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¼ÐÃD: [ºÃÃø] ¨Ê¶ø´Á间¦p¦óµÎ¸Ñ "¼¤" §x [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:37     ¼ÐÃD: ¨Ê¶ø´Á间¦p¦óµÎ¸Ñ "¼¤" §x

¦h¤é¨Ó¦U¤è¬Ò¶Ç¨Ó¤£§Q®ø®§¡A ©ó¨Ê¶ø´Á间国¤º®ø¶O³õ©Ò¥i¯à冚ºX¡A ÉÆÉÆ­n¦^®a¬Ý¶ø运¡I

§Æ±æ¤j®a¯à¦b¦¹¶°«ä¼s¯q¡A ·Q·Qµ´¥@¦n¾ô¡A ¦p¦ó¦w¥þ¦a¡A ¦³½è¶q«OÃÒ¤U¦Ó¨ã´LÄY¦a´ç®ÉÁ}¡A ÓV "¼¤" §x¡I

Froggie ¤W
§@ªÌ: hongkonger    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:38

¥h¯]®üª±, §Ú¥]¶O¥Î, ¥tµ¹500¤@¤Ñ

¤j®a°O±o©MÉÆÉƼg©w±¡«H sms
­n¥~¥X«e´X¤Ñµo, ¤S­n©çÄᱡ«Q·Ó
µLªk°Õ, ¤p¤ß¾p±o¸U¦~²î

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ hongkonger ©ó 2008-7-17 11:41 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:40

Quoted Hongkonger:

³Ìªñ¤T¨F¤@¤ô¤w¸g³Q¬d, ¦³´ä¤H³Q¦©



§A¦b¥b©]Å¥¨ì©çªù, ­n¬d©Ð, ¤£¶}´N¸Ü¯}ªù
§A¶}ªù«á, ¨k¥ª¤k¥k, ³Q¤À¶}©Ð, ­n§A¥X¥Üµ²±Bµý
¦pªG§A¸Ü¨k¤kªB¤Í, ´N­n§Aµý©ú
´N·|®»§A¦©¬d, ¦P­n§AºCºCª±
1) ¥i¯à¦³¤H·|¥Î¿ú¶R¦Û¥Ñ
2) ¦p¹ê¤W³ø, ¥iµý©ú§½¤è°µ¨ì³¥
3) ¦pªG¦³è°¤k, ¥i¯àª±Â঳§K¶OºÖ§QQª±
4) ¥i¯à¦P©ÒÚ»ªº³õÁ¿, ­n¥[»ù
5) ¥´À»¨S¥æ¨¬¶Oªº³õ"
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:42

Quoted Hongkonger:

"§Úªº¥D³õ¨Ó¹q, »¡¶í¤U¤T¥¿¥b¤s¶ø¹B´Á¶¡­n¦¬¤u
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:43

Calling ¤­©h®Q, standby for operation, over and out!!
§@ªÌ: hongkonger    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:44


¡i ¥» ³ø °T ¡j ¥_ ¨Ê ¶ø ¹B §Y ±N Á| ¦æ ¡A ²` ¦` ¤½ ¦w ´£ ¦­ ¬~ ¡u ¤Ó ¥­ ¦a ¡v ¡A ´ä ¨k ¼ö ªù »Z ÂI ¡u¤T ¨F ¤@ ¤ô ¡v ¡] ¤W ¨F §ø ¡B ¤U ¨F §ø ¡B ¨F ¼L §ø ¡B ¤ô ³ò §ø ¡^ ¦¨ ¬° ÄY ¥´ ­« ÂI ¤§ ¤@ ¡A ªñ ¤é ¦h ¶¡ ¯A¶À ³õ ©Ò ³Q ¬d «Ê ¡A ¼Æ ¤Q ¦W ´ä ¤H ºÃ ¯A ¹â ±@ ©Î ¬r «~ ®× ³Q Ãg ³B ¡C
¦Û ¬Q ¤Ñ ¦Ü ¤E ¤ë ¤Q¤E ¤é ´Ý ¶ø ·| µ² §ô ´Á ¶¡ ¡A ²` ¦` ĵ ¤è ¶} ®i ¤@ ¨t ¦C ¡u ¥­ ¦w ¶ø ¹B ¡v ±M ¶µ ¥´ À» ¦æ °Ê ¡C ¥þ ¥« ¹O ¤G¸U ¦h ¦W ĵ ¤O ¦b ¦¹ ´Á ¶¡ ¥þ ³¡ ¨ú ®ø ¨Ò ¥ð ¡A ÄY ¥´ ¦U Ãþ ¥Ç ¸o ¬¡ °Ê ¡A ¨Ã ¹ï ®T ¼Ö ³õ ©Ò ¶i ¦æ ¦w ¥þ ¤jÀË ¬d ¡C ¦b ¦¹ ¤§ «e ¡A ²` ¦` ¥« ¤½ ¦w §½ ºÖ ¥Ð ¤À §½ ©ó ¤W ¤ë ©³ ¡A ²v ¥ý ¹ï ÁÒ °Ï ªv ¦w ¶Â ÂI ¡u ¤T ¨F ¤@¤ô ¡v ¶i ¦æ ¤j ±½ ¿º ¡C

¼Æ ¤Q ´ä ¹â «È ¨ü »@
¤U ¨F §ø ¤º ¤@ ¦W ªv ¦w ­û ³z ÅS ¡A ªñ ¤é ±½ ¿º ¤¤ ¡A ¦Ü ¤Ö ¦³ ¼Æ ¤Q ¦W ´ä ¤H ³Q ¡u Â_ ¥¿ ¡v ¡A ³¡ ¤À ¤H ³Q »@ ´Ú ¤F ¨Æ ¡A ¤j ³¡ ¤À ¤H ³£ ³Q ³B ªv ¦w ©ë ¯d ¡C
·í ¦a ®ø ®§ ºÙ ¡A ºÖ ¥Ð °Ï ªº ¡u ©] ¤§ ¤k ¡v ¯É ¯É ¥~ ¾E ©Î ¦^ ®a ¼È Á× ­· ÀY ¡C °O ªÌ µo ²{ ¡A ¦ì ©ó ¤ô ³ò§ø ªº ¤@ ¶¡ ®T ¼Ö ³õ ¡A ¤é «e ³Q ¬d «Ê «á ¡A ¦³ ¤H ¥Î ¨â ´Ê °ª ¤j ªº ´Ó ª« Â\ ©ñ ¦b ªù «e ¡A ¾× ¦í Åã ²´ ªº«Ê ±ø ¡u ¾B Áà ¡v ¡C

²` ¦` ¥« ¤½ ¦w §½ °Æ §½ ªø ¬I §Ó ­è ¡A ¬Q ¤Ñ ¦b ³e ¹ý ¸¨ ¹ê ¡m ®T ¼Ö ³õ©Ò ªv ¦w ºÞ ²z ¿ì ªk ¡n °Ê ­û ³¡ ¸p ¤j ·| ¤W ªí ¥Ü ¡A ¥þ ¥« ¦U ¯Å ¤½ ¦w ¾÷ Ãö ¡A ­n ¶i ¤@ ¨B ¥[ ¤j ¥´ À» ¡u¶À ¡B ½ä ¡B ¬r ¡v ¹H ªk ¥Ç ¸o ¬¡ °Ê ªº ¤O «× ¡A ­« ÂI °w ¹ï ¥Ç ¸o ¬¡ °Ê ªº ²Õ ´ ªÌ ¡B °© ·F ¤À ¤l ©M «O Å@³Ê ¡C

¦¹ ¥~ ¡A ²` ¦` ¥ú ©ú ·s °Ï ¦b ¥» ¤ë ¤C ¤é ¥l ¶} ¤d ¤H »} ®v ¤j ·| ¡A ¤½ ¦w ¤@ ©P ¤º ·o·´ ¤T ­Ó ¶Â ´c ¶Õ ¤O ©M ·m §T ¶° ¹Î ¡A ¨Ã ¬d ³B ¦h ­Ó ¯A ¶À ¡B ¯A ¬r ¶Â ÂI ¡A ©ë ®· ¯A ®× ¤H ­û ¦Ê ¾l ¦W ¡C
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:45     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 5# ªº©«¤l

ËÝ长®É间¡A实¥´­¸¾÷¥´¨ì±ø啫°_õ¡I ¤£¦æ¡I
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:46

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-17 11:45 µoªí
ËÝ长®É间¡A实¥´­¸¾÷¥´¨ì±ø啫°_õ¡I ¤£¦æ¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:47

"Life will find the way", From Jurassic Park...

There is Policy, there is anti-policy... don't worry... let's see what those provider could arrange and I am definitely believe they will invent some new contact method with us... haha...

Chinese got a big brain, right?
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:50

For the JM Club, I propose we keep certain nui nuis, like SQ, and keep them during the Olympic period.

The cost will be shared, and the venue and girl has to be pre-biiked. What do you guys think about that?
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:52

Froggie... let me give you a reliable contact for GT... they will provide Japanese style on call service during Olympic... all you need is a book a good room in Hotel, call GT and tell you request and favorite...  room delivery will be arrive in 15 mins time... I tried... wonderful experience... haha
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:54     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 11# ªº©«¤l


What is it?  You mean Chicken Head? What is the cost? Where can it be available?

I think the service and quality is not as good as DG SNs!

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-17 11:55 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: hongkonger    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 11:59

¬°¤ä«ù¶ø¹Bºë¯«, ¤£¦p¦b¶ø¹B¥¼¶}©l«e
­n¬D¿ï¦ü: ¸õ¤ô³¢´¹´¹, ºô²y®]²¢²¢, ¨FÅy±Æ²y¤ý¼ä, ¦Ð¤ò²y±i¹ç, Åé¾Þ¦¿à±·½
¥´¿ì¦¨¤­­ÓºÖ«½¥h°s©±ª±6P, µM«á©ç·Ó¯d©À

¤§«á¶ø¹B´Á¶¡, ¤@ÃäÚ»¤ñÁÉ, ¤@ÃäÚ»¬Û¥´­¸¾÷

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ hongkonger ©ó 2008-7-17 12:01 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 12:02     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 13# ªº©«¤l

¦n´£Ä³..............! ¦¹¤è®×¥i±µ¨ü¡I

§@ªÌ: hongkonger    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 12:04

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-17 12:02 µoªí
¦n´£Ä³..............! ¦¹¤è®×¥i±µ¨ü¡I

¥b¤s¤H°÷¦h, ¦³¦n¤j¾÷·|ݯ¨ì
§@ªÌ: hongkonger    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 12:08

­ì©«¥Ñ hongkonger ©ó 2008-7-17 11:59 µoªí
¬°¤ä«ù¶ø¹Bºë¯«, ¤£¦p¦b¶ø¹B¥¼¶}©l«e
­n¬D¿ï¦ü: ¸õ¤ô³¢´¹´¹, ºô²y®]²¢²¢, ¨FÅy±Æ²y¤ý¼ä, ¦Ð¤ò²y±i¹ç, Åé¾Þ¦¿à±·½
¥´¿ì¦¨¤­­ÓºÖ«½¥h°s©±ª±6P, µM«á©ç·Ó¯d©À

¤§«á¶ø¹B´Á¶¡, ¤@ÃäÚ»¤ñÁÉ, ¤@ÃäÚ»¬Û¥´­¸¾÷
­n¦³¤ß²z¹w³Æ¥h±µ¨ü¤W¥@¬É·s»DÀY±ø, ¦P¦³¥i¯à§P¦º¦D
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 12:15

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-17 11:50 µoªí
For the JM Club, I propose we keep certain nui nuis, like SQ, and keep them during the Olympic period.

The cost will be shared, and the venue and girl has to be pre-biiked. What do you guys think a ...
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 12:33

To Froggie, if you are family with the GT... she could arrange a good service one...the one I tried last time provide a good service ...

But of course... her outlook is not as good as in Hospital... but definitely not pork chop..  and fresher than any SN...
§@ªÌ: star    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 12:52

no.1 - go to Thai golden-fish-pool
no.2 - goto macau ...
no.3 - stay in HK
no.4 - goto Beijing to naked, then police will arrest u
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 13:55     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 18# ªº©«¤l

May we have the MP project with GT arrangement?
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 15:22

We could... but since those are new comer... expect they will not be so cooperative when we are playing...

I suggest asking K girl out or SN place could offer the real fun and enjoyment...
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 15:35     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 21# ªº©«¤l

Back to square one.................

Who to arrange?
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 15:40

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-17 15:35 µoªí
Back to square one.................

Who to arrange?
And the final conclusion is another CWB's fantasy again!!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 15:56

To avoid the impact caused by the Olympic game, it is better for brothers to get the girls' contact first. In case the SN is closed, still we can call them out for fun. Maybe this is the precaution we must take.
§@ªÌ: KMY89    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-17 19:47

ªü³D³£¥h®Í°µ security °Õ ... Ãä±o¶~ºÞ©OD¶~¨Æ¡H



[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ KMY89 ©ó 2008-7-17 19:49 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-18 08:35

­ì©«¥Ñ KMY89 ©ó 2008-7-17 19:47 µoªí
ªü³D³£¥h®Í°µ security °Õ ... Ãä±o¶~ºÞ©OD¶~¨Æ¡H



¦ý­YªG¥u­nµy§@·Ç备©M¦w±Æ ¡A«K ­¹±o¦w¤ß©M©ñ¤ß¡A °Z¤£§ó§®¡H¡I¡I
§@ªÌ: glucerna    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-18 21:16



§@ªÌ: ªÎ²Â³J    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-18 22:35

­ì©«¥Ñ hongkonger ©ó 2008-7-17 12:08 µoªí

­n¦³¤ß²z¹w³Æ¥h±µ¨ü¤W¥@¬É·s»DÀY±ø, ¦P¦³¥i¯à§P¦º¦D
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-19 09:16

Many c hing here stay most / all the time in China working, playing, sleeping and fxxxing...  and we all understand that it might be some action during the Oly.. but whether it will be totally restrict or all close down? I don't think so...
§@ªÌ: ªF¦ä    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-19 09:58

§@ªÌ: colorbhk    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-19 11:01

­ì©«¥Ñ hongkonger ©ó 2008-7-17 12:08 µoªí

­n¦³¤ß²z¹w³Æ¥h±µ¨ü¤W¥@¬É·s»DÀY±ø, ¦P¦³¥i¯à§P¦º¦D
ª±6p¤w¸g«Y®t­ø¦h¦º¦D, ºëºÉ¤H¤`
§@ªÌ: hkoldguy2004    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-20 17:05

²`¦`¦³¨Ç°s©±­ì¥»¥u»Ý¬O¦ýµn°O. ¼gÉA¦W³£±o. ¦³¿ú¤ñ§Y¥i.
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-21 08:27     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 27# ªº©«¤l

ÉN¿ù..........."¦Ó®a" ­««YÉA³£¦³±oª±¡F ¦ý¿ð D ¨Ê¶ø´Á间¤S会ÂI©O¡H¡I¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-21 11:24

Froggie... not all hotel will register everything... my favorite 2 only register my card record only... and won't register MM's record... and who tell you bring the MM along to the counter... i will just ask them to come after I got the room..
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-21 11:47

I prefergoing to the MMs' palce (if they have one) and have fun over there........... it will even be better if they have their gfs living together!
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-21 11:52

Always think about the MP project... Old froggieman really want to try something new... haha
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-21 13:59     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 36# ªº©«¤l

I won't give the MP Project up until I really try once!
§@ªÌ: hkoldguy2004    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-21 18:45     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 34# ªº©«¤l

·íµM­ø¾p±a¤k¤@»ôcheck-in. ¦ýµL°Õ°Õ­n¥[±jµn°O. ËݧY«Y¸Ü°s©±¦³À£¤O. ¦¬¨ìorder­n°µ嘢Åo.
¦Ü©óÀ£¤O¦³´X¤j, ­n°µ´X¦h嘢©O? ¤@¯ë±Ï°ê¾Ô¤h´N«Y¾á¤ß©O¼Ë¹À.......
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 08:40

±¡ªp¦³¦p®üÂAɲ¡A 经±`§ï变.............

©Ò¥H§Æ±æ¤j®a会§Q¥Î½×¾Â¡A ±N³Ì·s±¡³ø¤À¨É¡A ¥H´£°ª¥_¤W¦²¦²ªº¦w¥þ«×¡I
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 09:23

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 08:40 µoªí
±¡ªp¦³¦p®üÂAɲ¡A 经±`§ï变.............

©Ò¥H§Æ±æ¤j®a会§Q¥Î½×¾Â¡A ±N³Ì·s±¡³ø¤À¨É¡A ¥H´£°ª¥_¤W¦²¦²ªº¦w¥þ«×¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 09:32

I will definitely save my energy until the Oly is gone...
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 09:39

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 09:32 µoªí
I will definitely save my energy until the Oly is gone...
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 10:05


¨ìON ®É, ¤pÃzD MM...
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 10:14

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 10:05 µoªí

¨ìON ®É, ¤pÃzD MM...
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 10:27

My Queen still need my service ar ma... so... it should be ok... haha...

Just kinda bore...
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 10:42

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 10:05 µoªí

¨ìON ®É, ¤pÃzD MM...
§A¦ô§A«Y¯u¤ÓºÊ«§............. ¥i¥H§ÔËÝ­@¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 11:39

§Ô­ø¨ì? §Ú°Å.... D¤â«ü¥Ò¸¨¾¤...
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 11:46

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 11:39 µoªí
§Ô­ø¨ì? §Ú°Å.... D¤â«ü¥Ò¸¨¾¤...
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 11:49

Á½峣ËÝ "¦n©Ê" °Õ¡A ¦óªp¤ÓºÊ!

(hint: Á½å©M¤ÓºÊ¦³¦ó¦@¦PÂI¡H)
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:00

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 11:49 µoªí
Á½峣ËÝ "¦n©Ê" °Õ¡A ¦óªp¤ÓºÊ!

(hint: Á½å©M¤ÓºÊ¦³¦ó¦@¦PÂI¡H)
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:30


¤@个«Y "Á¦ѥ|"¡A ¤@个«Y "XX¦Ñ¥|"¡I

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 12:33 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:32

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 12:30 µoªí

¤@个«Y "Á¦ѥ|"¡A ¤@个«Y "£A£A¦Ñ¥|"¡I
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:35

Á¦ѥ|嗰±ø Coco ³£´X¯Á............... ¦n嘢¨Ó¬[¡I
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:37

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 12:35 µoªí
Á¦ѥ|嗰±ø Coco ³£´X¯Á............... ¦n嘢¨Ó¬[¡I
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:39     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 54# ªº©«¤l

§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:46

Normally I don't like tall girl... but rarely ... I enjoy a lot of long leg... haha
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 12:51     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 56# ªº©«¤l

¦]§A钟·N­Ú "¹Ü©R¸û°Å脚" §¨¹À¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:16

¬ªÅS°ê®a¾÷Äû.... °Å§A!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:25

¹Ü©R¸û°Å脚 + ¾P»î¦¬­µ¾÷ = ?
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:28

¹Ü©R¸û°ÅŽà + ¾P»î¦¬­µ¦Ù + ¼b³Ý³s³s©C...

Thanks!! we could go to die now...

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 13:29 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:32

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 13:28 µoªí
¹Ü©R¸û°ÅŽà + ¾P»î¦¬­µ¦Ù + ¼b³Ý³s³s©C...

Thanks!! we could go to die now...
¦p³q³ø¦p¦¹»Û©Êª«Åé¦Ó³Q»{©wªÌ¡A ­«¹S¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:36

()* in 4¸¹ at CTR$STR
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:39     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 62# ªº©«¤l

But she is a dolina bor......... really good?
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:39

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 13:36 µoªí
()* in 4¸¹ at CTR$STR
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:42

«z, ¥Ì³£¸Ñ¨ì½X, ¯u«Y¦n¥S§Ì...

According to the report... Excellent service... and definitely the requirement above!! (¹Ü©R¸û°ÅŽà + ¾P»î¦¬­µ¦Ù + ¼b³Ý³s³s©C)...

§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:42     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 64# ªº©«¤l

OK.............. she is a senior nurse in Kwong Wah, right?
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:45     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 65# ªº©«¤l

Retav's code is easy so to decode..........................

All right. Disregard her name is Dolina, she'll be my target #1 tomorrow.
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:48

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 13:45 µoªí
All right. Disregard her name is Dolina, she'll be my target #1 tomorrow.
More exactly, her name should be SiuDolina as reported by #4!!
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 13:56

Before you visit... get prepare for her leg... and eyes... if you are early and she is NOT too busy on tomorrow... you will experience a very good eye contact with high voltage... becareful...

And pls... don't F too hard... coz she will grab the blanket very tight... and may be use her leg to squeeze you... and don't do the back or doggie style... she will screen like hell...

By the way... heard that there is a very pretty picture on her cell phone too...

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 13:58 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 14:14     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 69# ªº©«¤l

I know what should be done now. Thanks for your guideline.......... and you will be rewarded heavily.
§@ªÌ: colorbhk    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 14:18

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 13:28 µoªí
¹Ü©R¸û°ÅŽà + ¾P»î¦¬­µ¦Ù + ¼b³Ý³s³s©C...

Thanks!! we could go to die now...
" ¾P»î¦¬­µ¦Ù" ©w " ¾P»î¦¬³±¦Ù"
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 15:08

­ì©«¥Ñ colorbhk ©ó 2008-7-22 14:18 µoªí

" ¾P»î¦¬­µ¦Ù" ©w " ¾P»î¦¬³±¦Ù"
ÂI³£¦n°Õ........... ©O个ÉÆÉƧڭø¥Û§ó¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 15:28

Finally.. me and Froggie become cum bros... haha

I will become a ¤ÓºÊFrog?
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 16:17

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-7-22 15:28 µoªí
Finally.. me and Froggie become cum bros... haha

I will become a ¤ÓºÊFrog?
¦¹¤D "¥S§Ì¦P¤ß»ô»ôü¶" ªº³Ì°ªªí²{¡A³Ì¦ZÚ»吓会­ø会 "¤k¤k²r¸Ü¸ó°Õ°Õ" °Õ¡I
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 16:41

It is all count on you la...
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 16:48     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 75# ªº©«¤l

..............and I am confident that I won't let you down!
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 16:50

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 16:48 µoªí
..............and I am confident that I won't let you down!
What the hell is it related to him? You better not to let the nui down la!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 16:51     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 77# ªº©«¤l

Retav is so famous over there............. any misbehaviour may cause impact to his name!
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 16:54

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-7-22 16:51 µoªí
Retav is so famous over there............. any misbehaviour may cause impact to his name!
Well, it you just behave yourself well but let the nui down, then you'd also jeopardize his reputation bor!!??
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 16:56     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 79# ªº©«¤l

Don't worry.........................................I'll lay the nui down, doing works, then get her up, face to face, and I'll lie down, and....... so many different positions!
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-22 17:27

Dam... I didn't own any part of this hospital...

And... you won't make my dick down as you are not nuinui...

Wish you enjoy the trip and come back in full not broken into pieces la!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-25 09:03     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 81# ªº©«¤l

I am back in good piece............. the nui nui is excellent. She is the lady clerk in pink suit, deep deep V and super mini skirt with black bra and T back! I owe you the reward la!
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-25 09:54

Yes.. like to watch MM with T-back..
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-25 10:05     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 83# ªº©«¤l

Have you seen her strip dancing in black lace................? ust exotic and erotic!
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-25 10:26

Of course it is good lah... haha
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-25 10:28

That's why... someone cant' control and jump to her and F her at once..
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-25 12:57     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 86# ªº©«¤l

Don't tell us that's you!!
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-7-25 13:39

¤S·Q¬ªÅS°ê®a¾÷±K... §Ú­ø·|¤W·í¡D¡D¡D

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