原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-7-28 13:34 發表
Good jump after your long holiday.
"使用女上男下背面跨坐在我上面姿勢一式."Is her back facing you? That; will be a good posture if her butt is big and round enough..
原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-7-28 20:30 發表
Matt Matt ~~!!
好波 !!!!
我地一定回敬番你一個 report !!!
比 5 個 "精" 你 !!!
"精""精""精""精""精" !!!!!
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-29 11:46 發表
No喇!兄弟們有的病咗,有的响不毛之地掘井,有的做到就黎死,有的响公司上唔到呢度!但三哥,keep your eyes open,就有好嘢到!!
原帖由 Retav 於 2008-7-29 15:06 發表
I am the one in the critical condition... cough like hell and throat like burn...
Someone told me if I could infect some other ppls... then I would be fine...
I am a gentlemen so... I won't go ...
原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-7-29 22:13 發表
To Brother Deny,
Def_lo will send u an update for the phone no. that you have provided.
We found the correct one !
原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-7-30 09:15 發表
My previous info. is wrong, it should be Lexus and Benz, Benz being the more expensive one!! BMW is still not considered to be prestigous in CHina!!
Tell me afterwards how's the feel of unzi ...
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-30 10:04 發表
Again, I still like Lexus more! What about if we tell you how we feel when we fxxk the girls with Lexus or Benz on??
原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-7-30 10:22 發表
That's even better!!I hope that have a mock-up of a car.. The car, the girl, the uniform, and yourself...
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-30 10:31 發表
Great! That is all along my fantasy!!Ride on a luxurious car with a hot girl to a rural area. Park the car in a private area and fxxk!!!
My dxxk is hard already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Le ...
原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-7-30 21:14 發表
禁住搶疆 Chur 到行 ~~~!!!
齊齊把女小到暈... 小到暈 ~~~!!!
嘩... 今日....我只能用一個字來形容 ~~~ 正 !!!
你會問.... 喂... 咁究竟有幾正呀 ?
詳情請留意星期四出版既 "精" 盟會最新報告:
"Operatio ...
原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-7-31 09:13 發表
Wa, so good? I must go there today or tmw la.. Can't wait.. Hope you have not explored the girl to death, haha![]()
原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-7-31 09:42 發表
Report has been posted la!!!!!!!!! That's the part from Spiderman and my supplement will come soon!!
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