-15 17:04 發表
very good imformation, i am now is SYD,can you give her contacts ? thx
Try another la.




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