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標題: 奧運不一定是壞事 [打印本頁]

作者: hongkonger    時間: 2008-7-25 11:40     標題: 奧運不一定是壞事

不管是sn, k場, 還是其他花樣, 大部份囡囡已經回家看奧運
我發覺中午已經見到好多QQ女 online
作者: ayufan    時間: 2008-7-27 02:34

作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-7-27 23:46

原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-7-25 11:40 發表
不管是sn, k場, 還是其他花樣, 大部份囡囡已經回家看奧運
我發覺中午已經. 見到好多QQ女 online
There are always others angles to see 1 thing, O game makes we play smart and think more of security, however, those good quality girls would have been back for holiday at home town, and leave those 2nd class girls still struggle for income.

However, I meet 1 of the best partner in "Factory" lasst night. She is from Xian. A close friend with Par3's girl. They are good friends.
作者: 細肥仔    時間: 2008-7-28 05:11


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