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標題: "沉船"優悠白書 [打印本頁]

作者: KMY89    時間: 2008-6-10 02:35     標題: "沉船"優悠白書


Kmy 也是長期在大陸工作, 當然也有一些上述的經驗. Kmy 在大陸很多朋友(包括台灣,香港,大陸朋友)包了二奶. 其實他們都應該離婚,沒有離婚的理由I guess :

80%是因為孩子, and 20%是不想被上衰男人的臭名.

加上,香港老婆忍...忍...忍... 大陸二奶時間拖久了也得過且過... 唯恐逼得太緊jar爆埋個飯碗 ... 一拍兩散...

因此,很多男人得享齊人之福. 當然,要有一定的經濟能力.

並不是每個有二奶的男人都是悲劇, 也有一些活得開心的.這是事實


Kmy 覺得付出和所謂效益有點不成正比

我不懂得分析心理, 為什麼要兩個伴侶? 其實,來歡場玩最主要是新鮮,好奇,刺激.一個被我做過兩次以上的身體,就算靚如廖碧兒、湯唯都再不會引起我的食慾 .

但男人就是那樣怪,非要放條蟲入屁股,搞得痛出點血才過引 happy

在夜總會,卡拉OK玩的時候時間過得很快,一班人時間很快過,而兩個人的時侯,應該不會有很多話題吧? 談什麼?

有次我和個PR 提到周恩來,他眼大大的問周恩來是誰?我說:是練法輪功的家伙 ...

那PR 說:哦 ... 難怪好像聽過呢個名 ...

Kmy 果晚無X佢,因為我諗X佢個feel會似X舊豬肉

很多平凡的香港男人,到了大陸馬上變了大腕 . 因為生活水準不同, 在香港一餐茶的費用, 在大陸已是一個月的工資. 因此這些男人便變成英雄,even他們被個女人拖住去食酸辣面,or 穿著人字拖短褲入西餐廳食臘味飯.

他們享受這種英雄感,虛榮感慢慢被感情,責任的枷鎖套著...於是越踏越深 .

Brothers, 這不止是沉船,而是沉淪

事實上,女人分很多種,有文靜型,活潑型,性感的,鄉土純樸的....如果限制了自已的選擇,迫自已只食一種, 唉! 真係蠢.......

多為自已選擇幾個女朋友, 到處留情, 坦白告訴人自已已婚, 只可以做朋友, 玩玩! 大家有條底線,無乜壓力, 不是更好嗎 ?

奉勸初入大陸玩的朋友,不要迷戀一個對象,歡場是歡迎花心的人的, 并不是婚姻介紹所. 已沉船的朋友快快出來重新做人, 做個自由逍遙自在的開心人.

P.S.  This essay is delicated to pal 7-siu.

[ 本帖最後由 KMY89 於 2008-6-10 02:38 編輯 ]
作者: superxx    時間: 2008-6-10 03:34

great kmy89 c hing, same opinion with u..........
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-10 06:20

我看沒有九成都有八成, 男人 "沉", 唔係衰咸濕 (因十個男人十個咸濕 , 只係可能有某d因素令佢咸到極或咸唔到), 係衰英雄感.

我幾個朋友, 一把年紀, 有d經濟能力, 工作又有d權力, 機緣巧合, 臨老入到花叢, 依個女仔話你有男人味, 果個女仔話你高大威猛, 總之所有說話, 上床落力程度;, 佢老婆一世都冇同佢講過做過. 佢地就覺得自己天下無敵, 同依個女性相逢恨晚, 以後無論如何, 都要"睇住"同依個女性.

好明顯, 結果就係"祝君好運"啦
作者: mobydick    時間: 2008-6-10 07:26

This is fact and reality.  Unfortunately, we are lving in this world.  Luckily, I am a man too..^^
What can we do?
作者: netken2003    時間: 2008-6-10 08:07


作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-10 08:37

原帖由 netken2003 於 2008-6-10 08:07 發表

名仕風流自古皆然!最怕是很多人自我膨脹, 自以為是! 誤將下流作風流!
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-10 09:02

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-10 08:37 發表

名仕風流自古皆然!最怕是很多人自我膨脹, 自以為是! 誤將下流作風流!
更怕是很多人下面膨脹, 就自以為是
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-10 09:51     標題: 回復 #7 colorbhk 的帖子

所以都係要知到自已係乜料 ----- 只不過是一名嫖客, 一條鳼蟲, 又憑什麽青春的小鳼們会對閣下另眼相看呢? 都係歺歺清、 嫖完算數!
作者: usedmond    時間: 2008-6-10 10:46

It is OK as long as you afford to pay and you enjoy it.
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-10 11:01

Thank you Brother you dedicated this essay to me. I have nothing to say about my "lovers". The only thing Ican say is that 1 is an University grad, the other 2 are as least High School leavers. I agree that except the U grad, the other 2 does not know who is "Chow Yan Loy", I would say it is because the "olitical Education" they received is so limited in scope.

I have experience that U grad in HK also like and idiot in common sence.

I know I am play fire, but I enjoy it so much now, I don't prepare to leave.

Thanks for the advice.
作者: leicalover    時間: 2008-6-10 11:10

Thanking KMY89 for this wonderful thread.   I think the key for "sinking" immunity is to keep on playing... The next one may be more exciting and after all, the reason why all these started is curiosity and the pursuits for "fresh / new" experience.
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-10 11:14     標題: 回復 #10 7-siu 的帖子

I honor and admire every word Bro. 7-Siu said.............

I think he is the one who can handle the case well.
作者: PlaySafe    時間: 2008-6-10 11:58

原帖由 KMY89 於 2008-6-10 02:35 發表

Kmy 也是長期在大陸工作, 當然也有一些上述的經驗. Kmy 在大陸很多朋友(包括台灣,香港,大陸朋友)包了二奶. 其實他們都應該離婚,沒有離婚的理由...

並不是每個有二奶的男人都是悲劇, 也有一些活得開心的.這是事實 。
但要付出,也是事實 。

Kmy 覺得付出和所謂效益有點不成正比...

我不懂得分析心理, 為什麼要兩個伴侶? 其實,來歡場玩最主要是新鮮,好奇,刺激.一個被我做過兩次以上的身體,就算靚如廖碧兒、湯唯都再不會引起我的食慾...

I agree with what you said in general.

However, we cannot ignore that there might be exceptions to what you have suggested, and a classic example of such is that of our worshipful 7-Siu.

Frankly speaking, most of us envy 7-Siu a lot, but we just cannot follow what he has done so far, for we do not have such a fine education, social status, time, wealth, and dedication to the mistresses like he has!

In any event my humble bows to both of you and 7-Siu.

[ 本帖最後由 PlaySafe 於 2008-6-10 13:31 編輯 ]
作者: Kingcwk    時間: 2008-6-10 12:21

..因此,很多男人得享齊人之福. 當然,要有一定的經濟能力...

呢一點, 最重要,

如果你有錢, 好多問題都好解決.

但可惜, 好多一般打工仔,

北上充有錢, 攪到家散人亡, 破產收場!!!!
作者: pentree21    時間: 2008-6-10 13:51

In addition to Brother Kingcsk's comment, there are also example of people receiving CSSA in Hong Kong but have a second wife in China. Their age difference is Man 65 vs girl 18. What a pritty world.
作者: KMY89    時間: 2008-6-10 14:41

原帖由 Kingcwk 於 2008-6-10 12:21 發表
..因此,很多男人得享齊人之福. 當然,要有一定的經濟能力...

呢一點, 最重要,

如果你有錢, 好多問題都好解決.

但可惜, 好多一般打工仔,

北上充有錢, 攪到家散人亡, 破產收場!!!!
Likely, 賭王
作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-10 17:35


[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2008-6-10 18:06 編輯 ]
作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-10 17:39

原帖由 KMY89 於 2008-6-10 02:35 發表

Kmy 也是長期在大陸工作, 當然也有一些上述的經驗. Kmy 在大陸很多朋友(包括台灣,香港,大陸朋友)包了二奶. 其實他們都應該離婚,沒有離婚的理由I g ...

大部分BROTHER可能是客观环境不能玩沉船。。也有如师兄的想法不会玩沉船的。。但师兄也不必为沉船的人感慨。。觉得自己在岸上看那些在水里的都是在沉伦的可怜人。。要知道在水里的人的乐趣在岸上坐着的人是永远无法知道的。。有没有也想过要下水的但没有这个胆呢?? 其实你也不在岸上。。你已在沙滩上玩水了。。只是在浅水的地方而已。。我们都在玩水嘛。。一些人游得出一点深一点。。。

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2008-6-10 17:43 編輯 ]
作者: 四眼肥肥    時間: 2008-6-10 22:26

作者: netken2003    時間: 2008-6-10 23:55

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-6-10 09:39 發表

师兄说沉船的人沉伦也有点对吧。。其实吃散餐还不是不忠吗。。为什么沉船的人就沉伦了。。吃散餐的就不沉伦。。五十步笑百步 ...
十分認同 C-HING。個人生活圈子所見…

岸邊班 fd,堅決拒絕同女胞發生任何關係、但舖舖清又玩厭了…看到他們奄悶到不知所惜的樣子…書讀飽了、錢搵夠了、全世界亦遊渾…現在已完全無 idea 點樣去「打發」未來的空閒日子…佢哋帶住傻更更既樣,一年復一年,過著零經歷,無任何事發生既活死人生活。老實說,見到佢哋,我更感慨…

另外一個圈子,則很多已是深海勇士、眾人老師…或者佢哋係天生好命、死好運…但自己睇到既卻係,佢哋做人果種積極性,同面對問題時果種樂觀態度,仲有處事時既冷靜同邏輯…令我 feel 到好強大既生命動力、人生既精彩。

作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-6-11 01:02

原帖由 netken2003 於 2008-6-10 23:55 發表

Netken brother, I 100% agree with you...  

It is like diving vs swimming.   Those who do not/don't like swimming would say it is risky to swim, and it is no fun swimming and we have to take a shower afterwards, etc.. etc.   However, it is simply those people have not enjoyed the swimming experience.

Those who know how to swim may not treasure diving, think it is dangerous and/or not appreciating the joy of seeing the wide varieties of fishes and stuff deep inside the water, thinking that he could get similar joyo by swimming or watching TVB "鱼乐无穷“.  However, for those who are divers, they would say yes, they are at risk (of life), pay a lot for "diving", sometimes the dive is not at all enjoyable. however, they will still go for it since sometimes, the joy is hard to match by just swimming....  

Anyway, it is good for brothers to keep on challenging those who enjoy sinking/diving since those who are into this game shoudl stay half conscious and have somehow a bottom line to defend.

作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-11 01:03

原帖由 netken2003 於 2008-6-10 23:55 發表

十分認同 C-HING。個人生活圈子所見…

岸邊班 fd,堅決拒絕同女胞發生任何關係、但舖舖清又玩厭了…看到他們奄悶到不知所惜的樣子…書讀飽了、錢搵夠了、全世界亦遊渾…現在已完全無 idea 點樣去「打發」未 ...
作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-11 01:07

原帖由 四眼肥肥 於 2008-6-10 22:26 發表
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-11 01:08

人大了, 唔係唔想玩, 係玩唔起, 輸唔起
作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-11 01:14

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-6-11 01:02 發表

Netken brother, I 100% agree with you...  

It is like diving vs swimming.   Those who do not/don't like swimming would say it is risky to swim, and it is no fun swimming and we have to take  ...
"Sink and stay half concious and have a bottom line"  -- agreed!
I always tell my lunch box I am married, have children similar age as her..cannot give her anything, including money...
My lunch box says she would stay with me for few years and then go home and get married...she just wants to stay with me..nothing else...What else can a man wants....young, beautiful and most importantly she loves me..
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-11 01:19

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-6-11 01:14 發表

What else can a man wants....young, beautiful and most importantly she loves me
sorry, that is something i really dont want, it is something which will put me in a very dangerous place.

to be the best, each of us knows what to give and what to take  
作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-11 01:33

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-6-11 01:19 發表

sorry, that is something i really dont want, it is something which will put me in a very dangerous place.
to be the best, each of us knows what to give and what to take  :very ...
And actually it was she who initiated this affair...nobody will believe in this..and I dared not believe it at the beginning...I though she was going for something, money,..but she is not...

I understand that different people have different stuations, just fee comforatble with one's doings...
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-6-11 01:44

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-6-11 01:14 發表

"Sink and stay half concious and have a bottom line"  -- agreed!
I always tell my lunch box I am married, have children similar age as her..cannot give her anything, including mone ...
Hai gor, congratulations! I think you have done a great job in treating her well... and even without the $, she is committed to follow you for the minimal $.  

By the way,I have gone to the place that I consulted you before.  Great experience with my friends and we finished 3 chivas within 3 hours, quite a lot for us as we are not good drinkers...  ....
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-11 01:45

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-6-11 01:33 發表

And actually it was she who initiated this affair...nobody will believe in this..and I dared not believe it at the beginning...I though she was going for something, money,..but she is not...
what i mean is "SHE LOVES ME" is something we enjoy, but also something we are trying to avoid
作者: netken2003    時間: 2008-6-11 02:08




作者: simonkok    時間: 2008-6-11 04:59

原帖由 KMY89 於 2008-6-10 02:35 發表

Kmy 也是長期在大陸工作, 當然也有一些上述的經驗. Kmy 在大陸很多朋友(包括台灣,香港,大陸朋友)包了二奶. 其實他們都應該離婚,沒有離婚的理由I g ...
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-11 07:20

原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-6-11 04:59 發表

七少的身形, 從水底到水面無處不在. 你以為佢沉 佢有大半個身响水面.   你以為佢做出水芺蓉, 其實佢對水底不離不棄. 真係你估佢唔到   
作者: Bond007    時間: 2008-6-11 09:56

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-11 10:12

原帖由 Bond007 於 2008-6-11 09:56 發表

縱橫 色慾界+多年, 從未沉過一次!!

只因由day one 開始已深明 歇歡場無真愛  
子非船, 焉知沉之樂
作者: Bond007    時間: 2008-6-11 11:10

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-11 11:15

原帖由 Bond007 於 2008-6-11 11:10 發表


那你是紙船 定 垓??   
我唔係船, 我在生物學上的正確學名是 "雞虫"  
作者: Kingcwk    時間: 2008-6-11 11:37

原帖由 netken2003 於 2008-6-10 15:55 發表

十分認同 C-HING。個人生活圈子所見…

岸邊班 fd,堅決拒絕同女胞發生任何關係、但舖舖清又玩厭了…看到他們奄悶到不知所惜的樣子…書讀飽了、錢搵夠了、全世界亦遊渾…現在已完全無 idea 點樣去「打發」未 ...
c hing 所講係2類比較極端既人,

一盡情不計後果去玩, 一以唔上身唔受傷既情況去玩,

前者會係生命中得到唔少經驗, 但好可能同時會影響到身邊人(家人或朋友),

後者可能平平淡淡過一生, 回頭睇返好似係世界上冇存在過, 但一定唔會影響得人.
作者: Bond007    時間: 2008-6-11 12:23

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-11 12:25

原帖由 Bond007 於 2008-6-11 12:23 發表

"雞虫"  最怕什麼
"雞虫"  最怕變 "虫草雞精"
作者: kei123321    時間: 2008-6-11 16:19     標題: good

good good good
作者: dw78    時間: 2008-6-12 02:31

原帖由 KMY89 於 2008-6-10 02:35 發表
Brothers, 這不止是沉船,而是沉淪 。

作者: Poseidon    時間: 2008-6-12 11:29

作者: hongkonger    時間: 2008-6-12 14:08

原帖由 KMY89 於 2008-6-10 02:35 發表

Kmy 也是長期在大陸工作, 當然也有一些上述的經驗. Kmy 在大陸很多朋友(包括台灣,香港,大陸朋友)包了二奶. 其實他們都應該離婚,沒有離婚的理由I g ...
問港女現在香港特首是誰? 都可能有30%答老董啦
大部份人對政治無興趣, 尤其係年輕女性, 99%都唔想知
你仲要問前幾任的總理, 唉.....
作者: hongkonger    時間: 2008-6-12 14:10

原帖由 dw78 於 2008-6-12 02:31 發表

我覺得知道問題所在而樂在其中者可以說是沉 ...
沉淪? 有無睇過一本郁達夫的書, 就叫"沉淪"
作者: hongkonger    時間: 2008-6-12 14:22

原帖由 Bond007 於 2008-6-11 09:56 發表

縱橫 色慾界+多年, 從未沉過一次!!

只因由day one 開始已深明 歡場無真愛  
你未沉過, 你就唔明白o個種感覺
明知無結果, 明知自己唔應該, 患得患失地一級級、一步步沉落去

打個比喻, 如果你未吃過辣, 又點知辣是什麼味道呢?
就算你好理智同自己講: 吃是為了營養
你是對的! 但人生就是為了經歷不同 (我指你能承受的事)
我可以講, 唔甜、唔苦, 無好食, 但好可能你試過就會不時回味
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-6-12 14:52

原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-6-12 14:22 發表

你未沉過, 你就唔明白o個種感覺
明知無結果, 明知自己唔應該, 患得患失地一級級、一步步沉落去

打個比喻, 如果你未吃過辣, 又點知辣是什麼味道呢?
就算你好理智同自己講: 吃是為了營養
你是對的! 但人生 ...


After 10-20 years of time, you wil lstill remember in the good old days, you were so in love of someone so madly. (although she did not deserve your love, whether she was only on $, she betrayed you)  I would rather sacrifice a bit of $ and time, plus a little risk, to get some love feel.  Of course, everyone will hope that he will not sink to the bottom or to a life-threatening depth. As long as our feet could still hit the ground of the pool/sea, it is fine.  

作者: CPKTVman    時間: 2008-6-12 17:41

I remember one c-hing comment from another thread regarding a similar topic that is sinking boat does not mean you cannot 吃散餐 once in a while.  This way you get the 沉船 feel and freshness
作者: colorbhk    時間: 2008-6-12 22:41

原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-6-12 14:22 發表

你未沉過, 你就唔明白o個種感覺
明知無結果, 明知自己唔應該, 患得患失地一級級、一步步沉落去

打個比喻, 如果你未吃過辣, 又點知辣是什麼味道呢?
就算你好理智同自己講: 吃是為了營養
你是對的! 但人生 ...

作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-13 02:33

原帖由 CPKTVman 於 2008-6-12 17:41 發表
I remember one c-hing comment from another thread regarding a similar topic that is sinking boat does not mean you cannot 吃散餐 once in a while.  This way you get the 沉船 feel and freshness
C Hing, may be I am one ...he he..but I did not say once in a while..but always...吃散餐..same time sink boat..
Just got back from a trip and immediately went for a quickie..actually it is an afternoon till midnoght with a session K in between...a going to be target for sink boat...
Lunch box also coming on to SZ Monday..and I will again have another quickie sunday.....
作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-13 02:37

原帖由 Poseidon 於 2008-6-12 11:29 發表
Brother you are quite right...
But what happening is that most of us go China for fun cos it is cheap..and then sink...
Actually quite a lot of similar affair happening in Hk around us...not all young MM in HK do not encounter with mature man...
Do you remember just a few dys ago on the news..a 17yr old student in love with her teacher...

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2008-6-13 02:39 編輯 ]
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-13 10:19

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-6-12 22:41 發表


作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-13 10:21     標題: 回復 #51 icheng609 的帖子

However, there is still example who practise this boxing live up to 90's.

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2008-6-13 10:24 編輯 ]
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-13 10:22

原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-6-13 10:21 發表
However, there is still example who practise this boing live up to 90's.
其精粹不在于活多久, 在于傷多深、 多重!
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-13 10:26     標題: 回復 #53 icheng609 的帖子

Exactly ! You got the crunch!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-6-13 10:32

原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-6-13 10:26 發表
Exactly ! You got the crunch!
我要吉百利嗰隻.................. 可以嗎!!?
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-6-13 17:14

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-6-13 02:33 發表

C Hing, may be I am one ...he he..but I did not say once in a while..but always...吃散餐..same time sink boat..
Just got back from a trip and immediately went for a quickie..actually it is an  ...
Same to me...   a cat is a cat...  there is no cat that does not like fish...
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-6-13 17:15

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-13 10:22 發表

其精粹不在于活多久, 在于傷多深、 多重!
love story would only be impactful and memorable when it is bitter...  Sometimes, some men are crazy animals and enjoy the process of being hurt...  
作者: Haidada    時間: 2008-6-13 18:01

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-6-13 17:14 發表
Same to me...   a cat is a cat...  there is no cat that does not like fish...
Now there is one lunch box..
One ready to be my lunch box ....anytime I want ..and
One  i want her to be my lunch box but ..still working on it .. this is a difficult one..

Great Fun...
作者: 烈火    時間: 2008-6-13 18:14


人都是犯賤的 ~  明知不好的 ~ 都會做.

人生難得糊塗..... 哈哈.


烈火, 會選擇 , 留精留情.....

但底線是 3個月 加 3個囡囡 ~
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-14 16:15

I do enjoy so much now that 2 of my women still speeping after a vigorous sex of threesaome. They fall asleep after satisfaction. I am so lucky,so enjoy.

So, why not sink ??
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-14 16:24

I go back sleep with my 2 honey la. talk to you later.
作者: KMY89    時間: 2008-6-15 13:42

原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-6-12 14:08 發表

問港女現在香港特首是誰? 都可能有30%答老董啦
大部份人對政治無興趣, 尤其係年輕女性, 99%都唔想知
你仲要問前幾任的總理 ...
哈哈 ...  Kmy 文中記載是與 PR "提及" 周恩來,不是"講"

閣下的 assumption "問港女現在香港特首是誰? 都可能有30%答老董啦",Kmy 是絕對不同意

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-6-16 01:01     標題: 回復 #62 KMY89 的帖子

Both of you are talking about some assumed questions. So, no answer !!!
作者: fineasia    時間: 2008-6-18 00:35

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