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標題: Anyone in Taiwan Alone? [打印本頁]

作者: manenjoylife    時間: 2008-7-10 09:46     標題: Anyone in Taiwan Alone?

Hi, I am herein Taiwan for a business trip alone and have no plans whatsoever tonight (Thursda).  Anyone wants to meet a stranger and let's go club hopping together tonight?

Can't write Chinese with my travel PC, but I am from HK and speak Cantonese and Mandarin (English, of course).

Leave me your contact details and let's go party together tonight!

Of course, I would be thrilled if someone would invite me to their parties!

作者: tommy715    時間: 2008-7-12 13:11

我13號會到台北旅行,e-mail 你個phone 比我,

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