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¼ÐÃD: Âå°|µu³ø [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: mac_don_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-11 16:38     ¼ÐÃD: Âå°|µu³ø

®É¶¡: ¤W­Ó¤ë§À
¦aÂI: ¼sµØÂå°|
¤Hª«: ²Ó¨Ð³æ©ì

¸Ü»¡²Ó¨Ð¦£¥ª¦n­@, ¨¬¤§§Ô­ø¦í­n¥hÂå°|¨DÂå. ¨ä¹ê¥Xµo«e·Q¥h»·¤p¤p,¤£¹L¤S·Q¶RDVD, ©Ò¥H³£«Y¥h¥ªÂå°|(§Ú¥¼¥h¥ª¬[). ¥h§¹¼vµø·|¤w¸g¦nº¡¨¬. ®tD­ø°O±o¦¹¦æ¥D­n¥Øªº. «YÂå°|¼Ó¤U¥´¤ñ­Ó¸g²z攞©Ð, ©OÀY¥´§¹´N±Àªù¦Ó¤J, §Ö¨ìÊ\¦a³£¥¼¦³·Ç³Æ. ¦³­Ó¨Í¥J±a§Ú¤W¤T¼Ó, (­ø«Y¥|¼Ó«§)¬O¦ý°Õ, ¤J¨ì¥h, ©Ð´N¯u«Y¦n¤@¯ë,(¤ñ´ä¼Ö®t¦n»·) ¤£¹L¤@¦­´NÅ¥»D¹L, ºâ°Õ, ù¸g²z¦n§Ö´N¤J¨Ó¦Û§Ú¤¶²Ð, °ÝÊ\­«¦³´X¤é´N¶ø¹B, Ê\¦a·|­ø·|¥ð®§, Ê\¸Ü©ñ¤@¦Ê­Ó¤ß, Ê\¦a·|·Ó±`. °O¦í´N°ÝÊ\¦h­ø¦h¤k§r, Ê\¸Ü¦n¦h·s¤kªð¥ª, §Y¨è¥s¨ÓÚ»Ú». ²Ä¤@Âà, ¤T­Ó. ¥þ³¡³£¦n±o, ¥»¨Ó¤w¸gÚ»¤¤¥ª, ¤£¹LÂI³£­nÚ»°÷¤TÂà¥ý, ²Ä¤G½ü¤S¤T­Ó, ¤S±o, ¦AÚ»¦hround, ¤S¤T­Ó, ³£±o...¯u«Y·Ð, ­ø±o¤S·Ð, ¦n±o¤S·Ð, ·Ð­øª¾­nÃä­Ó. ³Ì«á­n¥ª¨­³Ì«á¤J¨Ó¤@­Ó¼Ë¤l²¢¬ü, ¦n¦nÂù¨Å¬J. ªGµMÂå°|¦³Ê\¤@©w¬J½è¯À. §¹¥þÉN¥O§Ú¥¢±æ. ¹Lµ{³£«Y¤@¯ëISO¦³¬J, ¤£§@¸Ô¥[»¡©ú. ¤k¤k¤è­±´N¦nº¡·N, ¤£¹L¦pªG¦n¦ü¨ä¥L®v¥SÁ¿¸Ü­n±Æ¶¤´N­ø¦n¹w§Ú°Õ. ³Ìº¡·N«Y¤@¦­¤w¸g¤j§â¥i¨Ñ­¹¥Î¬J¤k¤k. ¤£¹Lµw¥ó´N¯u«Y­nµf·s°Õ......
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-11 16:57     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 1# ªº©«¤l

§@ªÌ: ³Á­}¤å    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-11 17:26

®¥³ß¡I®¥³ß¡I³Á·í¨Ð³Ì²×¦³¾÷·|Âå" µL©w¦V¶¡·²©Ê©b¨«¨F¨Fºuºî¦X¯g"¡C
§@ªÌ: kongtw67    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-11 18:02

nice place....i must try next trip...thanks
§@ªÌ: denny2000    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-11 20:18

­ì©«¥Ñ mac_don_lo ©ó 2008-8-11 16:38 µoªí
®É¶¡: ¤W­Ó¤ë§À
¦aÂI: ¼sµØÂå°|
¤Hª«: ²Ó¨Ð³æ©ì

¸Ü»¡²Ó¨Ð¦£¥ª¦n­@, ¨¬¤§§Ô­ø¦í­n¥hÂå°|¨DÂå. ¨ä¹ê¥Xµo«e·Q¥h»·¤p¤p,¤£¹L¤S·Q¶RDVD, ©Ò¥H³£«Y¥h¥ªÂå°|(§Ú¥¼¥h¥ª¬[). ¥h§¹¼vµø·|¤w¸g¦nº¡¨¬. ®tD­ø°O±o¦¹¦æ¥D­n¥Øªº ...
what time did you visit?  So many good girls...  ?  I envy...   may be this plac is the reverse of GDI.haha
§@ªÌ: jetspermman    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-11 20:54

§Aªð¨Ó°Õ ~~!!
§Ú¦a¤W¦¸¥ýÁ¿°_§A§r !!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 10:25

Kwong Wah should be OK in its hardware bor........ I don't know the situation on the 3rd floor but the rooms for the 4th flooe are OK!
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 10:39

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-8-12 10:25 µoªí
Kwong Wah should be OK in its hardware bor........ I don't know the situation on the 3rd floor but the rooms for the 4th flooe are OK!
I'd say their hardware is just so and so, and is even worse than ´ä¼Ö and Gondola! But their software quality is guaranteed.
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 10:40

­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2008-8-11 20:18 µoªí

what time did you visit?  So many good girls...  ?  I envy...   may be this plac is the reverse of GDI.haha
Their software quality is guaranteed.  I've been for several times, all around 13:00.  Everything time I could have more than 1/2 of the girls to choose for fun!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 10:43

­ì©«¥Ñ jetspermman ©ó 2008-8-11 20:54 µoªí
§Aªð¨Ó°Õ ~~!!
§Ú¦a¤W¦¸¥ýÁ¿°_§A§r !!!
I hope we JM brothers can be in full team and have fun together SOON!
§@ªÌ: Anvil    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 12:15

ù¸g²z¦n§Ö´N¤J¨Ó¦Û§Ú¤¶²Ð, °ÝÊ\­«¦³´X¤é´N¶ø¹B, Ê\¦a·|­ø·|¥ð®§, Ê\¸Ü©ñ¤@¦Ê­Ó¤ß, Ê\¦a·|·Ó±`...

§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 12:19     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 11# ªº©«¤l

§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 13:56     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 12# ªº©«¤l

§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:21

If you don't trust ù¸g²z, then no one you could trust in Kwong Wah...
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:24

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-8-12 13:56 µoªí
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:26

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-12 14:21 µoªí
If you don't trust ù¸g²z, then no one you could trust in Kwong Wah...
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:39     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 16# ªº©«¤l

¤ÓºÊ¦³¦¹¬õÃCª¾¤v¡A ÉA§A­ø©è±o«§¡H
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:42

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-8-12 14:39 µoªí
¤ÓºÊ¦³¦¹¬õÃCª¾¤v¡A ÉA§A­ø©è±o«§¡H

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-8-12 14:46 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:43     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 18# ªº©«¤l

§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:48

go to eat the moon cake together lor... no need to jealous... she is not mine...
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:51

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-12 14:48 µoªí
go to eat the moon cake together lor... no need to jealous... she is not mine...
If I were you, I won't privatize her too!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:54     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 20# ªº©«¤l

When....................? Pls arrange and count me in.
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 14:57

Never ever think of privatize your helper... no matter she is a pork chop or an angel.., you will lose a lot of fun..
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 15:06

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-8-12 14:54 µoªí
When....................? Pls arrange and count me in.
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 15:09     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 23# ªº©«¤l

unless you want to earn some commission la............
§@ªÌ: mac_don_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 16:53

­ì©«¥Ñ ³Á­}¤å ©ó 2008-8-11 17:26 µoªí
®¥³ß¡I®¥³ß¡I³Á·í¨Ð³Ì²×¦³¾÷·|Âå" µL©w¦V¶¡·²©Ê©b¨«¨F¨Fºuºî¦X¯g"¡C
©O­Ó«Yµ´¯g, ­n¥h¦h´X¤Q¶¡Âå°|¦P®I­n¸Õ¦h´X¦Ê­ÓÅ@¤h¦P±M·~¬JÂåÅ@¤H­û¥ý·|¦n¤p¤p.
§@ªÌ: mac_don_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 16:54

­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2008-8-11 20:18 µoªí

what time did you visit?  So many good girls...  ?  I envy...   may be this plac is the reverse of GDI.haha
12:30 ¤J¨ì¥h. ¦n¦h³£«Y·sªð.
§@ªÌ: mac_don_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 16:55

­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-8-12 10:39 µoªí

I'd say their hardware is just so and so, and is even worse than ´ä¼Ö and Gondola! But their software quality is guaranteed.
That's the point. If software good enough, that's enough for short trip.
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 16:57

­ì©«¥Ñ mac_don_lo ©ó 2008-8-12 16:54 µoªí

12:30 ¤J¨ì¥h. ¦n¦h³£«Y·sªð.
I always find many cheukable girls ier there at this hour!
§@ªÌ: jetspermman    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 21:20

Mac don lo...
one day....
hope we can meet there ........
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 22:10     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 30# ªº©«¤l

Sooner or later you'll conquer the British Army with him lor!!
§@ªÌ: jetspermman    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-12 22:50

I am so hurry to conquor the english army........
can't wait...def lo...
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 08:42

­ì©«¥Ñ jetspermman ©ó 2008-8-12 22:50 µoªí
I am so hurry to conquor the english army........
can't wait...def lo...
Have we not declared war with the British Army...........? We should have a very strong JM troop for the action soon..........?
§@ªÌ: denny2000    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 08:56

­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-8-13 08:42 µoªí

Have we not declared war with the British Army...........? We should have a very strong JM troop for the action soon..........?
What's up with British Army? Do they have good quality of girls recently? I have not read reports about thsi place for quite a while.  
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 09:01     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 34# ªº©«¤l

Hahahahahaha, talk about it secretly!!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 09:06

­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-8-13 09:01 µoªí
Hahahahahaha, talk about it secretly!!
Right........... all military actions have to be planned secretly!
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 10:46

Due to a poor brother like me... my lovely members decided to visit England instead go to France!!
§@ªÌ: denny2000    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 10:49

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-13 10:46 µoªí
Due to a poor brother like me... my lovely members decided to visit England instead go to France!!
England and France are not that far. You could have a day trip to both places.    .
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 10:52

­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2008-8-13 10:49 µoªí
England and France are not that far. You could have a day trip to both places.    .
§@ªÌ: Retav    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 10:54

»ô»ô®û«ö¼¯¦À??? Where the hell is this place?

But actually... I perfer British airhostess a lot more... haha
§@ªÌ: denny2000    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 10:59

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-13 10:54 µoªí
»ô»ô®û«ö¼¯¦À??? Where the hell is this place?

But actually... I perfer British airhostess a lot more... haha
so, you could have all brothers with the air hostresses in England, and then some brothers continue to take a great MP bath in France. Duck Jor!!
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 11:09

­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-13 10:54 µoªí
»ô»ô®û«ö¼¯¦À??? Where the hell is this place?

But actually... I perfer British airhostess a lot more... haha
Aiya, you don't know ah, poor brother! Is that the reason for you to turn down our suggestion to France? The jacuzzi is part of the hardware for MP ah! 4M4F, or 2M4F !!!!!
§@ªÌ: denny2000    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 11:31

­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-8-13 11:09 µoªí

Aiya, you don't know ah, poor brother! Is that the reason for you to turn down our suggestion to France? The jacuzzi is part of the hardware for MP ah! 4M4F, or 2M4F !!!!!
I tried the pool before. It is good to hold 6 people ,preferrably 2M4F.  

8 people?  Still ok la if all Ms stand up and all Fs kneel down to give the Ms. the blow..  Or else, all Ms doggie-ing the Fs in the 4 sides of the pool. .

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2008-8-13 13:29 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 12:16     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 43# ªº©«¤l

§@ªÌ: denny2000    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 13:25

­ì©«¥Ñ def_lo ©ó 2008-8-13 12:16 µoªí
Ya, this note is to encourage your team to explore this hard-to-find hardware.   I only had the mission half done since we had 2M+2F only.

In fact, I have watched a 4/5-jai japanese movie last night. There were 4 racing girls (9/10) with 4 men doing the 2 scenes I wrote.  It triggered my thought that why couldn't you do this inside the pool? That would even be better since the movement of water would make the whole scene even wilder!!!     I do not mind to be the spectator and be Wong Ka Wai or Li An filming the scene!!
§@ªÌ: def_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-13 14:06     ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ 45# ªº©«¤l

We don't need those directors at the class of Wong Ka Wai or Li An to do this job.  Wong Ching may do this job even better than they do!
§@ªÌ: icheng609    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-14 08:39

It sounds France is also a good place to visit.......... and GDI is also equipped with very big room to accomodate 5M5F as battlefileld!
§@ªÌ: mac_don_lo    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-15 17:44

¦³揸Û£¦ÀËݦnª±, ¯u«Y­n¥h¸Õ¤U. ¦n¦h¦a¤è¥¼¸Õ¹Ltim....
§@ªÌ: simonkwok169    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-16 18:12

can you pm the address or phone no. to me.
§@ªÌ: colorbhk    ®É¶¡: 2008-8-16 18:44

­ì©«¥Ñ mac_don_lo ©ó 2008-8-11 16:38 µoªí
®É¶¡: ¤W­Ó¤ë§À
¦aÂI: ¼sµØÂå°|
¤Hª«: ²Ó¨Ð³æ©ì

¸Ü»¡²Ó¨Ð¦£¥ª¦n­@, ¨¬¤§§Ô­ø¦í­n¥hÂå°|¨DÂå. ¨ä¹ê¥Xµo«e·Q¥h»·¤p¤p,¤£¹L¤S·Q¶RDVD, ©Ò¥H³£«Y¥h¥ªÂå°|(§Ú¥¼¥h¥ª¬[). ¥h§¹¼vµø·|¤w¸g¦nº¡¨¬. ®tD­ø°O±o¦¹¦æ¥D­n¥Øªº ...

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