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標題: 精” 盟會 - 蜘蛛俠 廣華遇高手 ! 慘敗於 “降龍十八掌: 左右神龍” 之下 !!! [打印本頁]

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-11 21:10     標題: 精” 盟會 - 蜘蛛俠 廣華遇高手 ! 慘敗於 “降龍十八掌: 左右神龍” 之下 !!!


降龍十八掌: 丐幫鎮幫之寶, 歷任幫主都一定要學既掌法. 如遇以一敵二情況, 一招 “左右神龍” 可力拒來犯 !
此招精髓在於可勁分左右. 實則虛之, 虛則實之 皆可. 而當二個心靈相通既人, 各使一邊之力, 則威力以幾何力量倍增.
心靈相通 ? 有無咁好默契呀 ? 我就唔信啦 ~~~ 挑 ~~~~!!!
無錯… 就算親生兄弟姊妹, 都好難做得到啦 !
但係… 如果係真既 “雙生兒” 呢 ?
就係咁, 我蜘蛛俠, 慘敗於此招之下, 第一次完全 handle 唔到個 situation !!!

話說我同大俠 西門吹雪 (無錯, 正是寒如風, 冷如雪, 大俠 西門吹雪 !!)
我地於下午 1 點半到達. 呢次似乎來得唔係時候, 因為女女既質素唔係好得, 可能正係早更比人擇哂, 中更又未番到既時候.

正在煩惱之際, 主診醫生叫左 3 個女女入來…
我一睇, 咦 ??? 我眼花呀 ???? 企係中間果個同最右手邊果個……
個樣….. 一模一樣既 ??? 眼花?? 唔通… 我杯檸茶比人落左藥 ????????

呢個時候聽到主診醫生講: 呢兩個… 孖女來架… 試下呀… 幾好玩架… 一人一個… 定雙飛呀 ?
我呢個時候想起”精”盟會兄弟們曾經提及過呢對孖女, 竟然比我係毫無準備抵下遇到 !!! (真係毫無準備… 差些連錢都唔夠…..)

我眼望西門大俠, 佢就一貫冷冰冰既模樣: 隨得你啦… 你擇先囉…!
咁我唔客氣啦: 孖女 ~~~ 我來會一會你地既 降龍十八掌 !!!!
該對孖女一齊微一欠身, 連笑容都一致地說: 一定不會令你失望 !
佢地個樣真係一模一樣 ! 笑既時候… 直頭係一面鏡既倒影 ~~~!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-11 21:12 編輯 ]
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-11 21:10

我就唔理西門大俠啦… 由得佢比個主診醫生糟質下… 嘻嘻 !! 自己入房先 !

一入到房, 兩個孖女已經團團轉咁圍住我…左一個… 右一個…
突然之間… 佢地兩個一齊施展 “無影無蹤”… 來一招 “移形換影” !!
咦 !? 去左邊呀 ? 左邊 ?? 有一個…. 定右邊 ??? 又有一個 ?????
兩個女女一邊轉… 一邊講四川話… 支支喳喳……一樣既口吻… 一樣既聲調 !

停 ~~~ 停呀 ~~~~~~~~!!!! 我使一招 “霸王千斤墜” 暫時穩住身法…
問道: 等一下… 你們… 叫什麼名字 ?

孖女一: 嘻 ~~ 你猜一下 !
孖女二: 是呀… 猜呀… 猜得到… 有獎的…!
孖女一: 獎品好豐富的 !
孖女二: 豐富到你想像不到…

比人一番搶白… 我又問: 小寶貝啊… 你們倆誰是姊姊… 誰是妹妹呀 ?

孖女一: 這個問題嗎…(眼望孖女二)
孖女二: 到了合適的時候你就會知道…(眼望孖女一)
孖女一: 現在跟你說了都無用呀…
孖女二: 等一下你就忘了…

我: 喂…!!! 咁即係點呀 ????? (我講廣東話… 因為比佢地吹漲……)

孖女一: 你說什麼 ?
孖女二: 我們聽不懂白話的…
孖女一: 為什麼香港人老是說白話 ?
孖女二: 因為他們不懂說普通話嗎…..
(香港同胞 ~~ 所以我地一定要努力學好普通話   >_< !!!)

我: 你們也說四川話呀 ! (講番普通話)

孖女一: 咦… 利害啊 !
孖女二: 聽得懂我們說話…
孖女一: 但是你不是四川人呀…
孖女二: 如果你是四川人我們就聽得懂你什麼啦…

我: ……

孖女一: 你還是乖乖的躺下…
孖女二: 我們會為你表演的…
(我: 表演什麼 ? )
孖女一: 急什麼…
孖女二: 很快要你很舒服的啊 !

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-11 21:13 編輯 ]
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-11 21:10

降龍十八掌果然名不虛傳 ~~  好一招 “左右神龍” ~~~~~~!!!!
既然招架唔住… 咁就訓低睇下你地做咩好戲比我睇 !!!

一訓低… 兩個孖女就一左一右, 係床到跳起舞上來 ~!
佢地係穿護士制服, 隨住舞步, 一件一件咁慢慢…慢慢好誘人咁脫下.

脫清光既時候… 睇到佢地既身材啦… 又係差唔多一模一樣 ~~!!
(其中一個波波好似大少少同實少少… 但係你要好留心咁睇先睇到…)
請恕小弟眼光差… 到而家… 我都分唔清佢地邊個打邊個…..!!!

一輪前奏之後, 其中一個幫我上套, 另一個對住我淫笑…
問都唔問就捉住我碌野… 自己騎左上來 !!!

佢地 2 姊妹分工合作, 一個騎我… 一個就幫我含 lin lin…含個唔停…
騎我果個非常落力… 令我忍唔住要頂番佢轉頭…

騎我果個突然之間話: “好利害啊… 他利害得要命…”
另外果個就答到: “我來我來… 帥哥很帥… 我把他吃掉…”

又係問都唔問就起身, 另外一個接應… 幫我除套…
跟住又有一對手幫我套一個新既… 又有一個一樣臉孔既女女坐左上來…
呢個仲拿命… 竟然用到收音機來對付我 !!
我當然唔會咁容易比佢得逞啦 ~~ 一招 “天王抱塔” 將女女抱起…
放佢係床到, 等我好好咁整治佢…
佢另外一個姊妹就係後面夾攻我… 唔係用對波頂我,
就係係我後邊打我個 pat pat… 叫我比心機…加油… 要拿奧運金牌 !

呢個時候… 我已經陷於苦戰…左支右絀… 十招當中只能還得兩, 三招…

呢個時候… 幫我助興既女女… 似乎睇穿左呢一點…
佢係我後邊抱住我… 將佢對波頂到我實一實…
係我耳邊細細聲同我講: 這樣不夠的, 快點把她幹到天上去…!! 寶貝…快… !!!!
然後兩個一前一後… 一個推… 一個拉……
將我個防守完全擊潰 ~~~~~~~!!!
終於, 係佢地大力一夾抵下… 我終於頂唔住… 失守啦…….!!!

我訓左係床到… 不停咁喘氣… 而呢兩姊妹好似咩事都無生過咁…
仍然係到支支喳喳… 分工合作咁幫我準備沖涼…

沖涼都好好玩… 四手觀音… 我就索性好好享受……
一個撚雀… 一個用波推… 一個含 lin 既時候… 另外果個就波波夾香腸 !
又係另一番睇會….. 孖生姊妹真係唔同些……!!!

沖完涼出來… 開始第二Q… 呢個時候先係全個過程高潮 !!!

一般既 DG 式服務我唔多講…
但係有些場面, 完全係外國歐美既四仔級數 ! 包括:

1) 一左一右咁, un 你腳指公…(DG式服務之一), 唔係一齊同步un… 係左一下… 右一下 !
2) 兩個人搶住來含, 一個含個頭, 一個係咁奶支棍同吞荔枝… 成支搞到濕哂 !
3) 兩個人含… 有節奏咁一人一下…下下深喉… !
4) 我搞其中一個, 另外果個用對波係你面前幫你洗面, 又用lin lin來磨你耳仔…
5) 我訓係到, 其中一個騎我, 另外果個企起身, 分開 2 隻腳企, 企正係我個頭上邊, 騎緊我果個幫企係到果個奶西 !!! 而我係睇得一清
二楚 ~~ 絕無欺場 !!! 仲奶成幾分鐘 !!! 成個西都係水 !!!

咁樣既觀感 stimulation… 令我少有地, 第二Q比人5分鐘就 KO !!!
二Q之後, 二妹似乎還有餘力… 我就實在潰不成軍…
因為呢個星期實在比個女秘書搾乾搾淨, 四日內搵左佢 2次…
Total 6 Q… 再來同呢對孖女玩… 令我覺得疲憊不堪….
但就算我十足狀態… 坦白講我都未必應付得來…
因為佢地實左太合拍… 好識得接力… 同埋好識得利用觀感既效果令你出野…


怪不得人地話, 雙生兒係特別合拍… 原來係真既…!!

呢兩個孖女, 如果只係其中一個企係我面前, 我未必會擇…
該處有好多選擇…… 但係因為兩個企埋一齊… 果種新鮮感…
同埋觀感上既震撼, 令到你會有無限既期望 !
孖女各自既質素當然唔差… 應有既… 一定有…
應瘦既… 都幾瘦… 身材都好均勻…
大約 33B – 24 – 34 左右… 身高大約 160CM, 各重約100磅.
結果… 果然無令我失望 !!!
最過癮係佢地既 ““移形換影” … 佢地一轉… 或者一行開…
番來你就唔知佢地邊個打邊個… !!!
成日叫錯 no. …. 佢地話, 如果得佢地一個既時候…
主任會咁哂 2 個號碼: xxx 或 xxx, 過來 !
佢地亦都成日交換o的衣服來穿… 連個號碼牌都會交換…
但係又無人知…. 咁又真係幾搞笑…

我試過 3 次雙飛, 呢次係最滿意既一次… 因為呢樣野真係好講對手…!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-11 21:16 編輯 ]
作者: KMY89    時間: 2008-8-11 21:27

作者: 9NgDap8    時間: 2008-8-11 21:45

very detailed report... could u pm me the exact detail please? many thanks in advace...
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-11 21:54

原帖由 KMY89 於 2008-8-11 21:27 發表
絕對有過之而無不及 !!!
作者: 忽然一Q    時間: 2008-8-11 22:19



作者: alb    時間: 2008-8-11 22:24

連你也擋不住, 我都係唔敢試了.....
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-8-11 22:35

3 P is really very enjoyable, especially when they are co-operative !
作者: fengliu    時間: 2008-8-11 23:14

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-11 23:14

原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-8-11 22:35 發表
3 P is really very enjoyable, especially when they are co-operative !
not only cooperative...
直頭係一個眼神... 一個動作就知對方想做咩啦.......!!!
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-11 23:18

原帖由 alb 於 2008-8-11 22:24 發表
連你也擋不住, 我都係唔敢試了.....
哈哈哈哈 !!

喂... 我都想搵日過東方行下...
有冇興趣呀 ?

作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-11 23:39

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-11 21:10 發表
降龍十八掌果然名不虛傳 ~~  好一招 “左右神龍” ~~~~~~!!!!
既然招架唔住… 咁就訓低睇下你地做咩好戲比我睇 !!!

一訓低… 兩個孖女就一左一右, 係床到跳起舞上來 ~!
佢地係穿護士制服, 隨住舞步, 一件一 ...
wa, what a wonderful twins experience!  I wondered if they could do it without changing domdom.. !!

My 3p experience 2 weeks ago (not at GDI) was a disaster..  2 dead fishes

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-8-11 23:49 編輯 ]
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-12 00:39

where is it ?
can tell us brother denny ?
what happened to u ?
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-12 01:08

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-12 00:39 發表
where is it ?
can tell us brother denny ?
what happened to u ?
i told you via pm la..
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 09:22

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-11 23:39 發表

wa, what a wonderful twins experience!  I wondered if they could do it without changing domdom.. !!

My 3p experience 2 weeks ago (not at GDI) was a disaster..  2 dead fishes
Hey man, I want to know how dead the fishes were.  Were they smelly??!!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-12 09:39

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-12 09:22 發表

Hey man, I want to know how dead the fishes were.  Were they smelly??!!
They smelt good as they were both fresh fishes.  One of them was 90, both of them had <3 months of work experience (as they claimed and I believed to make myself happy).
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 09:58


幸好有蜘蛛仔做 cum 兄弟, 共同分享双生兒的樂趣!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 09:59

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 09:58 發表
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 10:07     標題: 回復 19# 的帖子

I would like to try something new bor......... any good suggestion in the P city?
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 10:11

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 10:07 發表
I would like to try something new bor......... any good suggestion in the P city?
Hey man, you may have notice that my recent main field has been switch from City P to City A! I have been to City P just once in recent 2 months! May be you can try the little secretary that Spidy has tried for twice!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 10:14     標題: 回復 21# 的帖子

Please let me have her details. He ate my TWINs and I'll take her little secretary as a revenge!
作者: 麥迪文    時間: 2008-8-12 10:28

作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-12 10:31

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 10:14 發表
Please let me have her details. He ate my TWINs and I'll take her little secretary as a revenge!
I plan to take both the twins and little secretary in one day..   Nothing is impossible...  !!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 10:33

原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-8-12 10:28 發表
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 10:35

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-12 10:31 發表
I plan to take both the twins and little secretary in one day..   Nothing is impossible...  !!
Hip Hip Hurray
Salute! 為denny大哥多次發炮致最崇高敬禮!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 10:40     標題: 回復 26# 的帖子

I wonder if there is any "THRINs" in the business. If yes, they must be my die hard targets!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-12 11:05

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-12 10:35 發表

Hip Hip Hurray
Salute! 為denny大哥多次發炮致最崇高敬禮!!
no need to be so polite. I have not tried yet. It is just my dream to keep me awake with the boring work..
作者: 麥迪文    時間: 2008-8-12 11:07

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-12 10:33 發表

現在又得 wor!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-12 14:25

Twins in am then OL in pm?  definitely not recommend... or you better keep some of our china phone number for reference, and let us know when you arrive in Kwong Wah... coz we might need to draft a plan to 抬你返來...
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 14:27

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-12 14:25 發表
Twins in am then OL in pm?  definitely not recommend... or you better keep some of our china phone number for reference, and let us know when you arrive in Kwong Wah... coz we might need to draft a pl ...
No need to call us as we can't really help.  Just call 112 and somebody will do all the things for us la!!
作者: alb    時間: 2008-8-12 14:30

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-11 15:18 發表

哈哈哈哈 !!

喂... 我都想搵日過東方行下...
有冇興趣呀 ?
其實個日都有諗過東方, 但又想試新野的情況下,去了極品.
要就時間先去到喇, 下次我想去call你吧, 呢次我都係俾人捉去....
作者: alb    時間: 2008-8-12 14:32

after reviewing your report, i really want to try....haha...
this sat, go to k in cp....may try before going k la....
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 14:34

原帖由 alb 於 2008-8-12 14:32 發表
after reviewing your report, i really want to try....haha...
this sat, go to k in cp....may try before going k la....
! Remember to dial 112 after you have been fully extracted! Twins and then K ......... !!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 14:37

I think after having good time with the TWINs, alb will leave P city as he will be fully exhausted.
作者: alb    時間: 2008-8-12 14:51

未試過twins雙飛, 好難有機會架嘛....haha....
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 14:53     標題: 回復 36# 的帖子

I strongly recommend them to you.............. the feeling is just gorgeous.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-12 14:55

I will ask the twins to give me some commission after you all try them..,.
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 14:56     標題: 回復 38# 的帖子

But I bet you still haev not tried them yet!
作者: Anvil    時間: 2008-8-12 15:29

33B – 24 – 34 左右… 身高大約 160CM, 各重約100磅的雙生兒...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 15:34     標題: 回復 40# 的帖子

唔只想起都硬, 試過重爽呀!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-12 15:35

No... i didn't try them yet... I will... may be ask them for overnight...
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-12 15:37

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-12 14:34 發表

! Remember to dial 112 after you have been fully extracted! Twins and then K ......... !!h:" />
sauna + K are highly doable.  My friend and I alway do that to make the best use of a trip.  Of course, the key is not to drink too much, which sometimes is hard to avoid.

Having twins + OL for 3 shots is doable as well.   I will start doing some exercises tonight (sit-up, running), go to bed early, and take some nutritive food tmw..  I am more worried about the full house of the hospital and the tiredness of twins + OL after a long day work, possibly after working out froggie gor!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 15:37     標題: 回復 42# 的帖子

Remember to call 112 standby if you really have them for overnight.
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 15:41     標題: 回復 43# 的帖子

I'll make the little secretary more demanding and ready for you that night!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-12 15:55

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-12 15:35 發表
No... i didn't try them yet... I will... may be ask them for overnight...
I have not tried asking sna girls to do ON but I am always worried that after working for 3-4 rounds the day before, they must be very tired.   

I tried once (not in CHina) and it turned out the sna girl was very tired and performance was just so-so (not as good as that at sna).
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 16:02     標題: 回復 46# 的帖子

Don't worry.............. the TWINs will give you optimized pleasure of sex for O/N service!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 16:21

BTW, have you guys been to my flickr..................? What are your comments?
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 16:32

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 16:21 發表
BTW, have you guys been to my flickr..................? What are your comments?
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-12 16:34     標題: 回復 49# 的帖子

I know there are still a lot of romms for improvement in using the secret weapon --- I am still learning it!

What about Spiderman's secret weapon? Even more powerful?
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-12 21:24

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 09:58 發表

幸好有蜘蛛仔做 cum 兄弟, 共同分享双生兒的樂趣!
佢地 level 好高...

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-12 21:26

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 10:14 發表
Please let me have her details. He ate my TWINs and I'll take her little secretary as a revenge!
Hey Hey Hey ~~~!!

我好好地對 twins 架...

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-12 21:30

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-12 14:25 發表
Twins in am then OL in pm?  definitely not recommend... or you better keep some of our china phone number for reference, and let us know when you arrive in Kwong Wah... coz we might need to draft a pl ...
It is almost impossible.......assumed my top performance is that i can do 5 times in 5 hours.......
(2 hours action... rest for 1 hour.... then 2 hours action again...)

you will definitely squeezed by either the little secretary or the twins at the first round.....
and you won't have any forces for the 2nd round........
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-12 21:33

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 16:34 發表
I know there are still a lot of romms for improvement in using the secret weapon --- I am still learning it!

What about Spiderman's secret weapon? Even more powerful?
about the secret weapon...
please email me for further discussion...
I have pm my email to u....
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-12 21:47

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-12 21:30 發表

It is almost impossible.......assumed my top performance is that i can do 5 times in 5 hours.......
(2 hours action... rest for 1 hour.... then 2 hours action again...)

you will definitely s ...

I have a low target for myself as I do not want to call 112.  I am targetting a modest 2 shots for 1st round and 1 shot for 2nd round.   I think it is possible, but may not worth it. I may save the 2nd round for next time and do something else, may be a quickie at FL or a good dinner.

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 08:38 編輯 ]
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-12 22:11     標題: 回復 55# 的帖子

Can't agree any more.  At our age, we are aiming at quality rather than quantity!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-13 08:39

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-12 21:26 發表

Hey Hey Hey ~~~!!

我好好地對 twins 架...

ok...........呢次我就放生你個小秘書, 但己落入蛙蛙行动名冊裡面, 走唔甩架!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-13 08:49

High turnover in hospital... if you miss it... then you might not be able to cheuk her again... just like the best I have tried...she is being privatised after 1 weeks of my first visit...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-13 08:51

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-13 08:49 發表
High turnover in hospital... if you miss it... then you might not be able to cheuk her again... just like the best I have tried...she is being privatised after 1 weeks of my first visit...
Do you think I'll be away from the Hospital for a long time...........?
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-13 09:14

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-13 08:51 發表
Do you think I'll be away from the Hospital for a long time...........?
Of course not, especially after you have been fully squeezed and extracted by YY and DD!!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-13 10:30

today in GDI, sometime next week 去了解英軍... i am wonder you still have energy to go to hospital... haha
作者: Kingcwk    時間: 2008-8-13 17:11

TWIN 雙飛,

作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-14 08:31

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-13 10:30 發表
today in GDI, sometime next week 去了解英軍... i am wonder you still have energy to go to hospital... haha
Why not.............?

But TIME is really a constraint to me. I have to do quite some works after my 2 weeks' leave in my office.
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-14 08:54

I tried!!  but I have to admit that I had ruined the recoomendation of brothers and more importantly, the image of HK men..  I only delivered 1.5 times...  I have to retire.... I will retire for a while..  

The girls
I arrived hospital on time, in fact, 5 min before manager returned from dinner..  I did not waste the 5 min. as I inspected the quality of girls.. Quite good wor.. average quality better than many CA snas.  I loved the OL girls as most of them looked good and slim..     However, since I came all the way for twins, I chit-chated with them while they wree waiting for inspection by other customers.  haha not bad.  

The hosptial
However, it is still a hospital and patients were everywhere and some guys (including me) had to wait for rooms.  Waiters/waitresses screaming here and there..  I almost thought I was at a busy restaurant, and the girls were patrolling with dim sum..  Siu Mai, Ha Kou, Cha Siu Bao, .

The twins
Wa, I have never seen a twins look so alike, let alone a twins working in the service industry!  My saliva was dropping as both of them had good spec, slim, 1.6m, long hair, good figures...  After spending a lot of times distinguishing them (I liked playing the game to find 5 differences between 2 look-alike pictures), I think that I know the tricks.  One of them, I called 麻麻, the skin is a bit rough, but softer in character.. The other is called   辣辣,the skin is smoother, tighter (more muscular) and   辣 in character.   

The process
I reviewed the write-up Jes did on the 1st page of this report, it was written in a Nobel prize standard that I felt I had nothing to add.   There were some funny and good moments..   

when I slept on the water mattress, the 2 girls bent my legs  like a "V" but rotating 90 degree.  Then  麻麻 bj me and 辣辣 licked my ball ball. It was not the 1st time for a 3P game like this but when I looked into their face (they were inches away), it was quite funny..

when I slept on the bed,  麻麻 was being toe-fxxxx by me and  辣辣 was riding me like a wild horse (or the reverse).  I saw  麻麻 going up and  辣辣 going down, like the pistons inside the car engine.  The worse thing wa that they looked so alike and with them separating 1 feet away, I could saw 2 images going up and down on me, and some scary movie like Basic Instinct, Scary Movies, etc came to my mind. I was imagining they were carrying a knife going to snap me..   Why did I have that kind of scary movie feel? I will explain later and it was related to my 1.5 times.
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-14 09:00     標題: 回復 64# 的帖子


You are great...........!

Welcome to become cum brothers again, and I am eager to know your 1.5 times story. Hurry up, man.
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-14 14:27     標題: 回復 64# 的帖子

Why did I have that kind of scary movie feel? I will explain later and it was related to my 1.5 times.
Right after my 1st unloading, before I strolled to the shower room, I noticed that I missed a call...  Oh shit, it was my tiger!   How come she called me since she was supposed to be busy with her friends until 10-11pm? She left a message saying:" where are you? I want to join you... :"   How coudl I decline her offer since I could not ask her to join my 3p with twins, I was already very busy with them already.  Her sound also sounded weird.  shit, did she send someone to follow me or I had been spotted?  Suddenly, the phone rang again.. To my relief, her meeting with friends was cancelled and she asked if I could have dinner with her.  I calmly said "my dear, I could not since I was still busy with work and then I had to have dinner with colleagues. She said OK and talked to you later".  

I was relieved but my mood was affected. I was still worried "is it a trap?" That;s why I had the ghost feeling when I saw the twins in my 2nd round..  Luckily, when I answered the phone, the twins did not scream and said " Honey, we are waiting for you..."..  haha
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-14 14:31

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:27 發表
Why did I have that kind of scary movie feel? I will explain later and it was related to my 1.5 times.
Right after my 1st unloading, before I strolled to the shower room, I noticed tha ...
應該有 "死過番生" 既感覺, 更應全力以赴, 做到盡、 做到好!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-14 14:37

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-14 14:31 發表

應該有 "死過番生" 既感覺, 更應全力以赴, 做到盡、 做到好!
not so serious as 死過番生 but my playing mood was affected. Compared to my last 2+1 at venetian, this mission 性价比 is relatively lower..

How come you sound like Donald Tsang?  Are you one of his highly paid recent hires?

I will also  explore new girls, new playground and new way of playing to express my gratitude to the recommendations given by all brothers here ( and also "食头围" )

I owe you all a big thank

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:40 編輯 ]
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-14 14:39

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:37 發表

not so serious as 死過番生 but my playing mood was affected. Compared to my last 2+1 at venetian, this mission 性价比 is relatively lower..

How come you sound like Donald Tsang?  Are you one of ...
Not exactly.............. but we are of the similar age group (of course, he is much older la!) and that's why we sound alike.
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-14 14:43     標題: 回復 66# 的帖子

Relax, man, the girls there are very pro! They know when to stop screaming and even know when to turn off the TV too!!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-14 14:45

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-14 14:43 發表
Relax, man, the girls there are very pro! They know when to stop screaming and even know when to turn off the TV too!!
you are right.. I am more worried about the service boy knocking on the door and screamed "here come your ice lemon tea" in Mandarin. Then, I am "

May be I coudl still say "How come HK now is invaded with mainland people!!"
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-14 14:48

Have to be off for the appointment with a beautiful dietian now. Ciao, guys!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-14 14:53

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:45 發表
you are right.. I am more worried about the service boy knocking on the door and screamed "here come your ice lemon tea" in Mandarin. Then, I am "

May be I coudl still say "How c ...
You can also be rest assured in this aspect too.  You know, last time I ordered a dish of fried rice.  They didn't knock the door until my girl called and asked.  
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-14 23:38

Wonderful Denny !!!!!!!
It is definitely a grade A research level paper, and you can raise a lot of funds to support your further research in this topic.

I totally agree what you said: "hospital feel"
They look like working in emergency service... and always screaming:
"who this client belong to ? which room no. ?"
"officer chan !!! officer chan !!! your client arrived !!!"
"who this guy is ? coming out from which room ??"

This is their weakness ......
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-14 23:42

Well... very sorry to hear that your tiger phoned to you during your action...

It was happened the same to me... (not during the action... but on my way returning to HK. nearly arrived to the border.....) def lo hear that also...

I was so scared... and not dare to answer the phone !
But def lo was very calm... and doing sign to ask me to answer the phone...
and he will be ready to provide cover for me by saying: where we go for tea ?

But I was so scared... i didn't noticed his sign...
not dare to answer....
and need to wait to pass the border and give her back a call....

same feeling... i totally understand...

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-14 23:45 編輯 ]
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-14 23:55

I believe the mm are very professional....

Let me share an experience with you guys when I was in a sauna in Macau:

I was in a sauna in macau... surrounding by many mm in the rest area...
and we are playing ... eating... and having funs....
I was so happy... and "jar" their ball ball...... jar this ball...and jar another one...
they scream...they yell....
wah.....good ar !!!

suddenly.... my phone ring..... and it is my tiger......!!!!!!!
shit !!!!!!!!!!

at that time... i was obliged to answer.......
and when i press the answer key on my mobile phone ......
all mm become silent.......and don't say a word.........
I noticed that only when i finished and hang up.......i forget to ask them to keep quiet !

they are so so so professional and smart !!!!


I asked 2 of them go into the room... and those i haven't picked... I still give them some tips... and invite them to have dinner in the rest area......

of course... continue to jar their ball....!!!!!

waaahhahahhahahaah !!!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-14 23:59 編輯 ]
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-15 00:03

In my opinion, this place is still a good place, as their mm standard is always above average, and definitely won't disappointed you...

However, the atmosphere is not that friendly... this is a dead lock....
and the rm fees is a little expensive when compare the quality of their rooms....

Anyway... as our brother said... nothing is perfect....
I will still go there and will catch some hot secretary for interview.....
they are really hot and sexy........
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-15 00:06

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-14 14:48 發表
Have to be off for the appointment with a beautiful dietian now. Ciao, guys!
Go to meet the dietian...quick.....!
and ask her how to increase man's performance...

Please post the formula here...
and I believe the post will be the most clicked in this forum...
hahahhahahha !!!

How come froggie now you speak Italian...?
wanna to go to visit Gondola again ???
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-15 00:07

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-14 14:43 發表
Relax, man, the girls there are very pro! They know when to stop screaming and even know when to turn off the TV too!!
def lo... do you have any funny experience like your tiger phone you during action.... ?
作者: mobydick    時間: 2008-8-15 06:03

Really want to know where is the hosipital and twins?   I have to try twins and little secretary for sure.   Please advise the exact location.  Thanks for all your detail exciting reports
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-15 08:47

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-14 23:38 發表
Wonderful Denny !!!!!!!
It is definitely a grade A research level paper, and you can raise a lot of funds to support your further research in this topic.

I totally agree what you said: "hospital feel ...
You have been there so many times and your description is right-on.  I am a shy guy   and prefer somewhere quieter.  

I promise you guys. I will go and try new stuff and report..  with the encouragement from brothers here.  中国 加油。。香港 加油。。。
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-15 08:48

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-15 00:06 發表

Go to meet the dietian...quick.....!
and ask her how to increase man's performance...

Please post the formula here...
and I believe the post will be the most clicked in this forum...
hahah ...
Spider, from the girls' comment on your performance, you are strong enough already and do not need any formula.

But the dietician I visited yesterday was really good looking and gentle. I enjoyed talking with her so much.

My next target will beyour little secretary but not the gondola girls.
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-15 08:54     標題: 回復 75# 的帖子

"I was so scared... and not dare to answer the phone ! "

In fact, I was calm when answering the phone but afterwards, I was scared!  In fact, in another occasion when I was on the 7-van to CA, my tiger called.  I asked the driver to mute the radio and did not talk and there were no other passengers except my friends and I.    I picked up the phone and talked calmly for a whie, and shit, the driver mobile phone rang.. He picked and talked loudly..  Luckily, I was on the 2nd row of seats and I then raised my voice and my friend was smart enough to ask the driver to cut the call..  Wa, that was the critical moment as if tiger heard something speaking mandarin and asked "just another mainland visitor standing next to me".  Luckily (at least I think), it was not spotted.  

pros and cons of picking up calls but I find picking up is better sometimes to avoid further trouble afterwards. We should also train our tigers by intentionally not picking up calls when we could. Then, she is used to this pattern.
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-15 09:05

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-15 00:07 發表

def lo... do you have any funny experience like your tiger phone you during action.... ?
Just like what denny has mentioned, I have done several things to control the situation:-

1. Train my colleagues not to call my mobile unless it is extremely urgent.
2. Train my tiger that sometimes I may not be available for any phone call.
3. Before having operation, I'll build the bridge not by only getting myself available for it but also prepare my tiger that I'm out of office for a long meeting that is not convenient to answer any phone call.
4. Mentally rehearse what I should response just in case somebody really calls my mobile.

Having prepared the above, I must say I'm pretty confident that first nobody is going to call me; and second even if somebody whom I'm not expecting really calls, I could still handle it properly.

So, my advice is, be well prepared and everything will be under your control.
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-15 09:07     標題: 回復 83# 的帖子

I don't have this kind of problem as I tell my tigress that I am fir business during my stay in SZ. Mandarin speaking environment is a norm. But I sometiome become embarrassed when the call arrives during the course of service by the MMs.
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-15 09:12

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-14 23:42 發表
... was so scared... and not dare to answer the phone !
But def lo was very calm... and doing sign to ask me to answer the phone...
and he will be ready to provide cover ...
Well, that's a result of my prior mental rehearsal on what I should respond in such situation, e.g.

1. When you really picked up the phone; I'd say loudly next to you, "Hey spidy, it is our turn on the line, what do you want to order?"  This makes your tiger feel that you're not a/v to talk long, and give you an excuse to hang up the phone.
2. When a guy speaking Putonghua loudly next to you that your tiger may hear of, then you or I could also say loudly, "how come there are so many 自由行to buy Mac, I though they would go for high tea!"

Well, my another but similar advice, be well prepared by mentally rehearsing everything situation that you can think of and how to respond accordingly.

[ 本帖最後由 def_lo 於 2008-8-15 09:15 編輯 ]
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-15 09:14     標題: 回復 85# 的帖子

You know, froggie, we are not in any business with connection in Mainland.  That's why we need to be prepared for contingency!!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-15 09:17

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-15 09:14 發表
You know, froggie, we are not in any business with connection in Mainland.  That's why we need to be prepared for contingency!!
I am a bit lucky as I go to China quite often. However, I go up more than I need (business) and sometimes, I do not want to say "another trip to China" to tigers..  

Anyway, we should always stay calm...  As my friend tells me.. always deny.. never admit..  unless it is caught on bed..
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-15 09:18

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-15 09:14 發表
You know, froggie, we are not in any business with connection in Mainland.  That's why we need to be prepared for contingency!!
Tell her that you have some freelance in Mainland........... and occassionally give her some extra money other than 家用 as profit or bonus. Then you'll be safe.
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-15 09:23

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-15 09:17 發表
..  As my friend tells me.. always deny.. never admit..  unless it is caught on bed..
咦...咁似大丈夫阿九叔嘅對白嘅? 九叔,請接受我地嘅致敬!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-15 09:26

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-15 09:23 發表

咦...咁似大丈夫阿九叔嘅對白嘅? 九叔,請接受我地嘅致敬!
"大丈夫之二" 一定唔可以同隻乸一齐睇..................!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-15 09:26

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-15 09:18 發表

Tell her that you have some freelance in Mainland........... and occassionally give her some extra money other than 家用 as profit or bonus. Then you'll be safe.
Done already la froggie.  I've thought of something even better than your idea.  I've prepared her that my company is now planning to expand the business to Mainland, and hence I may have to represent my company to go for some business meetings.  That gives me chances for occasionally going north, and perhaps ON operation too!!

By doing so, as this is part of my job duties, I don't have to give her anything extra!!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-15 09:28

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-15 09:26 發表

Done already la froggie.  I've thought of something even better than your idea.  I've prepared her that my company is now planning to expand the business to Mainland, and hence I may have to repre ...
其实每人各施各法, 因不同人/情況而異, 但萬變不離其宗!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-15 10:10

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-15 09:26 發表

Done already la froggie.  I've thought of something even better than your idea.  I've prepared her that my company is now planning to expand the business to Mainland, and hence I may have to repre ...
but you have to shield away your colleagues from tiger!  

The more stories you build, the better. A mix of business, sports, leisure activities would confuse tigers and they would not even remember what is what. Of course, you have to remember your own story and have to practise those stuff once in a while (otherwise, your story is weak and hollow).  

Sad enough for those who have tigers who remember everything and check everything (like bills, entry records, etc).  Then, become a 9 gor .   or keep on challenging the authority la...  As a soldier, we will never surrender..  起来,起来,
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-15 10:14     標題: 回復 94# 的帖子


作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-15 10:18     標題: 回復 95# 的帖子

Still I insist giving her some extra bonus is the bst way out, as she will "keep one eye close, one eye open"..............
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-15 11:24

You are good... my tiger never one eye open one eye close...
作者: 麥迪文    時間: 2008-8-15 11:27

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-15 10:14 發表

我和隻乸"暗戰"左三年,for 大丈夫爭返口氣,我唔係想話俾人聽我威!我只係想話俾人聽我們大丈夫唔見左o既野要我們自己囉返!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-15 11:49

原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-8-15 11:27 發表

我和隻乸"暗戰"左三年,for 大丈夫爭返口氣,我唔係想話俾人聽我威!我只係想話俾人聽我們大丈夫唔見左o既野要我們自己囉返!
You are great, Matt Matt.............. but thsi is not applicable for me.
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-15 11:52

原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-8-15 11:27 發表

我和隻乸"暗戰"左三年,for 大丈夫爭返口氣,我唔係想話俾人聽我威!我只係想話俾人聽我們大丈夫唔見左o既野要我們自己囉返!
Do not understand but I guess you have been a good boy for some times and it is the time to be a 大丈夫!! doing what a 大丈夫 should do (eat outside)..

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