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標題: w州行 [打印本頁]

作者: r0patpat2006    時間: 2008-6-3 14:49     標題: w州行

本人最近r常出差到w州. w州是蘋D常有文化味道的城市,到]的建筑都很古式古香. 但晚上就死得人....过了9糪琤誚b街上没人.

我出差的地方是在工莠\区,别被它的名字误導,虽然叫工莠\区,但其b是非常先进的区域,晚上又是非常火的(我说的火绝对不能与眵薳帢`平比). 最近b在受不了,晚上没节目真的N死人,所以单拖走去休闲场去放松放松。这里的场都ぉ衒o很高档,很漂亮。特簻O秏韺A拿拖鞋到服U员,没議对你服U非常的好,当你是他们大恩人一屆C

我洗完澡后,就直接去房V,之后r理就带MM来。哇,一次就带7-8纂A不是讲笑,没議ㄚD常L,好正! 我f共去了3次,每次都不用看第二转。之后就是基本V作,是DG式。什么都a足,MM态度很好!我用手又用口(b在忍不住,她们的西西都很幼很粉红,又香又多水)。搞完后永衶时V。

到结帐又没有AR tips。 价钱是RMB698,虽然贵了礡A但确b是享受!

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-3 14:55     標題: 回復 #1 r0patpat2006 的帖子

A very good thing to have report other than DG. We need this sort of report rather than those "轉貼" !

This is some true report.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-6-3 14:58

w州... I visited there once... but I was too young by that time... just know that there is a lot of beauty... but don't know where to eat them...
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-3 14:59

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-6-3 14:58 發表
w州... I visited there once... but I was too young by that time... just know that there is a lot of beauty... but don't know where to eat them...
I also have been there, but with my family.
作者: hongkonger    時間: 2008-6-3 15:18

原帖由 r0patpat2006 於 2008-6-3 14:49 發表
本人最近输常出差到辽州. 辽州是苮非常有文化味道的城市,到亲的建筑都很古式古香. 但晚上就死得人....过了9喴根本在街上没人.

我出差的地方是在工鍴疴区,别被它的名字误導," ...
辽州 = 遼陽?
作者: fe522000    時間: 2008-6-3 15:55

where's  辽州??

how to go there??
作者: wahahawy    時間: 2008-6-3 16:08

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作者: hongkonger    時間: 2008-6-3 17:51

原帖由 fe522000 於 2008-6-3 15:55 發表
where's  辽州??

how to go there??
"辽州行"  可能係錯別字
正寫係 "條周痕"
作者: KOTO    時間: 2008-6-4 11:38

the places are used to be called 'HOT SPRINg'
作者: 長不大的小強    時間: 2008-6-4 11:52

作者: JM168    時間: 2008-6-4 12:49

Very good report, thx!!!!
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-4 13:24

原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-6-3 14:59 發表

I also have been there, but with my family.
you have "FAMILY" everywhere in mainland
作者: wahahawy    時間: 2008-6-4 13:43

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作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-4 15:31

作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-4 15:39     標題: 回復 #14 7-siu 的帖子

To the best of your knowledge, yes, there is only one for the time being. What about those who you don't know and have never heard of?
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-6-4 15:43     標題: 回復 #15 icheng609 的帖子

May pop out to make such claim after ?? years!! Just like those experience of famous star, e.g. Maradona!!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-6-4 15:47

May be...

Haha... no la... give 7-siu a break la...

He didn't want it... may be the MM are too hot and he is too rush to get into it... or the quality of DomDom is too low... Or both... Then... the outcome is somewhat unexpected...

作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-4 15:51     標題: 回復 #16 def_lo 的帖子

My personal experience...........

I have a peer who spent quite long time in Xiamen for project a few years ago. When he re-visited there last year, a 4 year girl called him "papa" when having fun in Karaoki. Later, he found out she is her daughter by blood!
作者: hongkonger    時間: 2008-6-4 16:01

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-4 15:51 發表
My personal experience...........

I have a peer who spent quite long time in Xiamen for project a few years ago. When he re-visited there last year, a 4 year girl called him "papa" whe ...
a 4 year girl ?

a 4-year-old girl?
a 4-year university girl?
a 4-year-class high school girl?
4 girls?
or what?
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-4 16:08     標題: 回復 #19 hongkonger 的帖子

a little girl who is 4 years of age. I think some girls working there know the relationship of my friend and the Karaoki girl (the mother of the little girl) who used to work there.
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-6-4 16:13     標題: 回復 #20 icheng609 的帖子

But I'm more interested to know what happened at the end!!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-6-4 16:22

What could you do... in most case... it just be another give-money-then-leave situation... very few will really take the responsibility to act like a real man...

For me... I once "bingo" the prize... but I ask the girl to get rid of the prize before open it... of cause... I pay the cash prize to her instead...

Even though i am not marry at that time... but I am steady with my tiger... so... not much to say... have to face the reality...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-4 16:25     標題: 回復 #21 def_lo 的帖子

they have the DNA test to confirm the reality.............

He bought a flat at Xiamen..........

He applied to transfer to work in Xiamen plant (his wife is staying in Australia!)

I heard very little about him since then....................
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-6-4 17:10     標題: 回復 #23 icheng609 的帖子

Seems to be a happy ending!!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-6-4 17:58

Not really... how about the wife in Au...
作者: lowu    時間: 2008-6-5 00:49

How long for this visit?  RMB698.00.  Okay la.  Can you PM the place name and address.  thanks!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-5 09:55     標題: 回復 #25 Retav 的帖子

She'll know one day that she has one more "sister" and one more daughter lor!
作者: RL999    時間: 2008-6-5 16:48

Very good Report! Can you PM the place name and address.  Thanks
作者: plk990327    時間: 2008-6-5 17:42

It's nice but too espensive.
作者: r0patpat2006    時間: 2008-6-9 04:11

For Clarification.  The place I visited was in Suzhou (苏州), Suzhou Industrial Park (苏州工业园区).
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-9 10:42

原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-6-4 15:31 發表
sorry, i dont mean to 挖你"槍吧". when i say a familly, it can be as simply as you and your 女人

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