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標題: 溝骨女不如在香港識女朋友 [打印本頁]

作者: ydnewxela    時間: 2008-5-25 14:09     標題: 溝骨女不如在香港識女朋友

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作者: wahahawy    時間: 2008-5-25 16:38

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作者: strange    時間: 2008-5-25 23:43

原帖由 ydnewxela 於 2008-5-25 14:09 發表
I wrote about my schoolmate took three of us to 廬山三疊泉桑拿中心 yesterday for fixing four "call-bookings" (call 鐘) for his favorite masseur (骨女). I like to reiterate that the place  ...
Yes , brother, I get your points.

I have sunk ship with 2 sauna girl

(1)The first girl is a massage girl working in  港龍康怡(closed business already). She transmited a skin diseases to me(Mollluscum)  that I have to stop sex with my wife for nearly a year.

(2) The second girl is a foot massage girl working in 海利華. She is a cunning and greedy girl. I have spent a lot of money in buying clothings, boots, shoes, mobile phone for her.

One early morning in April , I saw her saying goodbye to a man at just near the Lo Wu Shenzhen Control Point. They have certainly slept together and made love many times the night before.

I have stopped relationship with her already.

[ 本帖最後由 strange 於 2008-5-25 23:55 編輯 ]
作者: ManchesterU_C7    時間: 2008-5-26 09:05

原帖由 strange 於 2008-5-25 23:43 發表

Yes , brother, I get your points.

I have sunk ship with 2 sauna girl

(1)The first girl is a massage girl working in  港龍康怡(closed business already). She transmited a skin diseases to ...
Just a feeling to say some words after reading your post.

Indeed, we could not expect MM  just to take care of yourself only , in particular for we had already married.  What we actually enjoy is the sex - the feeling when we are making love and that's the all. Apart from, MM and us could have their free time to do whatever we want.

After all, this could only be considered as a trade at the end with a reasonable of care !
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-5-26 09:44

"餐餐清" 從來都係最直接而有效的政策!
作者: Rayjeam    時間: 2008-5-26 10:26

作者: ydnewxela    時間: 2008-5-26 11:50

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作者: getalife    時間: 2008-5-26 14:44

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作者: 779394    時間: 2008-5-26 14:49

原帖由 ydnewxela 於 2008-5-26 11:50 AM 發表

餐餐清 is the best strategy!

In reality, those girls use the same trick to every body; we can't assume we are someone special! Try more girls and everyone will find that the trick is the sam ...

講真,大陸既女同香港既女都係差唔多, 你試下一開始冇錢叫佢同你出街食cheap野呀?冇錢睇戲去行公園或去window shopping呀?徐非你好靚仔啦唔係睇佢地彩唔彩你呀啦!呵呵!
作者: leicalover    時間: 2008-5-26 16:15

原帖由 ydnewxela 於 2008-5-26 11:50 發表

餐餐清 is the best strategy!

In reality, those girls use the same trick to every body; we can't assume we are someone special! Try more girls and everyone will find that the trick is the sam ...
par3 ching has a very good thread in this forum giving his opinion on making friends with nc/sn girls:

His sharing of March 4, 08 & March 5, 08 (approx. page 28 in his thread as of today's date) is not to be missed.

Its not easy to give advise to your friend as lot of people has to learn thru mistakes  

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-5-26 17:54     標題: 回復 #10 leicalover 的帖子

沉船不是人人沉得起的!識得沉又要識得浮!沉到呼吸不了,就要斬rope 的了,這樣才可重新浮起!
作者: march29    時間: 2008-5-26 21:30

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作者: coke818    時間: 2008-5-27 01:41

若沒沉過船,又怎算出嚟玩過哩!希望那位C Hing能早日清醒,浮番上嚟!
作者: doubleOO    時間: 2008-5-27 02:20

When you are sinking, your thinking is clouded by fantacy, lust and desire. There is no way you can be so crystal clear on your own decision making but I would suggest to have your friend to joint the forum and read more threads that related to the subject. May be he can find that he is kust one of those sucker floating in the sea of lust in CP draning all his energy and $$$ trying to stay afloat with his dreamy eyes.
作者: Anvil    時間: 2008-5-27 12:50

沉船就係這意思. 就好似飲酒, 越high的時候越想飲, 佢唔會覺得自己醉, 只有真正酒醒時才會有理性, 人係感情動物, 即使男性的慾念會多d, 如果未至於浸死, 就由他吧...
作者: DanChan888    時間: 2008-5-27 14:07

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-5-27 14:20

原帖由 DanChan888 於 2008-5-27 14:07 發表
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-5-27 16:56     標題: 回復 #17 7-siu 的帖子

要修鍊好 "潛水艇大法" ------ 浮沉悉隨尊便!
作者: hung823    時間: 2008-5-28 13:23

作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-5-28 13:37

原帖由 hung823 於 2008-5-28 13:23 發表
你依種行為我地稱為洗版, 後果係會俾版主ban柒你
作者: 太空貓    時間: 2008-5-28 16:38

沉船人人都唔想. 但當局者迷.
英雄難過美人關. 唉.....!
作者: horse123    時間: 2008-6-8 10:14     標題: 回復 #1 ydnewxela 的帖子

I agree with you. very good

中國加油 GO GO GO !!!
作者: 天使之施    時間: 2008-6-8 12:31



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