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標題: “精” 盟會 – 四大護法 聯手再戰 英軍 @ City A !!!!!! [打印本頁]

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 01:14     標題: “精” 盟會 – 四大護法 聯手再戰 英軍 @ City A !!!!!!

人物: 我蜘蛛俠, 豆腐佬, 老太監, 麥當佬      
再加上蜘蛛俠一名朋友: 大俠西門吹雪為我們掠陣 !

回想當日, 一行五人既決心, 可以話係不能動搖
就算面對一個中心風力超過 150km 既颱風…..可能直接吹襲本港
兄弟們都面無懼色 !!!
再加上我地精密既計算 !!! 一切都似乎盡在我地既掌握之中……

所有野都幾順利, 話咁快就到達集合地點. 不過都等左個司機一陣
終於上車出發 !! 大約三點左右就到達 City A 既英軍會所.

五人浩浩蕩蕩咁步操入英軍陣地見到美女主任已經在大堂列陣相迎 !
哈哈 ~~ 你們好啊 ~~ 很久沒見 !!” 跟住大家一番寒酸
美女主任熱情不減, 還似乎比以前更性感漂亮 !

一行五人隨美女主任參觀一下套房 2 種設計:

一種係一房一廳間房係大房來既 2 張獨立 Queen Size bed…
相信咁樣玩法….一定激到極點 !!!


5 個大男人搞到差些唔夠位坐…….
第一轉女女入來其中一個…. YEE ??? 點解咁熟口面既 ?
原來係我第一次係呢到擇過既淫賤波斯貓…. !!!
(各位如果有睇過以前既 post, 我係同佢係 2 個鐘以內來左 4次半 !!)

佢而家原來返左來重係第二日返工…… 佢重話 sms 左比我
原來我無 check

細佬幫我 make 左個 decision… 我同主任講: 就佢啦… !!!!
呢個時候, 主任安排左我入房先
又係呢個淫賤波斯貓….. 令到我又有一個奇妙旅程 !!

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 01:14

入到房… 雙方都非常熱情… 大家都按捺不住… 互相搶攻…

佢又用到佢既必殺技: 將我個頭質落去佢對波到 …

令到我既細佬立即沖血… 忍唔住未除衣服… 就大家互相抽插…!!

無錯… 係互相抽插……. 佢有時會做主動來進攻…..

可能因為大家這時更熟落… 竟然大車特車起來… !!

如此感覺… 令我極度興奮… 我亦唯有緊守門戶… 希望支持得耐些…

呢個時候做下其他野先… 順便分散下注意力…

慢慢幫佢除清光先… 佢亦都幫我除清光………

我細佬全程都無出過來… 直到大家肉帛相見….

嘩… 果種插住來除既感覺非常刺激…. !!!

結果係大約十分鐘之後… 我就將我既 “精” 兵全部出哂比呢隻波斯貓…

之後既過程我唔再多寫… 我地兩個好溫馨咁… 休息下… 聽下歌仔…

佢又傳左幾張相比我… 我又 send 左幾首歌比佢…

休息完佢又搞番起我… 我又提槍上馬應戰…

呢次我地 total 來左 3Q… 雖然無上次 4Q半 咁多… 但我都非常滿足…!

呢隻波斯貓久休復出… 狀態只有更勝以前… !!

我亦不得不承認有點疲憊… 因為呢幾個月來南征北討…

實在用左我唔少既精力… 睇來我都要休息多一些啦…….

出到來大廳, 同性感美女主任傾下計… 佢亦都非常識做… 拿左個果盤來…

傾左一陣… 兄弟們就出來啦…….!


交番比其他精盟會兄弟 !!!

“精” 盟會夜遊記者, 蜘蛛俠報導 !!!
作者: par3    時間: 2008-8-25 01:52

作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-25 06:33     標題: 回復 2# 的帖子

Good report and great determination to go under the threat!!

I thought it was an interactive 5P exercise.  Any interaction part that you are going to write up?

我亦不得不承認有點疲憊… 因為呢幾個月來南征北討… 實在用左我唔少既精力… 睇來我都要休息多一些
I guess you should. May be taking a rest for a week..  hehe
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-25 08:41

Disappointemnt................! I expect to read a report on "MP  滛亂 + 滛賤大会串"!
作者: alb    時間: 2008-8-25 09:05

乜唔係MP project咩....
作者: alanshearer    時間: 2008-8-25 09:06     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子

thanks for yr very good report.  可入盟嗎?發覺你們這樣很熱鬧

[ 本帖最後由 alanshearer 於 2008-8-25 02:47 編輯 ]
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-25 09:18     標題: 回復 6# 的帖子




[ 本帖最後由 def_lo 於 2008-8-25 09:19 編輯 ]
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-25 10:35

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-25 09:18 發表

話時話,嗰日大家都睇咗5-6轉,攪到主任都碌大隻眼望住我地!細佬自問當日並無遇上一個非上不可的對象,結果選咗一個外表YD嘅對手 ...
Is there any facility suitable for 5MXF over there? Otherwise, we have to go to GDI for the MP game la!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-25 10:55

Def, I am so confident that if you official ask the captain for the service, she will say yes to you...

For me, my overall experience is ok...  but since I haven't had any adventure for quite so time and it has been kinda stress recently... even a pork chop could give me a great pleasure... (of course, I didn't eat a pork chop)

Overall is ok, the only downside is my girl is kinda hairy...

And we all agree 大俠's girl is quite eatable... and if I am gonna be there sometime next week, she must be a pre-book target!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-25 11:00     標題: 回復 10# 的帖子

".......For me, my overall experience is ok...  but since I haven't had any adventure for quite so time and it has been kinda stress recently... even a pork chop could give me a great pleasure..."

点解攪成咁呀..............?!! 真係 "豬扒當上菜, 豬乸变貂蟬"? 好彩我去唔到, 否則浪費一个 quota!

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2008-8-25 11:02 編輯 ]
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-25 11:13

No la... my girl is still eatable ... just a bit hairy... and everything is ok...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-25 11:23

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-25 11:13 發表
No la... my girl is still eatable ... just a bit hairy... and everything is ok...
It would be better to return to Kwong Wah for the little sec la!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-25 11:48

I am thinking the girl ate by 大俠... and I really eat her somehow... but of course... I still miss my sec...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-25 11:52

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-25 11:48 發表
I am thinking the girl ate by 大俠... and I really eat her somehow... but of course... I still miss my sec...
Your sec is SiuDorlina, but not the little sec tried by spidy.
作者: 麥迪文    時間: 2008-8-25 12:07

Thanks 蜘三次郎........ report.

全體安全回塘好 ar!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-25 12:16

Froggie...Yes... I miss my SiuDorlina... and also I wanna verify if I have actually eaten Spider's Sec before... (actually, i have this number in my database)

Matt... yes... we are all back in one piece... didn't affect by the stupid bird... but in fact... we know we are gonna be fine after we have discussion and reviewed the weather forecast in the morning...
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-25 14:21

Eee ~~~原來個個都對蜘蛛仔果個有性趣, 我都係呀....
  講番我當日個囡囡. 其實係第三轉佢一入黎已經注意到佢.
佢個額頭好高既, 少少baby fat..唔高. 不過有囡睇就梗係睇到尾啦.
, 第二轉都未睇完就入房咩. 咪又要等埋我地...
不過d囡真係冇想像中咁得, 又唔係揀唔落, 係冇果種 嘩~嘩嘩~~嘩嘩嘩既feel姊.

吹雪兄起初揀果件好在轉得快, 小喇叭, 又唔係我點你, 你罰企咁係我隔離拓七咩
..比其他囡囡見到唔好嗎, 以為我揀就唔好啦 ...
, 好似寵物咁扒係蜘蛛仔條九前面, 我真係睇到都眼火爆 ..
講番我自己, 原來我揀個係中印mix黎既
, 佢老豆係印度人, 老媽係重慶. 又有D關係wow...重慶咪好多印度佬既.....唔試過你唔知, 佢原來都好淫蕩架 ...
入房關門後就好似蜘蛛仔果條囡咁, 跪係我條九面前唔係咁挑逗我...你老板呀, 我立即反攻為守
此時我地兩個已經戰甲盡去,我地大家車來車往,點知比佢騎住左, 問我想唔想同佢做...
玩野呀啦, 即刻用蜘蛛仔為今次大戰準備既0.003 槍套,直搗黃龍.
進攻佢既中印要塞. 真係估唔到, 佢原來已經濕得非常利害

此時佢使出舌劍攻向我面門, 我只有用我既唇槍抵擋.
係咁你來我往,都唔係辦法. 只好使出呢排好少用既渣波龍抓手,
一擊即中, 但佢反抗依然強烈, 只好用埋我既舌劍,
向佢唔同既要害連連進攻, 只見佢聲聲求饒高潮迭起

但我冇收兵, 而且進注左幾億係佢要塞.

之後大家去浴室再戰, 此話何解, 正當我先自沖身,佢在旁刷牙,
佢又發起水戰, 用水杯向我潑水,我當然用花洒還擊.


已經舉槍準備還擊, 再一次既戰鬥一觸即發.

今次比之前更慘烈, 都冇睇時間,只知全力應戰. 不知大戰多少個回合,
見佢嬌喘連連,而我亦差不多要鳴金收兵. 足之再次進注多幾億維和子孫到佢要塞.

完事後, 大家化敵為友, 互訴心聲,情話綿綿,總之我就鬼話連篇啦
又好似蜘蛛仔咁同囡囡玩電話,我比個小麥既相佢睇, 佢竟然話要我同佢生番個一樣咁得意既...咪玩啦, 我收番你打種費架...

估唔到咁快夠鐘, 電話響起.穿回戰衣. 而我見佢咁得我歡心,今次破例打賞佢100個大洋. 佢竟然比番我. 話唔水打賞,我先唔信佢唔要. 最後出來既又係細佬.

真係唔好意思, 又要幾個brother等.

蛙蛙, 你走寶啦...最多我同你去多次.
果度有間房有兩張大牀, 好很正, 不過見冇兄弟出聲.

其他 Brother 既又戰況又如何呢?

[ 本帖最後由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-8-25 14:31 編輯 ]
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 22:18

原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-8-25 12:07 發表
Thanks 蜘三次郎........ report.

全體安全回塘好 ar!
matt matt !!!!!!
Salute ~~~~~~~~~!!

作客你個主場 ~~~!!!

聽講有個地方有 1200 既女模....
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 22:20

作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 22:20

豆腐佬呢 ?
今日成日都無咩見到佢 online,,,,,!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-25 22:22 編輯 ]
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-25 22:24

XXX, dead busy today!! just have chance to write a brief note!! You idiot, 6 shots in 3 days, still thinking of another operation!!
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 22:25

代大俠西門吹雪向各位問好 !!!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-25 22:26

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-25 10:35 發表

Is there any facility suitable for 5MXF over there? Otherwise, we have to go to GDI for the MP game la!
Spidy already said that there's a room with two beds adjacent to each other!! Other than GDI, you can still consider France for your MP!!
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 22:28


死啦......我而家好多 target.........!!!!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-25 22:38     標題: 回復 25# 的帖子

DLM, I've said so many times that there are still a lot of trees in the forest.  Open your eyes and you should have a lot more choices!!
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-25 23:40

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-25 22:38 發表
DLM, I've said so many times that there are still a lot of trees in the forest.  Open your eyes and you should have a lot more choices!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-26 08:46

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-25 22:28 發表

死啦......我而家好多 target.........!!!!
你咁鬼多 targets, 不如將 little sec 掛牌轉会啦!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-26 08:59

Transfer to Froggie lor... but may be after Froggie's action... little sec will request the transfer by himself... she might prefer quality not quantity... haha
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-26 09:01

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-26 08:59 發表
Transfer to Froggie lor... but may be after Froggie's action... little sec will request the transfer by himself... she might prefer quality not quantity... haha
How comes you have such an idea...............?
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-26 20:08

小秘書轉會費: 5000 萬 !!!

比"一張 5000 萬"就夠啦....
你比廣華醫院既相熟醫生啦 !

哈哈哈哈哈 !!!!!!!!!!
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-26 20:09

佢實搵幾隻女彊屍比你 !!!
蛙蛙..... 你要唔要呀 ?
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-27 00:07     標題: A quick report on Gondola

After reading all these reports, I need to extinguish my fire.   Since I have to return home early, I arrived Gondola at 230pm sharp..  Mgr Chen smiled at me and asked, which type of girls did you want to see?    Since I had not seen any 900 car model, I asked her to bring some..  

My brain was filled with pictures of those sauna girls/K. girls wearing those racing model uniform at the Macau Grand Prix, with boobs popping out from the zip..  I was dreaming to pull down the zip to...  Ms. Chen woke me up and said, "how are they?"..  Wa, my eyes popped out..  Do you want to charge me 900 for these girls?  I could not believe..   One is flatter than me and another has strange orientation of mouth, eyes and ear..    i said " you are fired" like Donald Trump.   

here came the 600 ones.  OK, this round was better and I had 2 targets. I asked to retain one...  Our dear manager wanted me to make up my mind...  Hey. I only saw 2 rounds..  and I enjoyed the selection mroe than anything. I asked her to bring in some more 6/5/4..   Another round of 6 wwere disappointing..  No 5, and here came the 4...   Oh shit, in front of me were 4 chubby, old and short girls...  They are at most 5/10 overall.   OK, I said to Ms. Chen ,let's bring my honey back..  The overall quality dropped quite sonsiderably..  

My girl was from Anhui, 1.75m (with high heels) , cool, face 7.5-8/10, slim with 34B mimi.  Her skin was not very smooth and dark, but this was the darkness I liked.   She was quite cool and we walked to the shower room.   Her bj in shower and service was one of the worst, very Kau kei..   Is it the rule that if the girl looks good, her serice is so-so?   I asked her to stop..  Let's make love lor..  She gladly accepted.  

She started off with some service at the back. Her service got a bit better...  When I saw her kneeling down with her long legs in front of me, blowing my little bro,  I thought the 600 was paid to view this wonderful creature, but not on service.    Her bj was good though ,slow and not mechanical.   After a while, she seemed getting warm-up and she became more talkative and smiled/laughed when I made jokes.   In fact, she had not stopped bj me (for 10 min) and I had to ask her to stop.   My body condition was bad these days and I knew that I could make at most 1.5 shots or just happy with onegood shot.  I pulled out my Durex super thin (ultima), and popped, she was in.   She started to ride and she was definitely not a good rider.  I started to climb up my upper body and held her tight, with us moving to the end of the bed.  Hmm,  she started to react strongly, step by step,  and held me tight with legs stretchng here and there (she was sitting on me, I was sitting on the edge of the bed)..  She seemed to  enjoy and started to switch on her low moarning souond. I liked that.  Bcos of her long legs, I asked her to go doggie, with her hands on the wash basin, facing the mirror, her long legs were perfect.   However, the process was not very smooth as I found her love hole a bit downwards, making me very hard to penetrate. I had to kneel down a bit in order to get in and out. This in/out movement was so tiring..  I gave up.   

I brought her back to hte bed, and with some wilderness, I threw her to the bed, pretending to rape her.   Her facial experession was good, like the girl-next-door, fearful look.   I quickley entered her, playing around her 42" legs, holding up, going in sideways, etc.   Changing so many positions, I could not hold any longer and release my 1st and the only one shot this time.   

We then chit=chated and  I tried to get my 2nd load on the water bed (yes, we skipped that in the beginning) but failed.   Never mind, I was prepared to leave.

She is not the service type, quite cool but her height, figure and love-making reaction/attitude is worth it..  I still remembered the scene when I saw her blowing me.. it was amazing.  I shoud have learnt from par 3 gor how he took all those great pictures...
作者: 7-siu    時間: 2008-8-27 00:44     標題: 回復 33# 的帖子

I envy you guys can turn a may-be disaster to a fun ending.
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-27 08:43

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-26 20:08 發表
小秘書轉會費: 5000 萬 !!!

比"一張 5000 萬"就夠啦....
你比廣華醫院既相熟醫生啦 !

哈哈哈哈哈 !!!!!!!!!!
5000万咁抵玩...............? 我俾親都係亿亿声架!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-27 09:44

I gave The Mgr a 10 billion note from Bank of Hell and told her it is from Spiderman... Then I am sure The Mgr will only bring you the MM from Hell too...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-27 09:53

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-27 09:44 發表
I gave The Mgr a 10 billion note from Bank of Hell and told her it is from Spiderman... Then I am sure The Mgr will only bring you the MM from Hell too...
I think Ah Yee is more familiar with you than with spidy bor.............. Will you do that to her?
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-27 12:27

Of course not... I still want to get some special reserve somtimes... and I don't want to have any MM from hell...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-27 16:52     標題: 回復 38# 的帖子

If the MM is from hell, she may be 鬼咁靚、 鬼咁 YD.............!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-27 17:40

no lah... i didn't have any hidden meaning on it... when I said the MM is from Hell... she is 鬼咁恐怖, 鬼咁核突, 鬼咁想嘔...
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-28 11:30

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-27 17:40 發表
no lah... i didn't have any hidden meaning on it... when I said the MM is from Hell... she is 鬼咁恐怖, 鬼咁核突, 鬼咁想嘔...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-28 11:34

I just want to give little sec a wonderful time............. and that's it! It is my schedule in the near future.
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-28 11:43

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-28 11:34 發表
I just want to give little sec a wonderful time............. and that's it! It is my schedule in the near future.
Yr schedule delay many times...蜘蛛仔好可能 先過你去搵 little sec again...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-28 11:47

原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-8-28 11:43 發表

Yr schedule delay many times...蜘蛛仔好可能 先過你去搵 little sec again...
No problem la.............. she is HIS little sec in the first place! Besides, we are good cum brothers. I won't mind letting other JM brothers try earlier than me.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-28 14:50

You schedule should speed up a bit... time is limited.. but beauty is unlimited
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-28 15:03

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-28 14:50 發表
You schedule should speed up a bit... time is limited.. but beauty is unlimited
Totally agreed. And your sperm are limited also.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-28 15:50

His sperm might really limited... but I guess spiderman will use out faster than we do... and mac_don_lo.,. you will use out just a bit later than spiderman if you follow his path... haha
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-28 20:11

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-28 15:50 發表
His sperm might really limited... but I guess spiderman will use out faster than we do... and mac_don_lo.,. you will use out just a bit later than spiderman if you follow his path... haha
比你遇到咁熱情如火既EastNorth麗,還忍得住嗎. 好在我當日理智還在. 差D比佢真軍老強. 足之試到EastNorth囡. 真係好野來.本來重有家課要做, 不過太累了.......唔洗詐, 即瞓著.
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-29 00:48

why Gondola always bad service...?
i have been there and the experience is just so so...

but def lo has a good experience there...
it is really by luck......
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-29 00:50

4, 50 年之後我唔知...
但我肯定 而家仲有心有力 !!!

各位兄弟 !
睇住我星期日出 report 啦 !!!!
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-29 01:03

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-27 12:27 發表
Of course not... I still want to get some special reserve somtimes... and I don't want to have any MM from hell...
your honey ar yee has been corrupted by me....

she will bring you the most pork chop mm in CP......
I have reserved this pork chop for you....!!

she will bear the no. of the little sec......wearing OL uniform.....
and when you reserve her over the phone...
once you arrived there....she will bring the pork chop to you....
and immediately close the door !!!!!!!!!

hahahahahhahhahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-29 01:05 編輯 ]
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-29 07:20     標題: 回復 49# 的帖子

My last experience in Gondola was great but that's already 1-2 months ago.  Although I've said I'm going to be dead busy, chance suddenly pops up.  Hahahahaha, go go go for steal jump soon!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 08:41

原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-8-28 20:11 發表

比你遇到咁熱情如火既EastNorth麗,還忍得住嗎. 好在我當日理智還在. 差D比佢真軍老強. 足之試到EastNorth囡. 真係好野來.本來重有家課要做, 不過太累了.......唔洗詐, 即瞓著.
Which NE beauty are you talking about...........? The one in YD or TV?
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-29 08:54

Haha... spiderman is just like his movie.. suffering mental disoriented... he need to consult doctor asap... haha
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 08:57

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-29 08:54 發表
Haha... spiderman is just like his movie.. suffering mental disoriented... he need to consult doctor asap... haha
He lives in his own fantasy.............. if waht he said is true, then I might be the first one who suffers from his conspiracy as I'll go for little sec very soon.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-29 09:02

You wanna trust me or trust me about the arrangement from Ah Yee?... haha...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 10:04

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-29 09:02 發表
You wanna trust me or trust me about the arrangement from Ah Yee?... haha...
I trsut all JM brothers............. but of course, you are the one who is more trust-worthy!
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-29 11:10

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-29 08:41 發表

Which NE beauty are you talking about...........? The one in YD or TV?
好耐都冇去過既港樂. 不過伙未必岩你, 佢唔多識Service. 只會ML, 好岩我同蜘蛛仔.
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 11:31

原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-8-29 11:10 發表

好耐都冇去過既港樂. 不過伙未必岩你, 佢唔多識Service. 只會ML, 好岩我同蜘蛛仔.
我係一隻雜食的蛙 ---- service 和 ML 其中一項都滿足到我, 不過先決条件要樣靚身裁正!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-29 11:32

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-29 10:04 發表
I trsut all JM brothers............. but of course, you are the one who is more trust-worthy!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 11:38

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-29 11:32 發表

若果豆腐佬和老太監有不同意見, 老太監佔優!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-29 11:43

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-29 11:38 發表

若果豆腐佬和老太監有不同意見, 老太監佔優!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 11:58

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-29 11:43 發表

and you are still my good cum brothers, though a bit less informative than Retav with respect to SNs in SZ and P City..............
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-29 12:23

Why put me on the table... i just share those i know...

Today is my tiger day... leave afternoon...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 15:37

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-29 12:23 發表
Why put me on the table... i just share those i know...

Today is my tiger day... leave afternoon...
Feed your tiger well so that she won't roar at you for not accompanying her often.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-29 16:01

no la... sometimes she is a cat... but most of the time she is a tiger - very sensitive on everything...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 16:07

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-29 16:01 發表
no la... sometimes she is a cat... but most of the time she is a tiger - very sensitive on everything...
All teh tigress are the same.............. that's why we have to be at a high alert level all the time.
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-8-29 16:27

Really got to go lah... today is my tiger's day... don't want to be late on her day...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-8-29 16:29

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-29 16:27 發表
Really got to go lah... today is my tiger's day... don't want to be late on her day...
Ciao.............. let's chat early next week on how to cheuk the little sec.
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-29 18:05

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-29 11:58 發表

and you are still my good cum brothers, though a bit less informative than Retav with respect to SNs in SZ and P City..............
But I can provide you with more information on City A.  I'll give you more after Monday!!
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-29 20:59

The revenge of def lo:

Miracle in City A !!!!!!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-8-29 23:42

原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-29 20:59 發表
The revenge of def lo:

Miracle in City A !!!!!!
小喇叭,making love machine in DG!!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-30 23:53

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-29 18:05 發表

But I can provide you with more information on City A.  I'll give you more after Monday!!
Haha, my friends and I have tried the MP project at 英商!  We took the room with 1 living room and 1 bedroom. The bedroom was huge with 2 beds and the shower room is huge as well with 2 showers...  Our MP is so exciting that we are all sextisfied...  The girls are all eager to serve us and are not shy and playful.  We spent a lot of time watching each other than doing our own jobs and we all agreed that we enjoyed watching the others' on action as there are 4-jai movie around you, with different stage of ML or BJ or service.     

The problem is that we have to queue for everythng, the bed, the showers, etc.   

not convenient to write a report at home.... In fact, my office's latest version of screening also prevents me from logging on to Timway. Damn it!  any change to get thru it??
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-31 11:40

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-30 23:53 發表

Haha, my friends and I have tried the MP project at 英商!  We took the room with 1 living room and 1 bedroom. The bedroom was huge with 2 beds and the shower room is huge as well with 2 showers... ...
用大眾化既無限GRPS嗎, 128月費. 將你自己個電話接上電腦 (手提更佳). 咁你就Anywhere can browse any web. 小小慢,但可接收.
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-8-31 11:51

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-30 23:53 發表

Haha, my friends and I have tried the MP project at 英商!  We took the room with 1 living room and 1 bedroom. The bedroom was huge with 2 beds and the shower room is huge as well with 2 showers... ...
Denny兄, 你唔係去完返來出report呀嗎, 如果係, 中午可能大家都係同一楝building做緊同一樣野. 我就失策啦, 早一晚做家課. 以致不能盡興, 面對一個好對手都發揮不佳. 下次又要學豆腐佬 "City A revenge".  

豆腐佬, 比哂料你架啦, 睇下你幫唔幫我報牛啦.....

下個星期我要掛免戰牌先. 因為我又有一個計劃..........同老太監個plan 有小小似. 不過我要先回一回氣...
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-31 17:03     標題: 回復 75# 的帖子

Denny兄, 你唔係去完返來出report呀嗎, 如果係, 中午可能大家都係同一楝building做緊同一樣野.

Yes, this is my report but not on Sat.   We did it a few days ago la...  So, my friend and you are cum brother..haha
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-8-31 17:22     標題: 回復 73# 的帖子

a bit more details about our MP project..

Four of us arrived just around the shift time. the overall quality was ok to good, and of course, some pork chops.  However, while these pork chops were regarded as poison to us, we saw 1 of them went in the room next door and got selected...  The pork chops are similar to those in GDI..

In fact, some of the 600 are good-looking and tall, but since we are on MP project, we decided to pick those naughty ones rather than models since models usualyl were less open and less service oriented. After seeing N rounds ( infact, we had seen all girls 2 times sinec we could not get 4 girls in the 1 time. Mami, our beautiful mami, still kept smiling and her attitude was excellent.  Finally, all set and we got all Hunan girls to ensure that they are speaking the same language.

hte problem with this Room 888 was that there were 1 living rom with sofa and 1 huge room with 2 beds (enough space to put 3 beds) and 1 huge shower room with 2 showers..  This area  is big enough to put 4 shower heads.  We decided to have a mass shower session with 4 girls and 4 men washing, drawing water, duirng the first 5 min. Then, all girls came down to our didi to do a quick job..  As someone has pointed out before, they had offered the massage service duiring shower time and quickjly, all 4 girls were BMing us at a line. The scene of watching others was erotic.  Our horny level was up to 90/100, but we all knew some more exciting stuff was waiting..  

We then moved on the bed, since ther eare only 2 beds and 4 pairs, we decided to make use of hte living room (1 pair making it at sofa) and shower room..  So, all 4 pairs were having the 1st round. I was unlucky to be in the living room but I could hear clearly 3 different ladies voices sreaming for help . That was wonderful nd better than France and GDI since those rooms are separted.  

My girl worked very hard with me and since we did it on a sofa, the usual posture would be she rode on me.  Before that, I sat on the sofa with her comng down to me. the posture was so erotic that I imagined she was my little secretary and doing bj on me!  She was hardrorking, and quickly made me delviered the 1st round.   As close friends, we finished at similar timeframe and we again had to queue for showers, which was qite disappointing.   

Then, it was the service time and they also cut out some not-so-enjoying steps nd introduced mroe bj related, which i liked.  This time, all 4 pairs did the serviec part on the 2 beds and you could imagine (may be not since I had never imagined a scene like this) you were watching 3 others doing different services..  In fact, I lost concentration on my own girl since the scene of others was mroe exciting.   Since we had 2 paris on each bed, the close-up view of the girl bj the man and her love hole revealling inches away from you were all amazing.

We soon moved on to the ML part and each of us was more concentrated on our work since w ecould easily lose our attention adn hardness (we are not young man like jesperman).  Again, our body conditions wer similar adn we al let go our load at similar time.   The voice of 4 girls screaming, moarning, enjoying (they all acted well) should hv been recorded and used as a ringtone!!  I will selll it for 50 dollar!!  

The game was completed and i am sure that this scene was one to remember when we get too old to ML...  May be it is a mental viagra to us..
作者: jetspermman    時間: 2008-8-31 22:47


英軍正式投降 !!!!!!
屠城三日 !!!!!!!
嘩哈哈哈哈 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
作者: def_lo    時間: 2008-9-1 00:09     標題: 回復 75# 的帖子

Hey mac_don_lo, so many choices, so little time and only one jer! My target is City A but still haven't decided if I should go for pioneering a new place or pioneering a new girl in same old place!!!
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-1 08:43     標題: 回復 77# 的帖子

This is the MP game I have been longing for................  and Denny is my idol now!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-1 08:49

Just come back from office with a lot of bad news...

Many things need to postpone... less fun for the next 3 months... dam...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-1 08:53

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-1 08:49 發表
Just come back from office with a lot of bad news...

Many things need to postpone... less fun for the next 3 months... dam...
What about our plan this week.................? Any change?
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-1 09:36

A bit change... I pm you la...
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-9-1 09:58

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-31 17:22 發表
a bit more details about our MP project..

Four of us arrived just around the shift time. the overall quality was ok to good, and of course, some pork chops.  However, while these pork chops were re ...
好精彩~ 我又要MP, 我要Revenge....我又要睇返夠本........
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-1 10:07

I just want to close my eyes.. and enoy the 5.1 surround sound... haha
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-1 10:11

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-1 10:07 發表
I just want to close my eyes.. and enoy the 5.1 surround sound... haha
I will try my best and not to miss the 5.1 surround sound next time!
作者: mac_don_lo    時間: 2008-9-1 10:16

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-1 10:07 發表
I just want to close my eyes.. and enoy the 5.1 surround sound... haha
千其唔好close your eyes, 你會錯過左好多視覺既享受...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-1 10:22

原帖由 mac_don_lo 於 2008-9-1 10:16 發表

千其唔好close your eyes, 你會錯過左好多視覺既享受...
Right........... we should open our eyes and eyes wide for optimization of AV effects!
作者: denny2000    時間: 2008-9-1 21:29

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-9-1 08:43 發表
This is the MP game I have been longing for................  and Denny is my idol now!
no need to have me as idol. you could do it!!

作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-2 08:46

原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-9-1 21:29 發表

no need to have me as idol. you could do it!!

咁開心嘅经歷, 唔係時時有,亦唔係个个得........... 丹尼兄唔駛咁謙啦!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-2 08:50

Yes... we could always find good MM to fk... we could always find good place to enjoy... but we could not always find a nice moment...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-2 09:06

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-2 08:50 發表
Yes... we could always find good MM to fk... we could always find good place to enjoy... but we could not always find a nice moment...
...........especially for an old man like me, though there are good MMs, good places and so on, but sometimes the problem will be "physically unfit"!
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-2 10:11

That's why... we are not spiderman... we are more target to quality instead of quantity... but I could change to quantity oriented if I could find a super excellent partner... haha
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-2 10:49

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-2 10:11 發表
That's why... we are not spiderman... we are more target to quality instead of quantity... but I could change to quantity oriented if I could find a super excellent partner... haha
Except your empress, have you fonf any superioe excellent partner so far?
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-2 11:24

Of course la... that's why i said so... those moment are so memorable...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-2 13:58

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-2 11:24 發表
Of course la... that's why i said so... those moment are so memorable...
in the Hpspital..........? Where about?
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-2 14:45

Only one memorable is from SN in Macau... all other memorable experience are from K
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-2 14:58

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-2 14:45 發表
Only one memorable is from SN in Macau... all other memorable experience are from K
that is to say, you are talking about history...............
作者: Retav    時間: 2008-9-2 15:38

of course lah... after I am in the palace.. i didn't have any ongoing connection with any MM lah...
作者: icheng609    時間: 2008-9-2 16:18

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-9-2 15:38 發表
of course lah... after I am in the palace.. i didn't have any ongoing connection with any MM lah...
I am lucky than you ---- the TWINs I fked worth my remembrance!

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